Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I Lost The Webcam To My Gateway

The Left today is Conservation

Non ho vissuto il Novecento, se non di passaggio, ma l’idea che ho di Sinistra è quella di un tentativo di creare una società migliore. Credere nel progresso sociale, economico e culturale. Proiettarsi nel futuro, non avere paura del futuro.

Oggi si è tutto rovesciato e la crisi della Sinistra europea è in gran parte dovuta alla mancanza di una nuova visione. E’ una reazione, ossia una conservazione, di fronte ad una globalizzazione in gran parte (ma non esclusivamente) figlia del pensiero neoliberale di destra. And so the vision of the future was left in the hands of Neodestra. The idea has Neodestra dichotomous society. Policies attractive to those who already have wealth or success, feeding inequality and impoverish the lower middle class. At the same time, the Neodestra responds to the fears of the new poor with demagogy, repeating an increasingly vicious spiral, irresponsible, because it absolutely turned to the short term, ie the re-election politics, but not to solve problems.

I do not know what should be the new driving force of the European Left. In European countries where social democracy has been more successful (Germany, Holland, Scandinavia, France) Neodestra you are in the appropriate part of the social gains brought by the Left. He wants reform, but not upset. Have become part of a common heritage that goes beyond political divisions. This makes it more difficult for the Left, the search for an authentic message, a clear identity, alternative and disruptive.

Italy, historic home of fascism, is now at the forefront of experimentation Neodestra. The Berlusconi then incorporates the anarchist and short-sighted indifference Italic key ingredient for the understanding of 15 years of history thrown in the toilet.

the Italian left, skidding more than ever, first of all suffer from the evils affecting the other left. Second, the very fact that Italy is a strange country, "where there is so much to do," has the advantage that it can still be "new" without facing a long and complex journey to find a new purpose .

There are so many revolutions that other countries have already experienced and that our Left has yet to win. Revolutions are quiet, practical, for this very attractive to this large number of citizens, tired of demagoguery and "fences of the '900."

In Italy, justice is not swift, the guarantor suffocating crushes trust in institutions, the disillusionment feeds and fuel to the flames of demagoguery on the right. In Italy, 40% of the population lives in lands dominated by organized crime. In Italy, the labor market is feeble, creates some uncertainty, discourages productivity for others, especially in the public sector. In Italy, universities are no longer in step with the rest of the world, research is not rewarded, the private is discouraged. In Italy, women's employment is in fact discouraged, as well as maternity. In Italy, the concepts of "alternative energy" or "global warming" have the same resonance of "platypus". In Italy, etc etc.

The Italian Left could still be new, can still win, you need only keep our feet on the ground, speak to people's heads. The messages are there, they just need to be educated. They serve only the new men of the Left.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Rotator Cuff And Orange Juice

Monday's Chess Puzzle #20

Move to white.