Friday, December 17, 2010

Mastibating Ladies To Watch

: books and Cazzullo Avagliano-Palmieri, with Rendina and Veltroni

Il  9 febbraio , ore 18,30, alla Casa della Memoria abbiamo presentato insieme all'ANPI i libri di A.Cazzullo , " Viva l'Italia! ", e di M.Avagliano-M.Palmieri , " Gli ebrei sotto la persecuzione in Italia. Diari e lettere 1938-1945 ".

Oltre agli autori, hanno parlato Massimo Rendina e Walter Veltroni.
Claudio Bigagli ha letto alcuni brani.

Con una partecipazione di pubblico inaspettata, si è parlato national memory beyond the usual complaints about the identity weak that we know is weak for some time, and repeat instrumental sounds today, the problem is her sense, as we tried to do in the debate.

Cazzullo book, you can read the first chapter the site of the Mondadori books

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Long Time Effects Of Sweet N Low?

Saviano says he is boring, is verbose, citing that without giving credit to that one.
He says Fazio Fazio is always the same, that does not bite, which is a feel-good subtle.
Says that there was inconsistent *.
program says it's the usual claims that are believed to be the best, which do professoroni arrogant, speaking of culture and listen to Conte De Andrè.
says that the weak do with Maroni and hard on those who do not like euthanasia.
says that Rai is all.
says it was a trivial program, rhetorical, partisan, and so on by yawning.
So do you share 40% of homeless and news.

* write to Rai asking too inconsistent for editorial and Minzolini the Angelus, the pope.

Kate Playground Red Heels

Impressions from Steamland

Directly from Lucca, my interview with Francesco Dimitri on AtlantideZine.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Ottawa Doctor Who Treat Laser For Acne

The social network? Like

What Fincher tells us in The social network is a class struggle, conduct, however, not a revolutionary idealist, but a unique and ingenious envious. The real revenge of the nerds. Facebook remains in the background while to emerge are the stories of ambitious young men, raised in an environment so meritocratico, ma anche intriso di sfrenato arrivismo. The social network , in fondo, è una storia sul potere nonché una perfetta fotografia dei tempi moderni.
Bene, questo è il 'cosa', parliamo ora del 'come' Quel che abbiamo è una regia solida e incalzante, accompagnata da una sceneggiatura spumeggiante. Ok, e gli attori? Ottimi perché credibili e sfaccettati, mai caricaturali, a partire dall’impeccabile Jesse Eisenberg fino a un Justin Timberlake perfettamente in parte. Vogliamo parlare del montaggio? Forse che non bastano la fluida gestione dei continui salti cronologici o la sequenza della gara di canottaggio a convincere i soliti snob dai gusti difficili? E per chiudere in bellezza... la soundtrack. There is Trent Reznor, and is in good shape. Want more?
Go to the movies, go.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Freezing Garbanzo Beans

Italian democracy: let's talk together

Our last meeting consisted of a discussion between us on the theme of Italian democracy, we have had Wednesday, December 15 at 19 at the headquarters of the Italian Council of the Movement European Piazza della Libertà 13 , fourth floor.
exchange greetings, which extend also to the readers of the blog, we discuss initiatives for 2011.

*** The Italian debate on democracy has long been trapped between the regime thesis and dissertation the omnipotence of government leaders and come out victorious from the elections . The debate is stuck, because it very much to those who support the thesis as the other. Yet they are both without merit. We live in such a way so emphasized the populist wave that crosses the old Western democracies, to have a President of the Council and majority parties who engaged in repeated and especially the claim that "the majority takes all."
But the reasons for which Parliament has ceased to legislate and the government acts only through the Minister of Economy has nothing to do with populism, have if anything to do with events dating back more institutional.
And most so far, I stress so far, we have an arsenal of counter enviable , and that in most cases they do their job, by the President of the Constitutional Court, judges from the local governments, independent authorities to Bank of Italy, not to mention the President of the Chamber.
We have thus the institutional point of view, a very confrontational democracy, not a democracy that is slowly turning off (the thesis of the system) or who is prey to the popular will of the usurpers.
Restore sense of proportion compared to what is happening would be if we are thankless job in the media environment. But at least between us we may ask: can the two theories in public discourse continues to monopolize the attention, while not at all reflect reality? It would not be pressing from facts, rather than fairy tales?

