Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Patricia Wallet Crochet

October 20: Not united or divided

Mercoledì 20 ottobre alle 18 abbiamo presentato il libro di  Marcello Fedele Né uniti né divisi . Le due anime del federalismo all'italiana, ed. Donzelli, 2010.

L'incontro si è tenuto alla Libreria Feltrinelli, via V.E.Orlando, 78/81.

Sono intervenuti Luca Antonini, Linda Lanzillotta, Francesco Merloni, Massimo Villone .
Era presente l'autore.

Siamo entrati nel terzo millennio ma restiamo il paese dei mille campanili. I comuni erano 8382 nel 1871 e oggi se ne contano più di ottomila, while the provinces have almost doubled. In the seventies came the regions, followed by hundreds of mountain communities and thousands of smaller bodies.
State Too, too many costs of politics. Never escape the trap of localism which fell at that time also the unitary process? Not necessarily.
The implementation of Title V of the reasons is increasing conflict between the various local authorities, and between self and state. A plot of this kind does not exist in European federalism, which makes the localism everywhere to the regional governments. Instead she finds herself in Brazil or Mexico, where municipalities are constitutionally guaranteed.
What direction will we change? Tremonti will prevail centralism characteristic of the German and Austrian federalism, or the municipal Bossi in the Latin American model?
For now, these two political perspectives have reinforced each other, but the most important game is still going on, why not come to reform the regime before 2016.
Welcome, then, into the new decade, uncertain and inevitably conflictual. Will be only the next year to tell us which of the two souls is bound to prevail. Or if both will be forced to capitulate.


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