Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Pinky In Pinky Myspace Relationship Counter

Machete do not text. Machete improvises

Tolta l’eccezione Sin City , nel cui soggetto peraltro non c’era nulla di suo, da queste parti Rodriguez non è mai stato apprezzato come autore. Poi però un giorno ha messo un finto trailer in uno dei suoi filmacci e da lì, per nostra fortuna, è nato Machete . In sostanza l’idea del film è questa: si prende come protagonista Danny Trejo, un messicano fatto di capelli e corteccia, e gli si dà un buon motivo per vendicarsi di uno Steven Seagal talmente sovrappeso che nel duello finale ha il fiatone dopo ogni fendente. Per rendere più intrigante la cosa si aggiungono un po’ dei soliti cattivi idioti, più De Niro e Don Johnson – dico, Don Johnson - who enjoy doing the slimy bastards. Then, since the whole is not manly enough, it also throws in a waving pussies mica laugh: Lindsay Lohan, who more or less plays herself in real life, Jessica Alba can not act decently here, but who cares, and Michelle Rodriguez, who reigns no need to explain why . All in a delirious crescendo of absurd terronaggine free and that at the end you're happy because it was just what you wanted.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

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Press release on the meeting of February 9 February 9

by Corriere della Sera on February 10

The resistance of all Italians

The presentation books and Avagliano Cazzullo Aldo Palmieri, "There 's future if memory is mistreated "

rarely book presentations are so intense, real, full of testimonials. So it was last night for the debate that saw the protagonists of the book Aldo Cazzullo 'Viva' s Italy. Renaissance and resistance: why we should be proud of our nation "(Knopf) and that of Mario and Marco Palmieri Avagliano" The Jews under persecution in Italy. Diaries and Letters 1938-1945 "(Einaudi). Two books and an exceptional location: the House of Memory and History. With the authors, have taken Massimo Rendina and Walter Veltroni. "The book of Cazzullo - says Massimo Rendina, President of 'Association of partisans' Italy in the Province of Rome - is something of a Renaissance fresco, which combines with the War of Liberation, where you'll find stories, characters and many things unknown." 'S meeting, interrupted by readings of Claudio Bigagli, was moderated by Cesare Pinelli: "These two books mark a watershed: it can not be mistreated if you look at the future of the historical memory."
Books, adds Veltroni, who remember "something unpleasant: errors of Italians. " "If you lose the sense of its history - continued Veltroni - you end up with the 'desire to be free of the future. A mind that has no memory of the story lends itself to other disasters. And you get to say that it takes less to educate a dog than a child rom, you get to denigrate the Resistance. " In the book of
Cazzullo is clear that the resistance is "the heritage of 'entire nation': 'It was done by the military - said Aldo Cazzullo - by priests, soldiers, aristocrats and even by the Communists." The two authors
reversed course: "I like our books and to Cazzullo - said Mario Avagliano - return to sources and are seen as revisionists. The construction of an Italy that good because of the bad German has become an accomplice to the persecution is wrong and they say the documents, letters, stories that we collected in our test. "
Cazzullo concludes: "We Italians have a tendency to self-absolve us to fascism, but also tend to self-denigration. L 'Italy, even in the darkest moments, has always been one." No, therefore, the rhetoric of Bel Paese. And yes to a 'hypothesis: that Italians are intimately linked to' Italy more than they care to admit.
Simona De Santis, page 16 (February 10, 2011) - Corriere della Sera

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

How To Age Haigs Dimple

When the bad with the gun meets the blonde with the gun ...

But who cares the hackneyed story of personal revenge and revised and predictable script: The quick and the dead is a stupid and fracassone bandwagon, but with a great value: it's fun. It is important to know that there is a great bad guy, then that is who plays Gene Hackman Gene Hackman who plays the villain of the moment, that he will die only after a series of sinister and grotesque the bandits will have preceded it. Then there is that does the blowhard DiCaprio, Crowe is a former criminal who converted her to death but he would not, in short, when you need us and want, instead of the usual unnamed gunslinger, here's Sharon Stone. Mind you, Sharon is only there because her pussy and embarrassing when trying to play is to thank the gods that his is a character of few words, but overall there is. In a nutshell the Raimi film, more than a western is a caricature of a Western, but basically we like the good old Sam because he is a Gascon who do not seize too seriously and knows how to entertain.