Saturday, August 22, 2009 #554 You Are Sending Spam

Flowers 4 MS Project to raise funds and awareness for Multiple Sclerosis Multiple Sclerosis

This video and the words that accompany it are from the youtube channel of angelusa73 / angelusa73 the bold and pugnacious founder of the project flowers 4 ms in order to help as much as possible the research on amyotrophic multipla. Tutti i dettagli sul progetto e importanti notizie sulla malattia sono presenti sul sito di Angela al seguente indirizzo (anche in lingua italiana):
This video presentation talks about the project that I called "Flowers 4 MS" and that I created during one of my worst relapses in September of 2007 and that I use to raise funds and awareness for Multiple Sclerosis.

I chose flowers to rapresent this disease because I view them as a symbol of hope, beauty and life and I feel they are the perfect representation of my dream, which is finding a cure for Multiple Sclerosis and for all the rare neurological diseases that are so similar to it.
Flowers bring joy and beauty in very simple, but wonderful ways and they speak to everyones hearts through their beauty.
I wanted to use something as beautiful and positive as flowers to overshadow the pain and suffering that these disorders can cause to many of us.

Please, help me support research and be a part of Flowers 4 MS project.
Please, go to to learn about me, my journey with MS and what I do to raise funds for research for a cure for Multiple Sclerosis.
Thank you very much.
PS: I am planning to start working on becoming a foundation this coming fall, MS permitting, of course! :)

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Indian M Women Wearing Nylon Stockings

: Learning to fight! - Multiple sclerosis: know to combat it! Greetings Anna

Quanto di seguito has published an extract from the site
that I invite you to visit with all my heart to know the project Flowers 4 MS
E 'is also available in Italian , just click on the small flag of our country! Moreover, in the "Page Comments", are interesting proposals on issues which we should reflect more often ...
Let's take a moment to pause and click here:
Site and project are the result of work and dedication of a dear friend, Angela.
Multiple sclerosis may come suddenly in the life of each of us, our children and our loved ones. Trying to meet you maybe we decide to help those who, with dedication and sacrifice is involved in research.
Thanks for your attention.
The video in the bottom of this post is dedicated with love to Angela and I would add, quoting his words: "The special meetings, in life, there really ... and it is always possible to meet an angel ..."

I would like to present to you my friend Angela on That project created. It is Called Flowers 4 MS.
The website,, and Were the project created by Angela with love and dedication and talks about Multiple Sclerosis, the disease that is affecting her life.
This disease can enter our lives and the lives of our children and our loved ones at any moment.
Learning about Multiple Sclerosis can inspire us to help those who through their sacrifice and determination, are searching to find a cure for this disease.
The video that I created and posted on my YouTube channel was dedicated to Angela with lots of love and I would like to end this message by sharing these words with all of you:
Special meetings in our lives, are manyand its always possible to meet an angel

Cos'è la sclerosi multipla

La sclerosi multipla (SM), o sclerosi a placche, è una malattia grave del sistema nervoso centrale, cronica e spesso progressivamente invalidante.
Nonostante i molti passi avanti fatti dalla ricerca scientifica, la causa e la terapia definitiva della SM sono ancora sconosciute. L’ipotesi oggi dominante è che esista una predisposizione genetica a sviluppare la malattia, predisposizione con la quale interagiscono fattori esterni, forse virali, che scatenano l'esordio della malattia.

In Italia 54.000 persone sono colpite da SM, uno ogni 1.100 abitanti. Ogni anno si verificano 1.800 nuovi casi.
L’età di esordio è tra i 15 e i 50 anni, anche se questa malattia si manifesta soprattutto tra i giovani adulti, tra i 20 e i 30 anni, e tra le donne, in un rapporto di due a uno rispetto agli uomini.


The causes of MS are still unknown. Based on the results of many scientific studies are believed to have involved several factors which interact with one another: a genetic predisposition to develop the disease and an environmental agent that can stimulate the immune system, genetically altered to attack a portion of its body, or myelin.

Genetic predisposition is demonstrated by the fact that MS is more common in those who have a first degree relative affected by the disease in some populations where the MS is more frequently were also identified genes absent in others. This genetic predisposition, however, is not sufficient by itself determine the development of the disease: is it necessary for an environmental factor, possibly viral, stimulating the immune system genetically altered to react abnormally in attacking the myelin and thus initiating the disease.
Contrary to the causes, the mechanism underlying the disease is relatively well known: it is an immune mechanism, specifically autoimmune.
fact MS is an autoimmune disease.
E 'is now generally accepted that MS is based on an abnormal immune response directed against myelin in the central nervous system of the same organism that is attacked and destroyed.


Symptoms o disturbi della malattia che possono presentarsi durante il decorso sono estremamente variabili e sono in genere dovuti all’interruzione nella conduzione o all’alterato funzionamento degli impulsi nervosi in corrispondenza delle aree di perdita di mielina e di danno dell’assone.
L’intensità dei sintomi dipende da quanto è estesa l’area di perdita di mielina e da quanto è grave il danno degli assoni, mentre il tipo dei sintomi dipende dalla sede.
La frequenza dei diversi sintomi aumenta in genere con la gravità e la durata della malattia anche, se per alcuni, non vi sono chiare correlazioni.
¦ Disturbi cognitivi
¦ Disturbi della coordinazione (cerebellari)
¦ Disturbi della parola
¦ Disturbi della Sessualità
¦ Disturbi emotivi
¦ Disturbi intestinali
¦ Disturbi motori
¦ Disturbi sensitivi
¦ Disturbi visivi
¦ Fatica
¦ Spasticità

About Multiple Sclerosis

MS is thought to be an autoimmune disease that affects the central nervous system (CNS). The CNS consists of the brain, spinal cord, and the optic nerves.

Surrounding and protecting the nerve fibers of the CNS is a fatty tissue called myelin which helps nerve fibers conduct electrical impulses.

In MS, myelin is lost in multiple areas, leaving scar tissue called sclerosis. These damaged areas are also known as plaques or lesions. Sometimes the nerve fiber itself is damaged or broken.

Myelin not only protects nerve fibers, but makes their job possible. When myelin or the nerve fiber is destroyed or damaged, the ability of the nerves to conduct electrical impulses to and from the brain is disrupted, and this produces the various symptoms of MS.

Approximately 400,000 Americans have MS, and every week about 200 people are newly diagnosed. Most are between the ages of 20 and 50, and women are affected two to three times as much as men. Worldwide, MS may affect 2.5 million individuals.

What Causes MS?

While the exact cause of MS is unknown, most researchers believe that the damage to myelin results from an abnormal response by the body’s immune system. Normally, the immune system defends the body against foreign invaders such as viruses or bacteria. In autoimmune diseases, the body attacks its own tissue. It is believed that MS is an autoimmune disease. In the case of MS, myelin is attacked.

Scientists do not yet know what triggers the immune system to do this. Most agree that several factors are involved, including:
• Genetics
• Gender
• Environmental Triggers
[Possibilities include viruses, trauma, and heavy metals (toxicology)]