How To Change Mod On Mount And Blade

The brutal and unpredictable trajectories of Experimental

cell 211 starts to bomb and does not miss a shot until the end. A few minutes here and that Juan, about to become official prison, he finds himself wounded and isolated in the middle of the revolt led by the charismatic inmate Malamadre. A revolt apparently mad were it not that the rebels have excellent hostages: three members of ETA, whose government holds the health especially. It must be said that although the violence is more than credible Utrilla, sometimes finding empathy for the prisoners could di farci dimenticare che non si tratta proprio di stinchi di santo. In fondo, però, è anche inutile cercare della denuncia sociale in questo film poiché ciò che conta è l’intreccio di relazioni e tensioni dentro e fuori dalla prigione; un cornice nella quale il binomio criminale-umano/poliziotto-bastardo diventa l’innesco del dramma personale del protagonista. Daniel Monzón ha talento narrativo, uno stile diretto e spedito ed è supportato da una gran coppia di attori: bravissimo Luis Tosar nel dar forma alla selvaggia umanità di Malamadre, convincente Alberto Amman nel caratterizzare la discesa all’inferno di Juan.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

What Type Of Doctor Treats Everything

case of peasant dictatorship applied

Per mostrare ai propri Students can easily arise as a dictatorship, a teacher from processing its own alternative high school class in a small autocracy, complete with a symbol, uniform and salute. Too bad that the experiment succeeds all too well. Following the lives of teachers and young students are witnessing the slow and intoxicating to mount the wave, as one body in a white shirt, gradually increasing your internal balance and intolerant towards those who did not party or, worse still, the clash. It all comes down to the obvious tragedy. Great value
de Wave is in being able to describe the mechanisms that lead to the establishment of a dictatorship using a simple, linear narrative, che non svacca in pistolotti retorici o ipercerebrali. Film riuscito e interessante, peccato solo che non sempre l’impatto emotivo sia all’altezza di quello concettuale: la deriva autocratica spaventa più a livello di testa che di pancia.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Lofthouses Of Fleetwood

The god that post on Facebook

Dopo la brusca interruzione della quarta stagione, il ragazzo prodigio John Doe ritorna. Lo fa con una serie al tempo stesso nuova e vecchia, con un nuovo copertinista, cui spetta il difficile compito di non far rimpiangere Massimo Carnevale, e con l’ormai rodata coppia Bartoli/Recchioni a tenere le redini del progetto. Lo stop forzato diventa uno spunto meta-narrativo per dare il via alla nuova trafila di JD problems, god atheist dall'impagabile face slapping who must learn to believe in himself. The two authors like to take risks and sometimes make it out of the pot, but this first issue is bubbling, with a nice mix of comedy dialogues by found ingenious - Bob, Bill and Chewie are wonderful - and pop philosophy.
If the goal was "not repeat themselves without giving up themselves, then this beginning is very promising.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Medical Journals Impact Factor

A coffin, a good idea and sixty minutes too long for dummies

Get an actor, close it in a coffin with a mobile media Download, a zippo, a pencil and a little altro e non lo fai mai uscire. Che Rodrigo Cortés sia bravo a destreggiarsi in uno spazio fisico e cinematografico così angusto è fuori discussione; lo stesso si può dire di Ryan Reynolds, vista la sua buona prova recitativa. Certe attese al telefono sono crudeli e la freddezza del datore di lavoro del protagonista è agghiacciante. Un soggetto perfetto per un corto, insomma. Invece Buried dura novanta minuti e dopo un po’ il gioco mostra i suoi limiti: i tanto strombazzati colpi di scena finiscono per diventare gratuiti – più simili a pizzicotti per tener viva l’attenzione che a spunti per creare un vero e proprio climax di tensione – mentre l’umorismo nero non sempre va a segno e il finale... mah.
So, folks, before we talk about "masterpiece" and "genius" and "fierce criticism of the war" and bring half of Hitchcock, let's take a deep breath and think about it.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

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The effectiveness with which Ben Dupre introduced in 50 great ideas of philosophy, some of the most interesting and topical issues of human thought, can lead to two conclusions: either he's very good at simplification of the concepts and make them accessible even to those who do not chew daily Kant or Aristotle, or philosophy can also be explained without convoluted verbal acrobatics and big words in German.
Some academics may turn up their nose in front of certain simplifications or certain references to popular culture (Matrix, Narnia, 2001 A Space Odyssey), but the author never run the risk of superficiality, and while reading this book authority to pose as experts and brooding philosophers, there are plenty of stimuli for interesting thoughts or ideas to deepen the topics covered.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

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Philosopy Through the years, I learned that instead change means the end

Anyone who has read and enjoyed Q can not help but get excited to see reappear in the restless and rebellious character. A return that occurs after a hundred pages in the Altai , nuovo romanzo storico del collettivo Wu Ming, ambientato fra Venezia e Costantinopoli 15 anni dopo il precedente. Mancano certi didascalici elenchi di nomi e luoghi che indebolivano la prima parte di Q , come pure certi flashback e flashforward talvolta confusionari; Altai ha una struttura più lineare e pulita senza per questo rinunciare a un intreccio coinvolgente e alla forza della rievocazione storica – ottimi i dialoghi in lingue e dialetti diversi. Manuel Cardoso, agente segreto della Serenissima e giudeo in lotta con le proprie origini, non ha lo stesso carisma del ‘viaggiatore del mondo’, cui viene affidata la riflessione centrale del libro, ma gli autori riescono comunque, tramite lui, a raccontare effectively one of the many chapters of the continuing flight of the Jewish people. Above all, do not simply confine the story, pure and simple setting, but give it a leading role.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Patricia Wallet Crochet

