Saturday, February 6, 2010

Returns Based Style Analysis

Hot Chocolate ... and wisdom! On the day of Candlemas

A group of friends, work and established that they were discussing their lives, they decided to go visit their old university professor, now retired, has always been their reference point.
During the visit, he complained of stress that threatens their life, work and social relationships.
Offering his guests hot chocolate, the professor went into the kitchen to prepare it and returned to them with a pitcher and an assortment of cups. Some glass, some in China, costs in some other simple crystal and exquisite workmanship.
The professor asked them to help themselves to chocolate.
When they all had their steaming cup in hand, the professor published his considerations:
"known to have been took all the cups the most beautiful and expensive, while were leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. The cause of your problems and stress is that it is normal for you to want only the best. The cup that you're drinking from adds nothing to the quality of hot chocolate. In some cases, the cup is very nice and some even hides what we drink.
What each of you wanted, it was really hot chocolate. You do not want the cup. But you have consciously chosen the best cups. And soon, you began to look at the cups of others.
friend now please listen to me.
Life is the hot chocolate. Your job, money, position in society are le tazze. Le tazze sono solo contenitori per accogliere e contenere la vita. La tazza che avete non determina la vita, non cambia la qualità della vita che state vivendo. Qualche volta, concentrandovi solo sulla tazza, voi non riuscite ad apprezzare il cioccolato caldo che contiene!
Le persone più felici non hanno il meglio di ogni cosa, ma apprezzano il meglio di ogni cosa che hanno!
Vivete semplicemente. Amate generosamente. Parlate gentilmente.
E ricordatevi: la persona più ricca non è quella che ha di più, ma quella che ha bisogno del minimo."
...Godetevi il vostro cioccolato caldo!


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