Friday, August 22, 2008

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Simplicity and complexity in the Final Tower

With this excellent article on the final co-written by the GMF by Maestro Alexei and Elena Sedina Kosikov (published in the May 2001 magazine Torre & Cavallo Check! ), end of August due to holiday updates. We will be directly affected in September for the highly anticipated super tournament in Bilbao. I do not wish you a successful greeting you in August with Article

Simplicity and complexity in the Final Tower

of GMF and Elena Sedina m Alexej Kosikov

Today it is difficult to imagine a chess player with a high level without the necessary skills to play the final without having developed the technique of creation of material or positional advantage.

Why do I need to know the ending?

would not be possible in further sports betting only in the preparation of the openings, the middle game tactics and strategy of trying to hit your opponent right from the start of the game, without going into the final? Yes, you may do so but only if it does not arise as to increase their playing strength beyond the level of national categories. To reach the upper class is also necessary to work seriously on the final for the following reasons:
  1. The finish is the last and final stage of the game of chess. Many of us may remember painful episodes from their own practice when a chess game played in an excellent middle game was wasted in the final! It is not difficult to name many chess players, including the Grand Masters of the modern era is that of the past that have failed to achieve great success because of their low level of play in the final.
  2. The playing strength of chess, the level of its comrensione chess, depends not only on its ability to accurately assess the situation on the board but also the ability to predict the course of future events also related to possible changes of the pieces and, consequently, the transfer of the match in the final. After all, it is clear that the "final-fantasy" influence the course of fighting are only in the middle game, but even already at the beginning.
  3. early stages of chess improvement factor for the assessment of the position is simply the amount of Women "on the board and then almost always the fate of the match is decided in the opening or middle game. But with the increase of the final chess skill captain more often and the level of Masters or Grand Masters of the smallest 'position that is exploited in the final, can become decisive.
What are the characteristics that distinguish it from the end of the middle game?
  1. Il fattore determinante è la relativa sicurezza del Re e quindi la possibilità della sua centralizzazione.
  2. La quantità dei pezzi sulla scacchiera è limitata. Questo comporta l'estrema necessità della loro attivazione (compresa la centralizzazione del re).
  3. Il ruolo dei pedoni in finale aumenta.
  4. La maggiore importanza del tempo e quindi la necessità del calcolo preciso delle varianti.
  5. Aumenta il ruolo delle "sottigliezze", dei più insignificanti cambi nella posizione. Di conseguenza ogni finale esige, di regola, una valutazione concreta. Le ragioni generali spesso risultano sbagliate.
In che cosa si rivela la specificità dei finali Tower that distinguishes them from all other types of users? For several reasons, especially the end of Torre require much study. First, they happen more often. In most parts of the light openings and Women "contacted" immediately (and, as a result, will be changed soon) while the towers start to play later, when the columns are open. Second, the end of Torre contain many theoretical positions (positions with small amounts of pedestrians), whose knowledge is absolutely necessary, while in other types of end-theoretical positions are often very simple or otherwise resolved by general methods. And, mainly, many end-of Torre seem very simple, but almost always gli studi più profondi rivelano delle risorse nascoste. Dietro l'apparente semplicità molto spesso si nascondono delle complicazioni. Bisogna stare attenti a non essere superficiali, valutando i finali di Torre!

diagramma 1

diagramma 2

Date uno sguardo a queste due posizioni. Sono simili come due gocce d'acqua mentre la loro valutazione è completamente diversa. Prima di leggere gli ulteriori commenti cercate di decidere da soli quale delle due è vinta per il Bianco e quale invece è patta. Probabilmente avrete capito che nella posizione del diagramma 1 il Bianco non manages to win: 1.Rf4 TA4 + TA5 + 2.Re5 3.Rd6 TA6 + 4.Rc7 4.Rc5 Ta7 4 ... Ta7 + 5.Rc6 Ta8 6.Rb7 TF8 7.Rc7 Ta8 White can not win. Other continuations do not change the assessment: 1.Tf4 TB8 2.Ta4 TB5 ; 1.f7 + TF8 2.Tf6 RG7 3.Rh5 3.Rf5 TF7 3 ... Th8 + + 4.Th6 Txh6 . In the second posizoone White wins simply continuing 1.Te1 TA4 TA6 3.Te6 + + 2.Te4 Txe6 4.fxe6.

How to study the final?