October 20: Not united or divided

Mercoledì 20 ottobre alle 18 abbiamo presentato il libro di  Marcello Fedele Né uniti né divisi . Le due anime del federalismo all'italiana, ed. Donzelli, 2010.

L'incontro si è tenuto alla Libreria Feltrinelli, via V.E.Orlando, 78/81.

Sono intervenuti Luca Antonini, Linda Lanzillotta, Francesco Merloni, Massimo Villone .
Era presente l'autore.

Siamo entrati nel terzo millennio ma restiamo il paese dei mille campanili. I comuni erano 8382 nel 1871 e oggi se ne contano più di ottomila, while the provinces have almost doubled. In the seventies came the regions, followed by hundreds of mountain communities and thousands of smaller bodies.
State Too, too many costs of politics. Never escape the trap of localism which fell at that time also the unitary process? Not necessarily.
The implementation of Title V of the reasons is increasing conflict between the various local authorities, and between self and state. A plot of this kind does not exist in European federalism, which makes the localism everywhere to the regional governments. Instead she finds herself in Brazil or Mexico, where municipalities are constitutionally guaranteed.
What direction will we change? Tremonti will prevail centralism characteristic of the German and Austrian federalism, or the municipal Bossi in the Latin American model?
For now, these two political perspectives have reinforced each other, but the most important game is still going on, why not come to reform the regime before 2016.
Welcome, then, into the new decade, uncertain and inevitably conflictual. Will be only the next year to tell us which of the two souls is bound to prevail. Or if both will be forced to capitulate.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Whiplash From In Front

On 1 July, the House of Literature and, we have discussed, "Italy 2020"

Friday, May 21, 2010

What Does Thumb And Pinky Touching Mean

present "The University for All" June 24

In collaborazione con l'Università di Castel Sant'Angelo, il 24 giugno alle ore 17,00 in corso Vittorio Emanuele 217 nell'Aula Magna dell'Istituto Cattaneo, presentiamo il libro di Andrea Graziosi , " L'università per tutti . Riforme e crisi del sistema universitario italiano", il Mulino, 2010.

Presentano il libro:
  • il prof. Giacinto Della Cananea, Università di Napoli Federico II
  • la prof.ssa Maria Rosaria Marella, Università di Perugia
  • l'on. Marco Meloni, Head University PD

will coordinate the discussion, the prof. Francesco Riccobono, University of Naples Federico II.

Friday, February 12, 2010

South Park Imaginationland Streaming

In the circle of time


Il giorno inizia con l’ alba , quando il sole sorge, e termina al tramonto, quando il sole scende dietro all’orizzonte salutato dall’Ave Maria. Dal tramonto fino all’ultima luce c’è un tempo che non è più giorno e non è ancora notte, e si chiama crepuscolo : l’ultima luce è blu, e in quest’ora il profumo dei fiori è più intenso. Segue la notte e dura fino al primo chiarore, annunciato dal canto del gallo, quando delle cose si inizia a distinguere la forma ed il colore. E dal primo chiarore fino all’alba c’è un tempo che non è più notte e non è still day, and it is called aurora . The times that make up the days are three: The morning, beginning at dawn, noon the preceding hour and an hour following the true noon, when the sun reaches the highest point of his arc in the sky and the shadows shorten as more could not, and afternoon, until the night tramonto.Anche you know in two parts to the real midnight says night after night is deep, and , deep in the night, the darkest hour is before the return of light and the light returns and return daily until the end of time.

Remember: the light period, the beginning of dawn until the end of twilight, is made in the wake, that the agenda for the occupation, for the rest of the night and sleep. Exceptions taken by nature or necessity, this is true for people, animals, plants and all living things. The

are the twelfth hour of the day, marking the ancient division of time, their life is constantly changing throughout the year and are longer in summer and shorter in winter. The first hour begins with the dawn, in December, ending about 45 minutes later, in March and September, after about 60, in June after about 75; Other eleven hours for the same duration as the first. The last hour, the twelfth, ends with the sunset.

