Monday, October 19, 2009

Fungal Nail Treatment For Pregnant Women

Furs: It 's fashionable skin of others!

not want to elaborate on methods of breeding, catching, killing and skinning of animals used for packing garments and clothing accessories, has already been done by the most authoritative sources on me!
Only one thought: the human being has always believed superior to all other living beings and in more than one occasion has proved to be, in fact, the most idiotic and certainly the most vicious.
One of these "opportunities" is precisely the wearing of fur, a circumstance in which stupidity and evil move hand in hand. Only
a fool can dress up with the skin of others without asking how much suffering this has caused his choice, and if he did continue undaunted, evil comes into play.
Say no more. I post this video, however, that in simplicity, says the hope, fear and suffering of so many poor creatures.
thank YouTube user "Vegan Tes" for having allowed the publication of the video. These
its link: and


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