Friday, February 12, 2010

South Park Imaginationland Streaming

In the circle of time


Il giorno inizia con l’ alba , quando il sole sorge, e termina al tramonto, quando il sole scende dietro all’orizzonte salutato dall’Ave Maria. Dal tramonto fino all’ultima luce c’è un tempo che non è più giorno e non è ancora notte, e si chiama crepuscolo : l’ultima luce è blu, e in quest’ora il profumo dei fiori è più intenso. Segue la notte e dura fino al primo chiarore, annunciato dal canto del gallo, quando delle cose si inizia a distinguere la forma ed il colore. E dal primo chiarore fino all’alba c’è un tempo che non è più notte e non è still day, and it is called aurora . The times that make up the days are three: The morning, beginning at dawn, noon the preceding hour and an hour following the true noon, when the sun reaches the highest point of his arc in the sky and the shadows shorten as more could not, and afternoon, until the night tramonto.Anche you know in two parts to the real midnight says night after night is deep, and , deep in the night, the darkest hour is before the return of light and the light returns and return daily until the end of time.

Remember: the light period, the beginning of dawn until the end of twilight, is made in the wake, that the agenda for the occupation, for the rest of the night and sleep. Exceptions taken by nature or necessity, this is true for people, animals, plants and all living things. The

are the twelfth hour of the day, marking the ancient division of time, their life is constantly changing throughout the year and are longer in summer and shorter in winter. The first hour begins with the dawn, in December, ending about 45 minutes later, in March and September, after about 60, in June after about 75; Other eleven hours for the same duration as the first. The last hour, the twelfth, ends with the sunset.

Dawn, the true noon, sunset, the first light and last light are the moments that mark the times of day and night and can be recognized without a clock or other instruments. These moments are not equal for all, but different from place to place, and at the same place, sunrise and sunset occur at different times for those who live on the coast and for those who live on high ground, for those who see on the horizon sea \u200b\u200band those who see it surrounded by distant mountains, so far as to take the color of the sky or fade into the mist. In

great game matches, the cycle of day and night reflected those of the year and life. Thus, to the alternation of morning, noon, afternoon, dusk, sunset, night and dawn, are as many seasons. The

spring begins when the wood begins to dress in leaves, ' summer when the corn is ripe and ready for harvest, the' autumn when the forest is tinged with yellow and then red, the ' the winter solstice day, then everything falls asleep in the cold.

And as the cycle of day and night and the year, so that the life, for us and for all that lives, turn in a wheel, if not interrupted by fate, through many stages: the youth following birth and accompanied by the development, the 'adult made of autonomy, work and fertility, the maturity is the time harvest, moderation and reflection, the old that comes when memories and regrets Csopravvento take on the hopes and plans and, little by little, the body and mind away from the world, the time of sleep deep that begins with the death and rebirth of one who returns with the conception.

from place to place, depending on the location, orientation and altitude places change the start and duration of seasons. And so, from person to person, beyond the conventions and legal age, they change the start time and duration of life.

Day and God descend from a single word, Dyaus that once, before these times, in northern India meant bright sky.

From "The leaflet 2010 - Lunar Calendar of Liguria." M. Angelini and MCBasadonne © author


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