We can recommend some form of study.
  1. Especially the analysis of their matches ("know thyself and you shall know the truth"). For each surely happen to play chess so many interesting final. Carefully analyzing and studying them can not only find errors but also to draw conclusions relevant to the understanding of the end in general. The study of final
  2. instructive chess played by the best modern and the past. The annotated games not only verbally but also through variations acquire a particular value here. It must be stressed, however, the need to develop the critical attitude to develop their own point of view, which in some cases may not be identical to that of the commentator.
  3. The study of chess literature specialist, for example "The endings in chess Averbakh, "The theory of the final tower of Smyslov and Levenfish, the Yugoslav" Encyclopedia of the end "etc.. Working with these volumes is important not to "drown" in the flow of information gained by recalling that the end has not so much the quantity of stored positions as the contribution to their knowledge of the final system. The resolution of the studies. A systematic work with the chess composition is used to: a) increase the volume of theoretical positions (which often end up with major and minor variations in the studies) are already known. b) to increase knowledge of the main methods of play in the final. c) improve the technique of calculus of variations, analytical skills.
The following diagram, find the solution yourself, then check if your answer is correct. Be persevering in the search for solution!

V. Chehover

The White is saved in an unexpected way: 1.Rf8! After 1 ... e2 d2 2.Te7 Rd1 3.f5 f7 pawn comes to reaching the theoretical position of flap. 2.Td7 3.Txd2 e2 +! RXD2 4.f5 5.f6 e1 = D and the unfortunate disposition of the King and the Black Woman can bring to the White pawn on f7, reaching a draw theoretically.

What it studies how to solve this?
  1. is expanding the volume of theoretical positions are already known (the final position of the solution).
  2. spread the fantasy (the move 1.Rf8! Is not entirely clear).
  3. It develops the ability to deepen the analysis (at first glance the problem seems unsolvable.)
What, exactly, one must know the end?

The deep understanding of end-of any type is based on four foundations:
  1. The end of theoretical knowledge.
  2. the accuracy of the variants.
  3. The study of the typical methods of play.
  4. The analysis of positions giocare (non teoriche).
I finali teorici.

Tutti i finali negli scacchi possono essere divisi in due categorie: finali teorici e finali da giocare. I finali con la quantità limitata dei pezzi sulla scacchiera (di regola fino a 7), la valutazione dei quali è esatta e può essere definita immediatamente senza alcun calcolo delle varianti, sono considerati teorici. L'allargamento delle conoscenze delle posizioni teoriche facilita le ricerche delle soluzioni nelle posizioni di gioco difficili, mentre l'ignoranza in questa materia può provocare situazioni indesiderate o addirittura imbarazzanti. Ancora nel 1906 S. Tarrasch analizzò una delle posizioni chiave per tutta la teoria the final tower.

S. Tarrasch, 1906

Step to Black Black reaches the continuing flap Ta7 + 1 ... 1 ... Loses Ta8 2.Tg1 + 1 ... or Tg2 2.Re8 follow 3.e7. 2.Td7 2.Rd6 Rf8; Kd8 RF6 Ta8 2 ...! The more accurate, but enough for Patti almost all other moves of the Black Tower on the column 'a'. For example, 2 ... Ra1 (or even 2 ... TA5) 3.Re8 RF6 4.e7 + Re6 + Tf1 5.Rf8 6.Re8 Ta1 with parity. Lose only move 2 ... TA6? 3.Re8 RF6 4.e7 +, and Black is ruined due to lack of check on the column 'f'. 3.Td8 3.Rd6 Rf8 After the flap is evident. On 3.Tb7 (or 3.Tc7) is easier for Black to continue with 3 ... Rg6 4.Rd7 RF6 5.e7 Rf7. 3 ... Ta7 +! Here the move 3 ... Ra1? 4.Re8 and lost after 5.e7. 4.Rd6 5.Re5 TA5 TA6 + +! 6.Td5 Ta8 7.Td7 + Rg6! with parity. And now we see the end of a match played 23 years later by chess players who do not need any recommendation.

