Tuesday, June 24, 2008

How Long Do Cigars Stay Fresh In A Sealed Box?

Switzerland vs. Italy / The lease

The first year of the master is finished and unfortunately has presented the problem of changing accommodation. Geneva real estate market is saturated. Despite a furious bustle of people due to the presence of banks, international organizations and the CERN physics, monopoly rents are powerful régies, a sort of hybrid between the building managers and real estate agency. Because of the increasing popolazione e la decisione di non costruire nuove case nelle ultime aree verdi del cantone (i nuovi palazzi vengono ormai costruiti per i pendolari nella vicina Francia) i prezzi volano.

Arrivano a chiedere 500 euro al mese per una microstanza dotata di letto singolo e nient'altro. Per la serie, mi alzo e mi sveglio dando una ginocchiata al muro. Il prezzo medio per una stanza accettabile è di 700 euro. Tuttavia, qualsiasi bolletta è inclusa nel prezzo.
La cosa che più mi ha colpito nella mia ricerca di un affitto è che nessuno mi ha mai chiesto di farlo in nero. Credo che qui il nero sia associato a un pericolo per il locatore, il quale teme che l'inquilino possa danneggiare o impadronirsi dell'appartamento without adequate safeguards.

The Swiss law also clearly favors the tenant (the tenant), then the landlord tries to protect himself as he can. Asking such a deposit of three months, usually about 2000 €. However, the sum should not take fright. All Swiss banks offer a fixed deposit, garantie de loyer, the tenant opened in his name. The tenant, however, can not withdraw the deposit without the signature of the landlord. At the end of the contract, if there are damages, the tenant regains deposit. It 'obvious that banks ask for a copy of the opening of the account.

But what happens if the landlord is the smart and refuses to sign the end of the deposit? For example, it could be argued that there were damages. Do not worry. There is ASLOC, the Swiss association of tenants. By joining this union 55CHF for only a year (just under 40euro), you are entitled to free legal aid. That is, if you sue and you're right, you have lawyers, they think the cause and begin to ask for compensation for legal costs when you win. So, at no cost.

addition, the labor court of the canton of Geneva takes on average 90 days for a decision at first instance and another 3 months for the next grade.
All this makes me feel safe and well protected. Even in a normal atmosphere of mutual distrust and suspicion, as between owner and tenant.

Having never lived alone in Italy, I wonder how the average situation beyond the Alps or other countries outside Europe. So if you have time, it would be interesting to compare your experience with my in your comments. The weather here sucks, but at least a lot 'of uncertainty stop at the door!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Template Agreement Cancellation Before Term

Interest Rates

rates are very gentle and graceful animals, spread throughout Europe thanks to the continuous attention of central bankers. The most famous center for raising rates is located in Frankfurt, the Banca Centrale Europea.
Centinaia di tassi affollano una grande stanza. Questi tassi vengono cambiati ogni notte, da cui il nome di tasso overnight. I tassi si trovano su un grande ripiano, posto, diciamo, a un livello naturale. Naturale perché è l'altezza che i tassi trovano ottimale per scendere e salire dal tavolo, per mangiare dormire e fare i loro bisogni.
Ogni mese, i gestori dell'allevamento, i banchieri centrali d'Europa, si riuniscono nella stanza per osservare i tassi con interesse. Da cui, tassi d'interesse.
Si ritiene infatti, che alzare o abbassare i tassi (ossia, il tavolato su cui vivono) abbia delle ricadute positive o negative sul resto del mondo, in particolare sull'economia europea.
Alcuni studiosi ritengono che alzare i tassi è uno spettacolo assai gradevole, motivo per cui gente da tutto il mondo accorre in Europa per vedere i tassi più alti, e per comprare i biglietti aerei per Francoforte, vende dollari per euro, e l'euro si rafforza.
Tuttavia, le imprese odiano i tassi, specialmente quando sono alti e possono fare la pipì sulla loro testa. I tassi mettono in fuga incredibilmente degli animali predatori, come i Tori di Borsa, i quali sono allevati da ogni imprenditore che si rispetti. I tassi alti saltano facilmente sulle corna dei tori, i quali, in preda al panico più atroce, fuggono o muoiono.
Eppure, i tassi non mangiano i tori. How could they? They are so small! This rate of breeding, interest rates, ranging from good vegetarian greedy for a special type of shrub that grows very quickly, the strains of inflation. These plants are grown in the same room in Frankfurt and their sweetest buds grow on top of steles. So, it appears that most rates are higher, they can eat and contain strains of inflation. As if the rates are down, the logs are not eaten in the room and formed a big jungle. With the danger of suffocation rates, too.
The delicate balance of life of these rates is the study of so-called monetary economy (ie the mona). It requires years of intense studies that can send your brain into mush, just as it just went my ..

