Wednesday, December 23, 2009
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Il nostro incontro, dedicato al libro " I diritti delle donne nell'Unione europea ", ha avuto luogo martedì 26 gennaio , ore 17, presso la Casa della Memoria e della Storia, in via San Francesco di Sales 5 (presso Regina Coeli).
Il libro, curato da Maria Grazia Rossilli , also contains a conversation with Elena Paciotti, and is published by Ediesse.
E 'was presented by Marcella Corsi , economist, and Alessandra Righi , demographer with the presence of the curator. He coordinated Giancarla Babino, Circle Cattaneo.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Imagenes Pa Baby Shower
The dear friend Simon, aka fufuralzu (on youtube: fufuralzu ), has once again given vent to his volcanic mind conceiving this video is dedicated to my husband, on the occasion of his birthday.
always the gentle and affectionate Simo say: Thank you!
Monday, October 19, 2009
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Only one thought: the human being has always believed superior to all other living beings and in more than one occasion has proved to be, in fact, the most idiotic and certainly the most vicious.
One of these "opportunities" is precisely the wearing of fur, a circumstance in which stupidity and evil move hand in hand. Only
a fool can dress up with the skin of others without asking how much suffering this has caused his choice, and if he did continue undaunted, evil comes into play.
Say no more. I post this video, however, that in simplicity, says the hope, fear and suffering of so many poor creatures.
thank YouTube user "Vegan Tes" for having allowed the publication of the video. These
its link: and
Friday, October 9, 2009
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Wednesday, November 11 to 18 we presented the book Sergio Ristuccia " Building the institutions of democracy. The lesson of Adriano Olivetti , politician and political theorist," Marsilio 2009, with assistance of Andrea Bixio, who teaches Sociology at La Sapienza, and Augusto Cerri, constitutionalist.
The meeting was held at the House of Memory and History, in St. Francis de Sales 5, behind Regina Coeli. For the Circle
Cattaneo was a special occasion, given the continuity of thought between Carlo Cattaneo Adriano Olivetti.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
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Tuesday, September 1, 2009
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Riporto di seguito le parole che l'amica Angela ha scelto per accompagnare questo suo video. A quasi 3 anni dall'aver scoperto di essere affetta da sclerosi multipla, i primi segnali di successo del farmaco con cui si sta curando! E' una notizia che regala speranza!
Segnalo nuovamente e continuerò a farlo, il sito personale di Angela
"Finalmente, ho ricevuto buone notizie! Anche se non mi sento affatto bene, dopo aver fatto la mia tenth MRI, I discovered that it had new lesions in the brain, to be slightly improved and did not have antibodies against the medicine I'm taking seven months!
Finally, the fourth medicine that I'm trying is working !!!!! "
Saturday, August 22, 2009 #554 You Are Sending Spam
I chose flowers to rapresent this disease because I view them as a symbol of hope, beauty and life and I feel they are the perfect representation of my dream, which is finding a cure for Multiple Sclerosis and for all the rare neurological diseases that are so similar to it.
Flowers bring joy and beauty in very simple, but wonderful ways and they speak to everyones hearts through their beauty.
I wanted to use something as beautiful and positive as flowers to overshadow the pain and suffering that these disorders can cause to many of us.
Please, help me support research and be a part of Flowers 4 MS project.
Please, go to to learn about me, my journey with MS and what I do to raise funds for research for a cure for Multiple Sclerosis.
Thank you very much.
PS: I am planning to start working on becoming a foundation this coming fall, MS permitting, of course! :)
Saturday, August 15, 2009
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that I invite you to visit with all my heart to know the project Flowers 4 MS
Let's take a moment to pause and click here:
Site and project are the result of work and dedication of a dear friend, Angela.
Multiple sclerosis may come suddenly in the life of each of us, our children and our loved ones. Trying to meet you maybe we decide to help those who, with dedication and sacrifice is involved in research.
Thanks for your attention.
The video in the bottom of this post is dedicated with love to Angela and I would add, quoting his words: "The special meetings, in life, there really ... and it is always possible to meet an angel ..."
I would like to present to you my friend Angela on That project created. It is Called Flowers 4 MS.
The website,, and Were the project created by Angela with love and dedication and talks about Multiple Sclerosis, the disease that is affecting her life.
This disease can enter our lives and the lives of our children and our loved ones at any moment.
Learning about Multiple Sclerosis can inspire us to help those who through their sacrifice and determination, are searching to find a cure for this disease. The video that I created and posted on my YouTube channel was dedicated to Angela with lots of love and I would like to end this message by sharing these words with all of you:
Special meetings in our lives, are manyand its always possible to meet an angel
Cos'è la sclerosi multipla
La sclerosi multipla (SM), o sclerosi a placche, è una malattia grave del sistema nervoso centrale, cronica e spesso progressivamente invalidante.