Capablanca - Mencik
Hastings, 1929-1906

We have the same position Tarrasch moved to a vertical one, which does not change anything. The finish of this match was of no interest if at least one of the opponents had dimostrato la conoscenza dell'analisi di Tarrasch. La partita è andata così: 1...Ta6?? 1...Tb8!; 1...Tb4 2.Tb7? 2.Rf8+ 2...Ta8! 3.Te7 Ta6?? 4.Rf8+ Rg6 Perdeva anche 4...Rh8 dopo 5.f7 Ta8+ 6.Te8 Ta7 7.Te1 (è possibile anche Td8 seguito da Re8) 7...Ta8+ 8.Re7 Ta7+ 9.Rf6. Ma la "commedia degli errori" non è finita qui... 5.f7 Ta8+ 6.Te8 Ta7 7.Te6+ Rh7 8.Re8?? Il modo più semplice per vincere è il seguente: 8.Te1 Ta8+ (se 8...Rg6 9.Rg8) 9.Re7 Ta7+ (se 9...Rg7 10.f8=D+) 10.Rf6 Ta6+ 11.Te6 Ta8 12.Te8 Ta6+ 13.Re5 Ta5+ 14.Rd4. 8...Ta8+ 9.Re7 Ta7+?? Dopo 9...Rg7 10.Ta6 Tb8 11.Ta7 Tf8 (11...Tc8) si sarebbe again checked the same position. 10.Rf6 and Black leaves. But the following location was judged wrongly by Tarrasch lost for Black.

Tarrasch 1909

Step to Black Tarrasch argued its assessment with the following reasoning. After 1.a7 occurs, no doubt, the position of a draw. Black makes his moves with the tower on the waiting column 'a' or with the King (only on houses g7 and h7), and when the white king will attempt to leave the Tower a8 playing RB6 (b7) then Dark Tower will check any obliging the King to move away from White's pawn then return again on the 'a'. But with the a6 pawn in the situation is not so clear. King's attempt to approach the black pawn of Bianco is not real: the column 'e' is "undermined." As soon as the King occupied the black box e7 (or e6), White would play immediately threatening a7 Th8 at which point the Black lacking a time, want to go back to g7 want to approach the white pawn. The passive behavior of the black will instead break into the White A7 with the King (which is why the pawn to be taken into a6) and, therefore, to leave the White Tower with the move followed by promotion TB8 unstoppable. Here, for example, the variant cited by Tarrasch to confirm the victory of the White 1 ... Rf7 2.Rf3 TA4 3.Re3 RG7 RG7 4.Rd3 Rf7 5.Rc3 6.Rb3 Ta1 7.Rb4 Rf7 8.Rb5 TB1 + If 8 ... Ta2 Ta1 9.Td8 RE7 10.Td4 11.Ta4 TB1 12.Ra5 +, or 9 ... Tc2 10.Rc6 + 11.Rb7 + TB2 + TB2 12.Ra7 RE7 13.Tb8 winning. 9.Rc6 Tc1 + 10.Rb7 + TB1 TB1 13.Rb7 Ra1 11.Ra7 + RE7 12.Tb8 14.Ra8 Ra1 15.a7 15 ... Rd7 16.Rb7 RD6 TB1 + 17.Ra6 19.Rc5 Ra1 + 18.Rb6 + tb1 16. RB7 TB1 17.Rc8 + Tc1 + Th1 19.Tb6 18.Rd8 + RC5 + RB5 20.Tc6 20 ... RD5 21.Ta6 21.Tc8 Th8 22.Rc7 + TH7 23.Rb8 + and White wins. V. Rauser and I. Rabinovich not accept this analysis, after which the same position was studied in detail by P. Romanovskij. In the Tarrasch variation of the Black lost because they do the passive tactics. Was necessary to save have the opportunity to attack the King of the White Tower when it came to defending the a6 pawn, but did not allow him to hide in a7. So the basic plan is to be able to transfer from A1 Tower on Sixth street, preparing for the attack side. Now it's easy to find the solution to the initial position: 1 ... TA5! 2.Rf3 TF5 TF6 + 3.Re4 4.Re5 Threatening 4.Tg8 +. 4 ... TC6 5.Rd5 TF6 6.Rc5 6.a7 TA6 6 ... Rh7 7.Rb5 TF5 +! 8.Rb6 9.Rb5 TF5 TF6 + 10.Rb4 + TF6 TF7 11.a7 TA6 11 ...? 12.Th8 12.Rb5 Ra1 13.Rb6 + TB1 + and is a draw. Despite the fact that the positions just discussed are relatively simple, we show several examples in which even the Grand Masters were unconvincing in their game in this final.