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Mouse Does Not Work On Dsl

The Constitution of Kosovo

The Kosovo Constitution entered into force June 15. E ', surprisingly, a beautiful text. Not surprised the references to the euro-Atlantic institutions, market economy, the UN treaties on human rights. On the other hand, Kosovo was established with the goal of European integration.
I did not expect, however, such a clear reference to respect for international law, that in part to silence many of the accusations against the Albanians.

Article. 1 said that "Kosovo has no territorial claims, nor seeks union with other states (Ed Albania) or part of other States (Albanian minority of Macedonia and Serbia, Valley Presho). "So, no irredentism.
Article .5 protects minorities. National languages \u200b\u200bare Albanian and Serbian (spoken by less than 10% of the population). The Bosniaks, Roma and the turkish are entitled to municipal protection.
. Article 8 says that "a State secular and neutral in religious terms. "
Article. 7 equates legal all ethnicities . And the equal protection of woman to man.
Article .9 that artistic and cultural heritage must be safeguarded (Ed. Serbs fear that the Albanian Muslims from destroying the medieval Orthodox monasteries that are located in Kosovo).

But we come to human rights.
Article. 22 places itself above the law eight distinct national conventions UN and EU .
Article. 24 is one of the most modern and liberal in the world. "No one should be discriminated against based on race, color, gender, language, religion, opinion, national or social origin, relationship with any community, property, economic and social condition, sexual orientation, birth, disability and other personal status."
Article. 25 to prohibit the following death penalty, torture, slavery and other abuses.

Finally, articles of interest to Binetti, the # 37 "right marriage and the family."
"On the basis of free will, all have the right to marry and found a family in the manner regulated by law"
paragraph 2. "Marriage and divorce are regulated by law and are based sull'ugugaglianza spouse" (I had never seen a divorce in a constitution before!).

you see that with such a constitution, Kosovo, and poor Muslim state, legalization il matrimonio gay prima dell'Italia?

Monday, June 16, 2008

Can Implantation Be Heavier With Twins

Appeasement / Economist, 14 June (an increasingly Bolshevik newspaper)


Walter Veltroni rischia di essere troppo gentile verso Silvio Berlusconi.

Nel suo primo discorso al parlamento italiano, Silvio Berlusconi ha dichiarato che lui e i suoi colleghi "respirano un'aria nuova". Il Primo Miniistro non si riferiva alla sua grande maggioranza di governo, ma all'impegno costruttivo del leader dell'opposizione, Walter Veltroni.
La legislatura emersa dalle elezioni di aprile ha un aspetto più ordinato, più britannico. A destra si trova l'alleanza di Mr Berlusconi PDL, collegata alla Lega Nord e un piccolo partito siciliano. A sinistra si trova il PD di Mr Veltroni, congiunto con un piccolo partito anti-corruzione. Al posto dei Liberaldemocratici inglesi ci sono i Cattolici dell'UDC. Mr Veltroni ha addirittura formato un "governo ombra" in stile Westminster.

