Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Difference Between A Hemmorhoid And A Fistula

Cambiare Idea su Alemanno (e Veltroni)

months ago, I had been very hard with Gianni Alemanno, the mayor of Rome.

In his first months in office, it seemed that Alemanno tisfying many positive legacy of the junta Veltroni: blue stripes, public works, White Night.

Yet with the passage of time, choices made by Alemanno appeared clearer, as well as the legacy of the center.

The blue lines have been restored on a fairer basis. Key projects of public transport (metro lines B1, C and D) were not blocked or slowed down.

But all this is peanuts.

Investigation Report on the Plan of Rome and the management of garbage clearly showed that the huge deficit of 10 billion left by Veltroni, is not the usual propaganda from the right shot when he goes to the government. The investigations show that the Left has abdicated Roman to be left, giving the impression of serving the interests of building speculators as Caltagirone (sorry, King of Rome), and other individuals as Cerroni (for waste, alias Oro di Roma ) e Romeo (per la manutenzione delle " strade d'oro "), piuttosto che l'interesse pubblico collettivo.

Appalti milionari per costruire una rete di potere (forse il famoso Modello Roma?) in barba a elementari esempi di gestione economica offerti da altre capitali europee. Con quale credibilità il PD di Veltroni può parlare di "risolvere i problemi degli affitti", quando a Roma ha saputo nell'ordine:

non creare partnership pubbliche-private nella costruzione di nuovi alloggi per calmierare i prezzi; non costruire case da affittare, ma cubature da vendere; non promuovere una nuova architettura eco-sostenibile e giovani talenti (Private building in the same way at the lowest cost without positive externalities for the community); entrust all individuals to collect some money in "concessionary charges, with the effect of creating new districts in the middle of nowhere, with no connecting infrastructure decent.

How the Democratic Party can stand as a defender of the environment?, When in Rome declined to hinder, the excessive power of private monopolies (!) On waste management with a clear affront to the environment, health Malagrotta citizens and pockets of all taxpayers who pay taxes sull'immondizia Romans much more than what would be necessary if the public monopoly was instead of private (as taught Economics 101).

Veltroni How can talk about the moral question? when in Rome road maintenance costs € 80,000 per km against 5,000 of Bologna?

latter case, the contract with Alemanno'm Alfredo Romeo, is painfully by covering the municipal budget, showing a sense of economic responsibility. Interviewed by

Report, stated that the City will build a landfill on its property, so as to gradually shift to a public waste management.

Alemanno has so far shown very far from interessi dei palazzinari, e all'epoca era stato molto scettico sul Piano Regolatore.

In breve, Alemanno si sta rivelando un bravo gestore della cosa pubblica. Non c'è che da augurarsi che continui così e che mantenga le promesse fatte sui rifuti e le case popolari, nonostante i vincoli di bilancio.


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