Szabo - Tukmakov

Move to White. The pedestrian 'h' in this position does not really matter. Patti White has only to wait while the possibility of attack side of the a5 pawn. For example: 1.Tb5 RD6 2.Tf5 Ta1 3.Rh2! a3 a4 4.Tf4 5.Tf3 6.Tb3 RC5 RC4 (6 ... 7.Ta3 a2) 7.Tf3 8.Tf4 RB4 +. As we see it is possible to force a draw without any particular concern, you just know how to do it ... The game has gone rather well: 1.Rg2?! RD6 2.Rf2?! Ta2 + 3.Re1? 3.Rg1! kept ancora la posizione di patta. 3...Ta1+ 4.Re2 Perdeva anche 4.Rd2 a causa di 4...Th1! 5.Txa5 h3 6.Th5 h2 7.Re2 Ta1! 4...a4 5.Th6+ Se 5.Txh4 a3 6.Ta4 a2 e poi Th1! 5...Re5 6.Th5+ Rf6 7.Rf2 a3 8.Rg2 Tc1 9.Ta5 Tc3 e il bianco ha abbandonato.
Senz'altro il processo di studio delle posizioni teoriche deve essere un processo creativo. Memorizzando le posizioni del genere e i metodi di gioco, è necessario giungere a delle conclusioni e generalizzazioni che permettano di allargare il volume delle posizioni teoriche in un certo tipo di finali. Per esempio, analizzando la posizione 6, è stato stabilito che il Nero raggiunge la patta se riesce a trasferire la Torre all'attacco laterale del pedone a6 senza permettere alla Torre bianca di lasciare la casa a8. P. Romanovskij ha individuato la seguente zona di patta per tale finale:

Se il Re bianco si trovasse dentro la zona evidenziata, allora il Nero riuscirebbe a pattare, trasferendo la Torre sulla sesta traversa. Invitiamo i lettori a persuadersi di ciò da soli. Per aumentare ed approfondire le conoscenze sulle posizioni teoriche bisogna anche cercare di imparare alcune regole che potrebbero risultare utili per trovare delle soluzioni giuste anche nelle posizioni sconosciute. Questo lavoro potrebbe risultare più appagante rispetto alla semplice memorizzazione delle numerose posizioni teoriche. Ad esempio, per rendere fruttuoso l'attacco del pedone difeso dal Re with the Tower, it requires a certain space - the distance between the tower and the pedestrian should not be less than three vertical. The following position Black can not save because of the unfortunate position of the tower (too close to the pedestrian) and the King's black g6.

M. Grigoriev, 1937

1 ... TB7 + + 2.Tg1 was threatened. If 2.Rd6 TB6 + + 2 ... and then RF6 3.Tf1 4.e7. 3.Rd7 TB7 + 4.Rd8 RF6 4 ... If TB8 + TB2 5.Rc7 6.Te1. TB8 5.e7 Re8 + 6.Rc7 6 ... Th8 7.Te1 Rf7 8.Rd7. 7.Rd6 TB8 8.Tf1 9.Rc7 Ta8 10.Ta1 + RG7! Th8 and 11.Rd7 wins. The difficulties in store theoretical positions regarding the final tower is also determined by their concreteness: the change of an insignificant detail at first glance may change the assessment. In the last diagram we put the black king to g7 g6 instead (this is the best position because in some cases the King has the chance to go to f8).

M. Grigoriev, 1937

1 ... 2.Rd6 TB6 TB7 + + 2 ... Rf8? 3.Ta8 + RG7 4.e7 3.Rd7 TB7 TB8 + + 4.Rd8 5.Rc7 TB2 6.Tf1 Ta2 and because the tower is drawn in accordance with rule 3 vertical occupied the correct position. We want to again draw your attention to the need for creative approach to the study of theoretical positions: their storage must not be mechanical, but designed and logically reasoned, each memory location should become part of your system of general knowledge on end.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Can You Connect Sdhc On Sd Only?