Eppure l'idea veltroniania di opposizione non è british affatto. Ha perso una serie di opportunità per imbarazzare l'esecutivo, contribuendo a spingere la popolarità di Mr Berlusconi, che è cresciuta dalle elezioni in poi. Una possibilità si era presentata quando un giornalista, Marco Travaglio, Renato Schifani, aveva ricordato agli spettatori televisivi che l'uomo scelto da Berlusconi come presidente del Senato, era stato un tempo socio in affari con persone più tardi condannate per legami con la mafia. Anziché esigere maggiori dettagli, la capogruppo PD del Senato, Anna Finocchiaro, ha definito l'intervento di Travaglio "inaccettabile".

E poi c'è Alitalia. Mr Berlusconi aveva promesso di trovare una cordata italiana per salvare la compagnia aerea. Oltre due mesi più tardi - e di 300mln € più povero dopo un prestito ad Alitalia - il Paese è ancora in attesa. Eppure, tutto ciò è stato a malapena menzionato dal PD. Il partito si è allo stesso modo contenuto nell'attaccare le dure misure varate dal governo a proposito di immigrazione e sicurezza. Misure che hanno sollevato più di un sopracciglio a Bruxelles (e in Vaticano). Neither the PD has done stories on Mr. Berlusconi's plan to ban most of the wiretaps made by the police.

What's happening? Mr Veltroni says he is "open to dialogue." The benefits are clear for Mr. Berlusconi: it can change its image and emerge as part of a man of consensus, perhaps a candidate for the Presidency of the Republic. But the benefits are less obvious for the left. Even before the election, Mr Veltroni said he wanted to cooperate with Mr. Berlusconi to make electoral and constitutional reforms to make Italy easier to govern. A noble goal, pity that had already been tried in the past, with disastrous consequences.

In the 90s at the insistence of Massimo D'Alema, leader of the largest leftist party, the center to avoid passing laws that break the virtual monopoly on Berlusconi's private TV station. Mr D'Alema hoped to gain support for Berlusconi's political reforms. But Mr Berlusconi sank the project - and returned to power in 2001 with his media empire intact.

Yet appeasement (appacificazione) has a strong appeal for Mr. Veltroni, who is in a vulnerable position. One of the reasons why the government began to topple Prodi was the leader of the Democratic Party sought to distance himself as much as possible after Prodi won the primaries of last autumn. His electoral strategy has largely failed: he refused an alliance with the parties to his left, insisting that the PD ran alone. And his choice of candidate for mayor of Rome proved woefully wrong. Francesco Rutelli, who had administered the city twice, managed to reduce the vote for the center from 62 to 46%.

Dialogue, with its plan to build a new Italy, precludes the agonizing post-mortem that a defeated party usually faces. Yet, this may be just what you need on the left. Rooted in a doubt I believe, the Eurocommunism, and no doubt a movement, the Christian Democrats, the leaders of the PD - Walter Veltroni, D'Alema and Rutelli - were defeated by the voters, passed by Berlusconi in intelligence or both. The risk is that Italy does not recover with a shadow government, but opposition ghost.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Excel Pivot Table Datarange Vba

Aleman / The first month of an incompetent mayor

This blog had rooted for as a new mayor Gianni Alemanno of Rome. Maybe because I was 5 years old when the Cold War is over, maybe because I feel hateful ideologies of the anchor past (clericalism, communism, fascism) Fascist Youth Alemanno I was scared. In fact, I found it less dangerous alignment clerical Rutelli, the candidate of the center (left).

There have been times when the conservative instincts of Alemanno turned out to be regrettable (camps, gay pride, gay village, these prostitutes), but I expected. Instead, what catches the eye is the complete innocence of the administrator Alemanno. I thought, you fascist, but maybe it's a capable mayor. The first 30 days of government suggest otherwise, show a person unable to put forward new proposals, but all intent on demolishing the projects (or works) of the junta last year.

