Tuesday, June 24, 2008

How Long Do Cigars Stay Fresh In A Sealed Box?

Switzerland vs. Italy / The lease

The first year of the master is finished and unfortunately has presented the problem of changing accommodation. Geneva real estate market is saturated. Despite a furious bustle of people due to the presence of banks, international organizations and the CERN physics, monopoly rents are powerful régies, a sort of hybrid between the building managers and real estate agency. Because of the increasing popolazione e la decisione di non costruire nuove case nelle ultime aree verdi del cantone (i nuovi palazzi vengono ormai costruiti per i pendolari nella vicina Francia) i prezzi volano.

Arrivano a chiedere 500 euro al mese per una microstanza dotata di letto singolo e nient'altro. Per la serie, mi alzo e mi sveglio dando una ginocchiata al muro. Il prezzo medio per una stanza accettabile è di 700 euro. Tuttavia, qualsiasi bolletta è inclusa nel prezzo.
La cosa che più mi ha colpito nella mia ricerca di un affitto è che nessuno mi ha mai chiesto di farlo in nero. Credo che qui il nero sia associato a un pericolo per il locatore, il quale teme che l'inquilino possa danneggiare o impadronirsi dell'appartamento without adequate safeguards.

The Swiss law also clearly favors the tenant (the tenant), then the landlord tries to protect himself as he can. Asking such a deposit of three months, usually about 2000 €. However, the sum should not take fright. All Swiss banks offer a fixed deposit, garantie de loyer, the tenant opened in his name. The tenant, however, can not withdraw the deposit without the signature of the landlord. At the end of the contract, if there are damages, the tenant regains deposit. It 'obvious that banks ask for a copy of the opening of the account.

But what happens if the landlord is the smart and refuses to sign the end of the deposit? For example, it could be argued that there were damages. Do not worry. There is ASLOC, the Swiss association of tenants. By joining this union 55CHF for only a year (just under 40euro), you are entitled to free legal aid. That is, if you sue and you're right, you have lawyers, they think the cause and begin to ask for compensation for legal costs when you win. So, at no cost.

addition, the labor court of the canton of Geneva takes on average 90 days for a decision at first instance and another 3 months for the next grade.
All this makes me feel safe and well protected. Even in a normal atmosphere of mutual distrust and suspicion, as between owner and tenant.

Having never lived alone in Italy, I wonder how the average situation beyond the Alps or other countries outside Europe. So if you have time, it would be interesting to compare your experience with my in your comments. The weather here sucks, but at least a lot 'of uncertainty stop at the door!


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