Nonostante i molti passi avanti fatti dalla ricerca scientifica, la causa e la terapia definitiva della SM sono ancora sconosciute. L’ipotesi oggi dominante è che esista una predisposizione genetica a sviluppare la malattia, predisposizione con la quale interagiscono fattori esterni, forse virali, che scatenano l'esordio della malattia.
In Italia 54.000 persone sono colpite da SM, uno ogni 1.100 abitanti. Ogni anno si verificano 1.800 nuovi casi.
L’età di esordio è tra i 15 e i 50 anni, anche se questa malattia si manifesta soprattutto tra i giovani adulti, tra i 20 e i 30 anni, e tra le donne, in un rapporto di due a uno rispetto agli uomini.
The causes of MS are still unknown. Based on the results of many scientific studies are believed to have involved several factors which interact with one another: a genetic predisposition to develop the disease and an environmental agent that can stimulate the immune system, genetically altered to attack a portion of its body, or myelin.
Genetic predisposition is demonstrated by the fact that MS is more common in those who have a first degree relative affected by the disease in some populations where the MS is more frequently were also identified genes absent in others. This genetic predisposition, however, is not sufficient by itself determine the development of the disease: is it necessary for an environmental factor, possibly viral, stimulating the immune system genetically altered to react abnormally in attacking the myelin and thus initiating the disease.
Contrary to the causes, the mechanism underlying the disease is relatively well known: it is an immune mechanism, specifically autoimmune.
fact MS is an autoimmune disease.
E 'is now generally accepted that MS is based on an abnormal immune response directed against myelin in the central nervous system of the same organism that is attacked and destroyed.
Symptoms o disturbi della malattia che possono presentarsi durante il decorso sono estremamente variabili e sono in genere dovuti all’interruzione nella conduzione o all’alterato funzionamento degli impulsi nervosi in corrispondenza delle aree di perdita di mielina e di danno dell’assone.
L’intensità dei sintomi dipende da quanto è estesa l’area di perdita di mielina e da quanto è grave il danno degli assoni, mentre il tipo dei sintomi dipende dalla sede.
La frequenza dei diversi sintomi aumenta in genere con la gravità e la durata della malattia anche, se per alcuni, non vi sono chiare correlazioni.
¦ Disturbi cognitivi
¦ Disturbi della coordinazione (cerebellari)
¦ Disturbi della parola
¦ Disturbi della Sessualità
¦ Disturbi emotivi
¦ Disturbi intestinali
¦ Disturbi motori
¦ Disturbi sensitivi
¦ Disturbi visivi
¦ Fatica
¦ Spasticità
About Multiple Sclerosis
MS is thought to be an autoimmune disease that affects the central nervous system (CNS). The CNS consists of the brain, spinal cord, and the optic nerves.
Surrounding and protecting the nerve fibers of the CNS is a fatty tissue called myelin which helps nerve fibers conduct electrical impulses.
In MS, myelin is lost in multiple areas, leaving scar tissue called sclerosis. These damaged areas are also known as plaques or lesions. Sometimes the nerve fiber itself is damaged or broken.
Myelin not only protects nerve fibers, but makes their job possible. When myelin or the nerve fiber is destroyed or damaged, the ability of the nerves to conduct electrical impulses to and from the brain is disrupted, and this produces the various symptoms of MS.
Approximately 400,000 Americans have MS, and every week about 200 people are newly diagnosed. Most are between the ages of 20 and 50, and women are affected two to three times as much as men. Worldwide, MS may affect 2.5 million individuals.
What Causes MS?
While the exact cause of MS is unknown, most researchers believe that the damage to myelin results from an abnormal response by the body’s immune system. Normally, the immune system defends the body against foreign invaders such as viruses or bacteria. In autoimmune diseases, the body attacks its own tissue. It is believed that MS is an autoimmune disease. In the case of MS, myelin is attacked.
Scientists do not yet know what triggers the immune system to do this. Most agree that several factors are involved, including:
• Genetics
• Gender
• Environmental Triggers
[Possibilities include viruses, trauma, and heavy metals (toxicology)]
Monday, June 29, 2009
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Statemi bene!