To begin with, in a modern and intelligent city, as in Europe, the decisions taken by the outgoing government are respected. Not because the Europeans are more good or more balls, but because it did not destroy the economic sense. Every work requires time and public money. Design, construction, costs are not lost if the investment is expected to give its revenues. But above all, a capital city like Rome, that sucks (go) to be a global city can not afford to dwell in the past but must continually build its own future. As a bike ride, if not falling.

Alemanno does not think so. The Ara Pacis Museum by Richard Meier may not like the project and was awarded a dubious, but it's there, and is the third most visited monument Roma. Alemanno lo vorrebbe demolire. La Festa del Cinema voluta da Veltroni può rappresentare un investimento intellettualistico ed elitista, ma è ormai un fatto che genera introiti, posti di lavoro e reputazione globale. Perchè rimetterla in dubbio?

Alemanno, infatti, si è rimangiato questi propositi distruttivi (forse ha qualche consigliere leggermente avveduto o si è fatto due conti in tasca), ma ha svelato un'inquietante miopia di fondo.
Sulla politica del traffico, le idee di Alemanno risultano velleitarie ma devastanti. Roma è una città assediata dalle macchine. Circa 800 per 1000 abitanti, il più alto tasso d'Europa in una capitale con un enorme Old Town and a few large arteries.

But Alemanno is the embodiment of Roman Italy when it comes out, go to another town, sees things but does not understand how foreigners live, in fact, void, and repeats them as Pangloss of Voltaire's Candide, that "Rome is the best possible cities."

The curbs of the bus lanes? Abroghiamoli, because the motors that make zigzag between cars (illegal per se) could be hurt. A 700-space underground parking that would allow the pedestrian to the Pincio the Trident? We do not control the quality of the project, Let's stop it altogether. The minicar (microA of the children of Rome good of Parioli and Vigna Clara - the feuds of the right) driven by the Limited Traffic Zone? But no, they return in the old town, are the solution to the traffic! and who cares if their safety standards are worse than a false fiat made in China.

But the most preposterous decision has serious economic repercussions and harmful. The classic small right-wing Roman is convinced of two things: A) that the parking fee (blue lines) need to be done only when public transport is effective. He does not understand at all that the effectiveness of the TPL is directly proportional to how many fewer cars circulating. In all cities of the developed world, mayors govern not only the hard stop, but also possession of the car, to make the TPL profitable, efficient in the frequency and time. B) the company that runs the blue lines, the STA is chaired by the wife of Rutelli (horrible choice, I agree) .. but then, all fines if the pockets Mrs Palombelli Rutelli! The syllogism of Romano Noantri shows clear signs of weakness in distinguishing concepts like "management" and "misappropriation of public funds."

the background, the new Berlusconi government repeals the ICI on first homes. We earn the citizens, but we lose the municipalities. And what of Rome is the most affected: -300 million euro per year. But Alemanno does not think the Naif. Appealing a una discutibile sentenza del TAR (tribunale amministrativo regionale), il sindaco SOSPENDE indefinitamente il pagamento della sosta sulle strisce blu! Ossia, -47 milioni di euro all'anno per il Comune (pardon, la moglie di Rutelli), oltre al taglio dell'ICI. Ma soprattutto, qual è il messaggio per la cittadinanza? Che in una città già assediata dal traffico, dai cantieri di due linee metropolitane, di una nuova stazione ferroviaria e una nuova tangenziale, si potrà continuare a usare impunemente l'automobile come prolungamento del proprio culo.. Evviva le esternalità negative!

In conclusione, può essere che Alemanno col tempo acquisti confidenza con il suo nuovo ruolo di amministratore, dove non c'è posto per le ripicche ideologiche né tempo per rivedere decisioni già avviate. Dopotutto, AN è un partito che a Roma non ha mai avuto esperienza di governo e deve imparare. Ma se i segnali sono questi, resta un forte scetticismo che i prossimi 5 anni per Roma non saranno un periodo di sviluppo.