Tuesday, September 30, 2008

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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

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Bilbao 2008: Carlsen in command!

Photo Nadja Woisin, ChessBase.

Magnus Apparently not content to have defeated Levon Aronian with blacks ... has had to make the point even with the whites! With this brilliant victory, Magnus goes to the command in the standings, a point of distancing Veselin Topalov has compacted his match with Radjabov after 73 moves. Nothing to say about Ivanchuk - Anand, a draw quite quickly in just 32 moves. Here are the pairings of the seventh turno:

Magnus Carlsen - Vassily Ivanchuk Commenta il GM Dimitrov
Levon Aronian - Veselin Topalov
Teimour Radjabov - Vishy Anand

Diretta (a partire dalle 17:00).

Monday, September 8, 2008

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Bilbao 2008: Again, all flaps

Non cambia la classifica dopo le tre patte del quinto turno.

Veselin Topalov
Magnus Carlsen
Levon Aronian
Vishy Anand
Teimur Radjabov
Vassily Ivanchuk

I apologize for the absence of the report "tencici" but this time I have a lot of things to do and I can not follow the event as I want. I will try to publish one that sums up the best moments of Toreno soon as possible. Today begins the first round of the "second round". We see the pairings Vassily Ivanchuk

- Vishy Anand Veselin Topalov
- Teimour Radjabov
Magnus Carlsen - Levon Aronian Comment GM Dimitrov.

All matches can be followed live from 17:00 clicking here .

Saturday, September 6, 2008

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Bilbao 2008: Topalov again!

Anand who left after only 25 moves do not happen every day ... Topalov, thus maintaining the top of the standings with 8 points, 3 more Carlsen beats Radjabov gaining important points, while Aronian able to return to the podium thanks to the 3 points earned following his victory over Chuky. After 4 rounds, the situation is as follows:
Vassily Ivanchuk
Player games wins draws losses points
Veselin Topalov 4 2 2 0 8
Magnus Carlsen 4 2 1 1 7
Levon Aronian 4 1 2 1 5
Vishy Anand 4 0 3 1 3
Teimur Radjabov 4 0 3 1 3
4 0 3 1 3
Even today most beautiful meeting all expected to be followed directly by clicking here .

Vassily Ivanchuk - Veselin Topalov
Vishy Anand - Carlsen Magnus commented by GM Dimitrov
Teimour Radjabov - Aronian Levon

you tomorrow for highlights of the tournament!

Friday, September 5, 2008

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Bilbao 2008: Topalov moves ahead!

Photo of Nadja Woisin, ChessBase.

The erroraccio of Carlsen 21.Cd2 allows Topalov to win a pawn and eventually win the game, going ahead in the tournament with 5 points! The other two matches ended in a draw. A half hour of the beginning of the fourth round of the ranking is as follows: V. Topalov 5 points, M. 4 points Carlsen, V. Anand 3 points, V. Ivanchuk 3 points, T. Radjabov and Aronian again last 3 points to 2 points. The fourth-round pairings are as follows:

L. Aronian - V. Ivanchuk
M. Carlsen - T. Radjabov commented by GM Dimitrov
V. Topalov - V. Anand

You can follow all the games live by clicking here .

Thursday, September 4, 2008

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Bilbao 2008: Results of second round matches and the third

Un Carlsen concentrato durante la sua partita contro Aronian (foto di Nadja Woisin, Chessbase)

Non ci sono da segnalare particolari capovolgimenti in classifica: Magnus conduce sempre con due punti di vantaggio dai secondi, mentre Aronian è terzo a 1 punto. Tutte le partite sono finite in parità. Potete rileggere il commento della Chuky - Carlsen a cura del GM Vladimir Dimitrov cliccando qui . Per quanto riguarda i report, faremo il punto della situazione domani sera al termine del terzo turno. Inutile dire che se volete contribuire in qualche modo ai contenuti per quanto riguarda il torneo di Bilbao... io sono qui!

Meanwhile here's tomorrow's pairings:

T. Radjabov - V. Ivanchuk
L. Aronian - V. Anand M.
Carlsen - V. Topalov commented by GM Dimitrov

You can follow all the matches live from 17.00 Italian time, by clicking here .

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

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Bilbao 2008: Carlsen beats Aronian

The first day of this category XXII (average 2775.6 elo!) Closed with just two draws and exciting victory of the Carlsen against Aronian in a final Women + Torre reached proprio da quest'ultimo sacrificando un pedone. Il giovane talento norvegese è quindi in testa alla classifica con 3 punti. Seguono Radjabov, Ivanchuk, Topalov e Anand ad 1 punto, chiude Aronian a 0. Report completo a seguire.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

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Bilbao 2008: Latest info and combinations of the first round

Dopo la cerimonia di apertura di ieri, eccoci giunti alla prima giornata del torneone di Bilbao. Sei super GM di primo piano si daranno battaglia in quel di Plaza Nueva dal 2 al 13 settembre. Per la prima volta un torneo di così grande livello si disputerà all'aperto, nel già sperimentato "acquario" voluto da Silvio Dainalov a Sofia. Novità assoluta per un supertorneo è il sistema di punteggio, ripreso by calcium, with the intention to discourage draws fast: as many as 3 points for a win, 1 for a draw and 0 for a loss. But let's first-round pairings:

V. Anand - V. Ivanchuk
T. Radjabov - V. Topalov
L. Aronian - M. Carlsen Comment on GM Dimitrov

You can follow all the games live by clicking here . The start is scheduled for 17.00. Have fun!