Monday, June 8, 2009
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On 30 June at 20.30 at the library Bibli , by way of bluegrass, 28 (Trastevere), we discussed the book "New Italian . I young immigrants will change our country? ", ed. Il Mulino, together with one of its authors, Gianpiero Dalla Zuanna , professor of demography at the University of Padua, Roberto Fantini , education manager of the Italian Section of Amnesty and Mohammed Taolmoun Network 2 second generation.
will coordinate the discussion Cesare Pinelli, a professor of constitutional law at the University of Rome "La Sapienza".
The book makes us understand better the second generation of foreigners, young people in our country which recognizes few rights, but which are very positively motivated to join with us.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
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Although physically far away, is a friend Strega Amelia sincere.
A person whom I had the good fortune to meet in this virtual world and the pleasure to know and embrace the person! Thanks
Witch, you're great!
Here are the words that I dedicated: the
dear friend Anna on her birthday. a sincere wish ...
A poem about a flower that I consider beautiful .. the poppy.
Why? because I think that looks like ... can cheer the heart and shine in the dark .. a sun in the sun ...
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
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This beautiful video to me was dedicated by his Thurs during my birthday.
I'm happy and even a little touched Gio has done all this work for me! Public
the message of good wishes that you sent me, so beautiful, that does not need comments ... Here it is:
"Dear Anna,
Because I think that I can not get your good wishes in person, I thought you would please, I dedicate this picture and music.
I wish all the best to you and your family. A special prayer because The Lord be with you always, every day, in joy and in the most difficult.
Thank you for your friendship so beautiful and precious.
A hug and, if you do, a big kiss.
Gio "
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
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The May 13 was presented the book of Mark Almagia " The quality of democracy in Italy. Social Capital and Policy ", ed. Carocci, with a seminar organized by Fondaca, the European Commission and our club on "Social Capital and federalism."
The meeting was held in Rome at the headquarters of the European Commission Representation in Italy, via IV Novembre 149 , with hours 18-19.30.
well as the author, were with us Giuliano Amato, Linda Lanzillotta , Mario Pirani, Carmine Nardone, Daniele Rossi (director of Federalimentare) and Francesco Cicione (Field Calabria).
Sunday, March 22, 2009
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Friday, April 3, at 17, the House of Memory by way of St. Francis de Sales 5, we discussed the 60th anniversary of the Constitution with Andrea Bixio, Luigi lakes, and Luca Scuccimarra Massimo Siclari.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
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It is no coincidence that many poker pros have a history of chess. Ylon Schwartz, Ivo Donev and Howard Lederer have gone from the board at the green table, bringing the same approach. Ylon Schwartz does not fail to point out, in interviews, as the memory is one of the strongest tools that chess and poker players use to analyze their opponents.
But the contribution of chess to the world of poker is not limited to mental and psychological tactics. People like Howard Lederer , also called the "professor" for calm and patience that make when playing poker against its opponents have definitely contributed to air a bit 'more intellectual and austere in an environment usually light. Probably will never be associated with poker strategy and intelligence as pure as is with chess. But if it is increasingly considered a mental game than a game of chance, the credit is for lovers of the board.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
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We met Friday, February 13, from 17.30 to 20, to Waldensian Faculty of Theology, Via Pietro Cossa, 42 (Piazza Cavour).
The meeting was introduced by Monica Toraldo di Francia, a member of the National Bioethics Committee and one of the leading Italian scholars of bioethics.
Monday, February 9, 2009
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Wednesday, January 28, 2009
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this post thanks to the courtesy of YouTube channel amicidelvideo2009
of The Christ Deep is a bronze statue placed in 1954 on the bottom of the bay of San Fruttuoso, between Camogli and Portofino in Protected Marine Area of \u200b\u200bPortofino, a 17-meter statue of profondità.La was born from an idea by Duilio Marcante that, following the death of Darius Gonzatti during a dive in 1950, pushed for the installation of a statue of Christ on seabed, August 22, 1954 the statue of Christ of the Deep is placed in the bay in front of San Fruttuoso, between Camogli and Portofino.La statue, 2.50 meters high and built by sculptor Guido Galletti, was placed by the Navy Italian to about 17 meters deep, was taken on the bottom with a lot of divers including Giorgio Fontana, and hands of Christ, directed to the surface (or heaven, but it was a statue underwater) are open as a symbol of peace. The bay of San Fruttuoso prospeciente the Abbey