Review: The Dynamic Strategy Inglese

I've heard good things about the book The Dynamic Inglese Tony Kosten, after having seen it for sale in Rocca Priora during the second edition of the international festival Castelli Romani I decided to buy it ... I must say it did not disappoint my expectations! This is a book by setting "user-friendly, extremely clear, which helps a capire in profondità un'apertura così complessa come l'inglese. Il sistema scelto dall'autore conosciuto con il nome di "accelerated fianchetto" è considerata una scelta perfetta per un giocatore dallo stile d'attacco e aggressivo. L'ordine di mosse consigliato da Kosten 1.c4 2.g3 3.Ag2 permette di mantenere una certa flessibilità: nelle prime mosse il bianco non gioca la "classica" mossa di cavallo Cb1-c3, generalmente oggetto di inchiodature in alcune varianti, e rimanda lo sviluppo del cavallo in g1 per poterlo sviluppare in f3 o in e2 a seconda delle esigenze. Nel libro viene trattato anche l'impianto Botvinnik (1.c4 2.g3 3.Ag2 4.e4 5.Cge2) che permette diversi approcci alla posizione: attaccare sul lato di donna, play center with d2-d4 to push at the right time, or try an attack on the wing of mad king with f2-f4. The book is very comprehensive, they are treated virtually all responses available to the black after 1.c4 (1 ... e5, 1 ... c5, 1 ... Nf6, 1 ... f5, 1 ... g6 , 1 ... c6, 1 ... e6, 1 ... b6) in order of popularity. Do not forget the detailed tree variants, which allows you to easily use the text in the analysis phase. Parts of analysis and prose are perfectly balanced, making the book good for both beginners and some players' most experienced. Because of the small size and low number of pages (144) remains a very complete book for players over 2200 elo points: missing example i rientri in altre aperture (generalmente di donna), anche se Kosten ha comunque fornito qualche variante alternativa per chi vuole continuare a giocare in "stile inglese".
Concludendo si tratta di un ottimo libro che non può mancare nella biblioteca di ogni giocatore d'inglese. Se volete sentire un'altra campana, potete leggere l'ottima recensione del Maestro Internazionale Jeremy Silman che lo definisce "the best repertoire book on the English available" .

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

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the end: the 'The expansion

L'espansione è un principio strategico che prevede un cambio di pedoni per penetrare nel territorio nemico con il re o un altro pezzo, ottenendo così un qualche vantaggio (generalmente applies to attack pedestrians weak opponents). The most famous practical application of this concept is the position after 34.f5 of Geller - Hort 1968, virtually ubiquitous in the final strategy books!
Geller's idea is to change the pedestrians "and" and "f" to be able to penetrate with their parts in the wing of the black king. 34 ... AG3 35.fxe6 fxe6 36.Dg6 Axe5 38.Re4 + Rf8 37.Dxe6 AH2 AH2 41.Ae3 DF7 40.Ad2 AG3 39.Rf5 + 1-0 Hort having left the position almost lost. The black fact is intended to prevent any entry of the enemy king in g6, while white has more freedom, being able to bring their own king in the wing of a woman. To example 42.Dxf7 Rxf7 43.Ad2! Stronger immediate 43.Re4. Note that after 44.Ac3 the black king is bound to defend the g7 pawn. 43 ... Ad6 44.Ac3 AG3 Black is now in total Zugzwang. 45.Re4 g6 46.Rd5 and White won.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

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dell'autostallo theme in studies and practice

dell'autostallo The theme is one of the most effective methods of defense to force a draw. Is to restrict the movement of their king and paralysis are not rare and sacrifices of one or more pieces to achieve this goal. A study by Berger in 1980 illustrates this theme in an exemplary manner.

White to move and draw.

At first glance, the white seems doomed: her king would not have time to stop the pawn of black tower, but in fact this is the next maneuver to force the deadlock. 1.f4! The only Rc7 , alternatives 1 ... a5 3.h5 2.h4 gxf4 gxh5 4. gxh5 6.h7 a4 5.h6 a3 a2 7. h8 = Q + and 1 ... a5 2.h4 a4 3.h5 a3 gxh5 4.fxg5 a2 5.g6 6.g7 a1 = D 7. g8 = Q + RB7 8. DF7 9.De6 RC8 + + RB7 10.gxh5 are advantageous for the white. 2.fxg5 and now White can force a draw regardless of the game thanks to the moves of black 3.Rg3 4.Rh4 and 5.g3.
autostallo But the stuff is not just for composers such cases may occur also in practice. We see a recent example.

Navara David - Svidler Peter
Fide Grand Prix, Sochi 2008.

48 ... Ke8 not help him defeat 48 ... h4 49.Rg3 + TC4 TC3 + + 50.Rf3 51.Rg4 draw. 49.Txb3! And thanks to David Navara make sure the sacrifice fly. 49 ... Txb3 Autostallo!

Monday, August 18, 2008

I Have A Bump Beween My Legs

Monday's Chess Puzzle #23

Moves white.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

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Machgielis Euwe

published an interesting article on the great Max Euwe Fabio Lotti, l'olandese che a sorpresa divenne campione del mondo. Ricordo che questo articolo è stato pubblicato nella rivista L'Italia Scacchistica.