Dawn, the true noon, sunset, the first light and last light are the moments that mark the times of day and night and can be recognized without a clock or other instruments. These moments are not equal for all, but different from place to place, and at the same place, sunrise and sunset occur at different times for those who live on the coast and for those who live on high ground, for those who see on the horizon sea \u200b\u200band those who see it surrounded by distant mountains, so far as to take the color of the sky or fade into the mist. In

great game matches, the cycle of day and night reflected those of the year and life. Thus, to the alternation of morning, noon, afternoon, dusk, sunset, night and dawn, are as many seasons. The

spring begins when the wood begins to dress in leaves, ' summer when the corn is ripe and ready for harvest, the' autumn when the forest is tinged with yellow and then red, the ' the winter solstice day, then everything falls asleep in the cold.

And as the cycle of day and night and the year, so that the life, for us and for all that lives, turn in a wheel, if not interrupted by fate, through many stages: the youth following birth and accompanied by the development, the 'adult made of autonomy, work and fertility, the maturity is the time harvest, moderation and reflection, the old that comes when memories and regrets Csopravvento take on the hopes and plans and, little by little, the body and mind away from the world, the time of sleep deep that begins with the death and rebirth of one who returns with the conception.

from place to place, depending on the location, orientation and altitude places change the start and duration of seasons. And so, from person to person, beyond the conventions and legal age, they change the start time and duration of life.

Day and God descend from a single word, Dyaus that once, before these times, in northern India meant bright sky.

From "The leaflet 2010 - Lunar Calendar of Liguria." M. Angelini and MCBasadonne © author

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Ikusa Otome Valkyrie Clips

Celeteque Or Cetaphil

March 16: What is the relationship between criminal justice and political

The theme of our meeting focused on the relationship-criminal justice policy (as you can see from the poster above). These speakers:

  • Renato Borzone, Vice-President of the Union of Chambers criminal
  • Glauco Joust, Professor of Criminal Procedure at the University of Rome Sapienza
  • John Salvi, Deputy Prosecutor of the Republic of Rome
Ha coordinato il dibattito l'avv. Cataldo Intrieri.
L'incontro si è tenuto  martedì 16 marzo alle ore 18 alla Casa della Memoria , via S.Francesco di Sales 5.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Returns Based Style Analysis

Hot Chocolate ... and wisdom! On the day of Candlemas

A group of friends, work and established that they were discussing their lives, they decided to go visit their old university professor, now retired, has always been their reference point.
During the visit, he complained of stress that threatens their life, work and social relationships.
Offering his guests hot chocolate, the professor went into the kitchen to prepare it and returned to them with a pitcher and an assortment of cups. Some glass, some in China, costs in some other simple crystal and exquisite workmanship.
The professor asked them to help themselves to chocolate.
When they all had their steaming cup in hand, the professor published his considerations:
"known to have been took all the cups the most beautiful and expensive, while were leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. The cause of your problems and stress is that it is normal for you to want only the best. The cup that you're drinking from adds nothing to the quality of hot chocolate. In some cases, the cup is very nice and some even hides what we drink.
What each of you wanted, it was really hot chocolate. You do not want the cup. But you have consciously chosen the best cups. And soon, you began to look at the cups of others.
friend now please listen to me.
Life is the hot chocolate. Your job, money, position in society are le tazze. Le tazze sono solo contenitori per accogliere e contenere la vita. La tazza che avete non determina la vita, non cambia la qualità della vita che state vivendo. Qualche volta, concentrandovi solo sulla tazza, voi non riuscite ad apprezzare il cioccolato caldo che contiene!
Le persone più felici non hanno il meglio di ogni cosa, ma apprezzano il meglio di ogni cosa che hanno!
Vivete semplicemente. Amate generosamente. Parlate gentilmente.
E ricordatevi: la persona più ricca non è quella che ha di più, ma quella che ha bisogno del minimo."
...Godetevi il vostro cioccolato caldo!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Play Pokemon Online Unblocked At School


Ricordato dalla Chiesa cattolica il 2 Febbraio (Presentation of Jesus in the temple) with the blessing of candles on Candlemas falls forty days after Christmas.
"Do all the lamps and candles, making a great light" (Itinerarium 24, 4)
The Jewish law required that the firstborn males were to be presented to the temple 40 days after birth for the rite of purification and so did Mary, the mother of Jesus

There are many proverbs and sayings related to this day, in the end the moral is the same: the chance to leave early winter .. .
A old Latin proverb states:
"It nivibus Purify - Easter floribus
It Purify floribus. nivibus Easter"
Or if it was snowy February 2, Easter would have been nice, but if the day of Candlemas was sunny, Easter would have fallen snow. Other
said "At Candlemas winter escapes or heartened"
In Anglo Saxon, a proverb says:
"If Candelmas Day be fair and bright
Winter Will Have Another fight
If Candelmas Day bring clouds and rain
Winter is gone and will not come again "
translating:" If Candlemas Day be nice, will return again Winter, if it is cloudy and rainy, Winter is now finished "