of San Fruttuoso. Just to the right, at sea, is surrounded by a statue of Cristo.Per get the bronze statue was cast medals, naval elements (even propellers of submarines Americans donated by the U.S. Navy) and bells. Following the death of Marcante was placed a plaque on the base of the statue in his memoria.Nel 2003 the statue was restored to protect it from corrosion and scale and, above all, to reattach the hand off to an anchor and then be repositioned underwater July 17, 2004 on a new base, at a depth less than the previous one. (Genoa, October 15, 1914 November 8, 1985), considered the "father" of Italian education in diving, è stato un subacqueo italiano.A lui, assieme a Luigi Ferraro, si deve la nascita nel 1948 del metodo didattico italiano, mirato all'avvicinamento alla subacquea, sviluppatosi poi fin dal 1957 nei corsi della Federazione Italiana Pesca Sportiva ed Attività Subacquee (FIPSAS).Prima della Seconda Guerra Mondiale Marcante, assieme a Egidio Cressi (fondatore poi della Cressi-sub), Luigi Ferraro, Ludovico Mares (fondatore della Mares) e altri si dedicarono allo sviluppo delle prime strumentazioni per la subacquea.Durante la guerra l'attività di Cressi e di Marcante subisce un notevole rallentamento, ma nonostante questo nel 1943 viene fondata la Cressi-sub nell'entroterra ligure, dove anche Marcante si trasferisce per contribuire alla produzione equipment. Dario Gonzatti created in these laboratories, the first prototype sports dell'autorespiratore oxygen (ARO) on the basis of the same respirator used by the Navy. Known during a fishing underwater Luigi Ferraro, it is inserted into gruppo.Quando Dario Gonzatti dies while diving in 1947 Duilio pushing for the installation of a statue of Christ on the seabed, August 22, 1954 the statue of Christ of the Deep is placed in the bay in front of San Fruttuoso near Camogli.Il born May 15, 1948 Underwater Sports Union (USS), the first Italian association of this type. In 1949, the Italian Federation of Sport Fishing (now FIPSAS) accounts for the association, while allowing freedom of organization Ferraro and friends in and pushing so unexpected development of teaching that occurs prior to 1954, the USS disciplina.Nel melts, giving rise to various groups of a local Marcante he was appointed organizer and instructor of the infant Mediterranean Diving Centre in Nervi while keeping its total autonomia.Nel finally born 1959 World Confederation of Underwater Activities (CMAS), adopting the teaching develops until the following year allora.Negli Marcante continues to refine the curriculum of the various sports organizations, including instructing Carabinieri, Finance, Fire Department and the military.
(Thanks to my friend Nicola and the granting of the material photovideo personal diving excursion the Christ of the Abyss Sub with his friends!)
Monday, January 19, 2009
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My friends, who would I be without you? You make me feel lucky because I know your worth, you make me feel proud to have you grown, but also make me feel alive. Thank you, because I feel that I have found the road with you.
Thanks mom. Like when you smile with your eyes, I know everything you have done. I hear you are well covered.
A long goodbye. Thank you because you gave me the most beautiful emotions of my life forever and will guard it jealously in their hearts. And smile when they think of you. I never want those moments of pure soil with my tears. I never want to hate each new day without you. We will be able to look back one night with the river, as it slides toward the sea? Hello my
Rome, hello my my eternal city, hello my past, my ever present.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
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Monday January 26, 2009 at 17 hours the House of Literature , 3 Town Square (near Piazza della Chiesa Nuova, Corso Vittorio), we held our debate "La evaluation of scientific University. The speakers were :
- Nicoletta Stamen, president of the Italian dellAssociazione assessed and the European Evaluation Society
- Alberto Silvani, Director of UNIMITTO, Centre for Innovation and Technology Transfer, University of Milan
- Paolo Rossi, a member of the National University Council and the National Center for the Evaluation of the University System.
The theme of the university assessment concluded a series of debates began with the theme of responsible and continued with that of the school evaluation.
Friday, January 2, 2009
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On 30 May 2008, the House of history and memory, we held the constituent meeting of the Circle .
On June 30, 2008, Arion the Library of the House, and Alberto Orioli Luca Meldolesi, with the author, have submitted: Carlo Carboni, "The company cynical. The ruling classes in Italian 'era of anti-", Laterza, 2007. Ha coordinato Cesare Pinelli.
Il 9 ottobre 2008, alla Casa delle letterature (piazza dell'Orologio), Nadio Delai, Mara Gasbarrone, Andrea Tardiola e Valeria Termini hanno discusso su: " Il merito in Italia" , in occasione della pubblicazione del libro di Roger Abravanel , Meritocrazia , e raccogliendo la riflessione delle ricerche della Luiss sulla classe dirigente. Ha coordinato Giancarla Babino.
Il 26 novembre 2008, ore 17,30, presso la Casa della memoria e della storia, Piero Cipollone (direttore Invalsi ), Fiorella Farinelli, Vanni Piccolo and Antonio Giannelli discussed on "The evaluation of the school system." He coordinated Giancarla Babino.