La prima sfiga di Machgielis Euwe fu quella di detenere la corona di campione del mondo tra due mostri inarrivabili: il mitico Alekhine ed il colossale Botvinnik. Un vaso di terracotta tra due vasi di ferro. La seconda risiedette nella sua semplice, grigia, monotona normalità. Niente colpi di testa, niente tic, niente bizzarrie a rendere colorita la sua vita di pur ottimo insegnante e studioso di matematica. Molte attività, è vero, da pugile a nuotatore, da aviatore ad autore di numerose pubblicazioni, tutte svolte, però, con quella razionalità and that quiet sense expressed in the game of chess that do not attract the sympathy of some biographers. And the paucity of studies on Our (so to speak), in relation to that devoted to other samples, demonstrates the modesty of the interest aroused. In short, Max Euwe seems to be the poor relation of the royal tribe of the Great Brains of the board. Also because his kingdom lasts the space of a morning. A couple of years, from 1935 to 1937 after having wrested the scepter from the already mentioned World Alekhine. But as he succeeded in
? Let's step back to see what he had done in the field of chess before the fatal. Born in Watergraafsmeer, today suburb of Amsterdam, 20/05/1901. A child prodigy, he learned chess at age six by her mother but gets thrown around doing the freak show as often happens in such cases. At 20, he became Dutch champions, a title that keeps for a long time continuously. Grandmaster at age 27 at some point the time comes for him to rethink about what to do in life: to leave the chess to devote himself body and soul to the teaching of mathematics, or even continue along this path.
The meeting of fate that led him to make a decisive choice is with Hans Kmoch, teacher and theorist who settled in the Austrian Netherlands and convinces him to hold on and launch a challenge to even the world champion. Kmoch not been a elite player (better known as a teacher is to remember his book "The Soul of chess pawns" published by Prisma) but it was definitely a cool guy and a determined hard and knew he was going to convince people. On the other hand are not seen around other worthy contenders but the surprising Flohr. Also because the real one, the right one (read Capablanca) is carefully avoided by the holder of the title. The match is set for autumn 1935 to Amsterdan. There is one and a half of preparation time to be physical, theoretical and practical, carefully prepared in the smallest details: the study of openings, participation in various tournaments attended by two seconds of exceptional value as Maroczy and Floh. The Dutch seem crazy, a little 'how it's going to happen to us Italians to win the football World Cup in 1982, they descend on the streets, robbing stores everything you can remember somehow the noble game. An enthusiasm for the Kings and Queens that will last over time providing significant results in chess in this country. Anyone Alekhine do not have to explain it to readers. Just remember ripping the scepter to the inimitable Capablanca in 1927, after literally mishandles the challenger Bogoljubow in 1929 and 1934, and put together a series of splendid successes in tournaments Sanremo, Bled, Bern convince him that, even if there were need, be the strongest in the world.
The match begins on October 3, 1935. The challenge takes place in various cities of Holland, the award of the title is based on thirty games. The trend is swinging encounter with initial flight of Alekhine passing even lead to ten to four. The challenger keeps well with the white but reveals major problems with the French defense. Decides to change his repertoire and to defend himself by pushing near the King pawn and 'the right move. It increased to 12 to 12, then you get to 14-12, the final +9 = 13-8 for Euwe. A triumph, even if obtained by the difference of one point, explaining that many more with the crisis of the sample with the strength of the challenger. Lasker says che le facili vittorie precedenti lo hanno reso troppo sicuro di sé, che non è più abituato a risolvere gli intricati enigmi sulla scacchiera e non si è portato dietro nessuno che lo aiuti. Inoltre beve, fuma come un turco, sente nostalgia della patria, ha problemi familiari, è sofferente di cuore. Notizie che già sappiamo e sulle quali è inutile insistere.
Nel periodo che va dalla fine del primo incontro all’inizio del secondo tutti e due i giocatori partecipano ad alcuni tornei senza però entusiasmare. Soprattutto il nuovo sfidante sembra in declino tanto che la FIDE preme per un confronto tra il campione del mondo e il già citato Capablanca. Ma Euwe ha una sola parola e la vuole mantenere. Alkhine sarà ancora il next opponent, because he thinks just beat him! E 'himself to tell "As I have already admitted, I was confident and optimistic before the match in 1937, and had reason to be. After the match of 1935 I participated in three tournaments that Alekhine had also taken part and I was always finished before him. Even the personal results I saw in the end or the Alekhine had done better in other tournaments. " The Russian champion was in fine form. Botvinnik us that tournament in Nottingham in 1936, when it materialized on the board a complicated position, the illustrious opponent, after making the move, he got up and started to go around the table like a kite, demonstrating both the lack of fairness but also the determination to prevail. He stopped smoking, it is fresh and bright, polished to perfection. Another man, or, if you will, a man reborn.
On October 5, 1937 at The Hague begins his revenge in thirty games. This time he brought with him a "second" value, the Great Master Eliskases and is well prepared for the study of openings. So well prepared in the sixth meeting sacrificed a knight on a variant known defense Slava. Euwe is perplexed, he does not trust that the capture would lead to incredible complications and lose the game. The world champion is assisted by a trio of bad brains: Flohr, Grunfeld and Kmoch that did not prevent, however, the defeat. Resists in the first part, then it must give way to dry a half past three p.m. at half past nine. At the end of the match recognizes sportsmanship that is his opponent's superiority "Alekhine has restored its reputation as the strongest chess player alive, and confirmed to be also the greatest chess player of all time."
not that the story ends here Euwe. Just browse through any encyclopedia to see a good number of wins and placings in the strongest international tournaments. In 1948, back in contention for the world title but remains in last place in the match held to appoint the challenger. He was elected president of FIDE in 1971, a post he held for a decade until 1981, when he disappeared.
Euwe was a great scholar of the theory that makes me more sympathetic. He has left us, not to mention other publications, over 12 volumes of opening theory, as many of the old game and the final eight volumes. Good match player he met the greatest champions of lost time often only measure. About him circulating the lapidary phrase Vincenzo Castaldi "Euwe was the greatest player without talent" that certainly impresses with its effectiveness. Toto said, crippled by about grammar, "Gentlemen are born. And I was born." With his regular features and the impeccable posture Mr. Machgielis will Euwe was also unlucky and untalented, but remains one of the greatest champions in the history of chess. It remains, above all, a gentleman. A true gentleman impeccable.
Fabio Lotti

