Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Plaster Of Paris Suppliers

The Grey Partridge (Perdix perdix)

Class: Birds
Family: Phasianidae
Genre: Partridge

Originally from the Steppe, immigrants in our area where it was cultivated frequently met in the fields and dry meadows.
In Italy the environment that best allows it to live and reproduce is quite localized: Piedmont south of the Po, the northern and central Apennines to Tuscany.
The partridge was also present in Valpadana, Umbria and Maremma, Marche and Lazio, but the changed conditions of the environment (agriculture intensiva o, all'opposto, abbandono dei terreni collinari, caccia, inquinamento) ne hanno decretata in alcune zone anche la scomparsa.
La sua eventuale presenza è dovuta, talvolta, a "maldestri" ripopolamenti annuali che quasi sempre sono del tutto negativi, soprattutto se effettuati in febbraio-marzo.
La scomparsa di idonei habitat, e qui mi riferisco alla Provincia di Genova (Italy) ove risiedo, rende inutili eventuali tentativi di reintroduzione di brigate di starne allo scopo di ripopolare "naturalmente" i territori circostanti. Si consideri inoltre che gli animali immessi, nati in incubatrice, allevati a mangime, trattati con antibiotici, al momento dell'immissione sul territorio hanno pochissime possibilità to escape the hunger and the harmful.

the partridge and the Seasons

For each season a lifestyle!
In March, the pairs are formed, and being monogamous, will remain united until the death of a partner.
pick the place where the nest, mark the territory driving out the intruders.
The female lays her eggs in the nest, located in a small hollow in the ground and lined with grass or hay, in number from 8 to 15. Are incubated 23 to 25 days and the chicks are lively and shelled early, they remain in the nest of a few hours, just enough time to "take power". Immediately following the lessons for parents of life, not easy, as many are the enemies of this bird.
In case of danger, the mother pretends to be hurt and you chase dall'assalitore away from the brigade to return the children when the enemy is distanced.
Brigades, compact, if sbrancamento are called urgently to the reunification of the group.
The partridge, while granivores, does not mind worms, insects, snails and berries. Rarely drink the dew that collects enough grass. In September
"spend the night among the culms de 'beans, they sleep in October in the plowed fields, the first glow of dawn rising the wakes, their Testiccioli out from under the wing covering it, they shake their feathers ruffled, they call each other and nearby companions say ' ( Ghidini )


The sexes are distinguished by a chocolate-brown stain in the shape of a horseshoe, in the abdomen of adult males.
The plumage, for both sexes, at both the top and reddish brown on the back sovraccoda. Tinta tawny-white on scapulars and coverts wing. The head brown, streaked with brown, gray breast with variegated black and brown, abdomen white, gray-brown legs.

IN CONCLUSION ... "The face" ...

Dreaming a partridge: unrealizable desires. Numbers of the dark: 58 to 81
Dreaming many partridges: happiness. Number: 36.
... Sweet dreams everyone!

Click the images played in Valbisagno (Genoa - Italy) in November 2008


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