Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Blepharitis Can You Wear Your Contacts

THE CHRIST OF THE ABYSS 2009 in the protected water park of Portofino

this post thanks to the courtesy of YouTube channel amicidelvideo2009

of The Christ Deep is a bronze statue placed in 1954 on the bottom of the bay of San Fruttuoso, between Camogli and Portofino in Protected Marine Area of \u200b\u200bPortofino, a 17-meter statue of profondità.La was born from an idea by Duilio Marcante that, following the death of Darius Gonzatti during a dive in 1950, pushed for the installation of a statue of Christ on seabed, August 22, 1954 the statue of Christ of the Deep is placed in the bay in front of San Fruttuoso, between Camogli and Portofino.La statue, 2.50 meters high and built by sculptor Guido Galletti, was placed by the Navy Italian to about 17 meters deep, was taken on the bottom with a lot of divers including Giorgio Fontana, and hands of Christ, directed to the surface (or heaven, but it was a statue underwater) are open as a symbol of peace. The bay of San Fruttuoso prospeciente the Abbey of San Fruttuoso. Just to the right, at sea, is surrounded by a statue of Cristo.Per get the bronze statue was cast medals, naval elements (even propellers of submarines Americans donated by the U.S. Navy) and bells. Following the death of Marcante was placed a plaque on the base of the statue in his memoria.Nel 2003 the statue was restored to protect it from corrosion and scale and, above all, to reattach the hand off to an anchor and then be repositioned underwater July 17, 2004 on a new base, at a depth less than the previous one. (Genoa, October 15, 1914 November 8, 1985), considered the "father" of Italian education in diving, è stato un subacqueo italiano.A lui, assieme a Luigi Ferraro, si deve la nascita nel 1948 del metodo didattico italiano, mirato all'avvicinamento alla subacquea, sviluppatosi poi fin dal 1957 nei corsi della Federazione Italiana Pesca Sportiva ed Attività Subacquee (FIPSAS).Prima della Seconda Guerra Mondiale Marcante, assieme a Egidio Cressi (fondatore poi della Cressi-sub), Luigi Ferraro, Ludovico Mares (fondatore della Mares) e altri si dedicarono allo sviluppo delle prime strumentazioni per la subacquea.Durante la guerra l'attività di Cressi e di Marcante subisce un notevole rallentamento, ma nonostante questo nel 1943 viene fondata la Cressi-sub nell'entroterra ligure, dove anche Marcante si trasferisce per contribuire alla produzione equipment. Dario Gonzatti created in these laboratories, the first prototype sports dell'autorespiratore oxygen (ARO) on the basis of the same respirator used by the Navy. Known during a fishing underwater Luigi Ferraro, it is inserted into gruppo.Quando Dario Gonzatti dies while diving in 1947 Duilio pushing for the installation of a statue of Christ on the seabed, August 22, 1954 the statue of Christ of the Deep is placed in the bay in front of San Fruttuoso near Camogli.Il born May 15, 1948 Underwater Sports Union (USS), the first Italian association of this type. In 1949, the Italian Federation of Sport Fishing (now FIPSAS) accounts for the association, while allowing freedom of organization Ferraro and friends in and pushing so unexpected development of teaching that occurs prior to 1954, the USS disciplina.Nel melts, giving rise to various groups of a local Marcante he was appointed organizer and instructor of the infant Mediterranean Diving Centre in Nervi while keeping its total autonomia.Nel finally born 1959 World Confederation of Underwater Activities (CMAS), adopting the teaching develops until the following year allora.Negli Marcante continues to refine the curriculum of the various sports organizations, including instructing Carabinieri, Finance, Fire Department and the military.
(Thanks to my friend Nicola and the granting of the material photovideo personal diving excursion the Christ of the Abyss Sub with his friends!)


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