Monday, August 11, 2008

Blacks More Susceptible To Sickle Cell

Monday's Chess Puzzle #22

Moves white.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

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Prime scoperte

Having three people gathered together in my office as Manganelli, Serbelloni rines and was to be comical. Two who did not speak and had a talk and talking too much when, perhaps, had to shut up.
"Well, well, well here we are once again gathered to try and solve this case ...."
"And she lamented that in Siena and its never happened nothing sensational!"
“Manganelli, non è il momento di sottolineare…Non credo che il Signore, o chi per lui, abbia fatto uccidere alcune persone per farmi contento”.
“No, però…”
“A Manganè, diamoci un taglio”.
“Anche perché questa povera ragazza merita un discorso serio. A proposito, hai saputo chi è?”.
Manganelli fece il solito sorrisetto furbastro seguito da una spallucciata come per dire “E c’è bisogno di chiederlo?”.
“Commissario, lei mi sottovaluta”.
“No, no io ti considero proprio quello che sei, stai tranquillo. Tira fuori il rospo e falla less long. "
"The poor girl is, indeed it was, Mary Edwards of twenty-two, living in Siena on a Petrucci 4".
"Nice shot. And how did you .... "
"Allow me to secrecy. I have my means of personal research that I would keep well guarded. "
"It is not by chance that these methods of research have made use of a personal phone call that the parents of the girl in question did the police not see it coming home? Throw it there, just to guess. " Manganelli's face is covered with a homogeneous redness.
"Well, not exactly .. but ... anyway, we go to the point, Commissioner."
"Let's go."
“La ragazza è figlia unica di genitori provenienti da Napoli, aveva diciotto anni e frequentava l’Università di Siena. Una brava ragazza, studiosa, senza grilli per la testa, aveva il suo moroso come hanno tutte le ragazze di quella età ma senza nulla di serio. Almeno per il momento”.
“Hai parlato con i genitori?”.
“Solo con la madre per telefono. Pensavo che ci volesse parlare di persona”.
“Hai fatto bene. Ci andremo dopo avere fatto quattro chiacchiere anche con i miei devoti esperti della scientifica”. A sentire quattro chiacchiere i due incominciarono ad agitarsi, perché per loro erano già tante due parole. Non ho mai trovato nella mia lunga vita people are so different in the physical but being reluctant to utter the same pull out of breath from his mouth to externalize their ideas. To love good people, serious professionals, and the coroner Serbelloni rines expert, an expert in the science. Scholars and sincerely attached to the work. Nothing to say about their relationship highly detailed, accurate and written, among other things, in good Italian. Which is good. The trouble was during the transition from oral to the written word, and to give him out one sentence was to be sweating as dentists. They looked at me with suspicion.
"Calm down, boys, there is nothing to fear. You just informed me of your findings. Who wants to start first? ". Never question had more negative effect.
"Since both can not wait to open his mouth I decide who starts first. A word from our coroner Serbelloni. Which Serbelloni, wiped his face with his chubby little hands, settled back in his chair barely containing a part of his back, snorted two or three times and finally began while we were all set on him like the Sibyl Cumana "I have not had much time to carefully examine the corpse, but I can say with some certainty that the girl died of strangulation between ten and eleven o'clock this morning." That said snorted again and stopped talking.
"The Thank you for the effort he has done, but I say, some other information would not hurt. For example, they noted other signs of violence on the body? ".
"No, but there is another particular."
"And waiting to tell us."
"Behold, strangled before his death, with some difficulty, among other things ...."
"What do you mean?".
"That is to say that the murderess has repeatedly had to tighten my neck to get his way. The signs show it unequivocally. "
"Let the first special."
"Well, before being strangled the girl must have taken something that made it to sleep. " At this point Serbelloni pulled out a white handkerchief with which she began to wipe his forehead that was beginning to leak. As it dragged on ...
"By chance want to get a shower, Serbelloni?" Growled Manganelli.
"From initial investigations, it will check that again, seems to have smoked a fair amount of cannabis-Rutenberg, an opiate used to relax the nervous system. If taken in large doses leads to a deep sleep. "
"a joint, well ..."
"More than one joint. The Rutenberg no joke. You fall asleep in the twinkling of an eye. "
Damn! There is no other traces left by the murderer, male or female? ".
"So it is assumed that wore gloves."
There was nothing to do. The Serbelloni was. Or take it or leave it. The only reasonable thing was free to leave and read his report.
"So Serbelloni, if there is no other ..." The Serbelloni pressed his mouth and shook his chubby cheeks.
"... it can go." The Serbelloni stood barely uttering a stifled groan that wanted to be a liberation, made a kind of smile and walked unsteadily as had come.
"Well, now it's up to you, rines.
"I do not think I can add a lot."
"Who knows why, but I almost thought so."
"In the sense that the most important things told by my colleague ...."
"Tell me the most frivolous, that we enjoy."
"The footprints of the tires belong to a point ...."
"Well ...".
"Bad, however, there are too many around. Hard to find, even if the tires seem quite worn. We also found shoe prints. "
"This, at least, will be good news."
"I would not say."
"In addition to park too pessimistic words, eh?".
"It's not my fault if the shoes were wrapped in a sturdy nylon belt."
"As a pedestrian?".
"pawn of chess."
"Yeah, I forgot. Rines Bravo, my memory begins to make dud. "
"It 'a pawn in wood of good quality."
"You can go back to the seller?".
"It will be difficult, it was done by hand."
"Then just go around the craftsmen ...."
"I feel that not enough".
"A little sign of optimism never, eh."
"A nose I would say, because any imperfection, the murderess if done alone."
"So, unfortunately, given the size, we certainly guesses. More? ".
And so ended the interview with rines.
"What do you think, Manganelli?".
"A particular type."
"I did not mean what you think of rines, who by now know by heart, but of the crime."
"There are two things that struck me: the Rutenberg cannabis and the fact of the signs in the throat."
"Explain yourself."
"This Rutenberg cannabis had never heard of."
"Me neither."
"Must be a new opioid.
"I felt like Serbelloni to ask, but then I gave up ...."
"I understand, you basically have a tender heart. I said this blessed Rutenberg and the signs show that the murderess in the throat or strangle her several times has enjoyed so much satisfaction, or had no strength. All the energy spent to transport the hand of the corpse from the car to where we found it. "
"Mmmm ... may be."
“Forse si è lasciato prendere dall’emozione…”.
“Dopo una buona una delle tue. Se prima l’ha stordita, o addormentata con uno spinello di quella roba lì, si è messo i guanti alle mani ed ha coperto le scarpe con il nailon, mi sa che non sia un tipo facilmente emozionabile. A me dà l’idea di uno piuttosto freddino”.
“Scherzavo, commissario, scherzavo…Le pare che io possa tirar fuori una congettura di tal genere?”.
“Non mi pare proprio, Manganelli”.
“Ne sono convinto”.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Raven-riley Inurl:2010

Monday's Chess Puzzle #21

Move to white.