Friday, November 21, 2008

What Information Can A Telescope Collect

Boris Spassky

this nice article on Boris Spassky Fabio Lotti, published in the past in the magazine "Chess Italy. I remember that these articles are published following an agreement with the publisher, so it is prohibited the distribution or sale. Happy reading!

no denying it. During the match against Fischer for the world title in 1972, held in cold Reikjavik, I was among those who are waving the American ace. Spassky not even considered. He had been placed there to be sacrificed on the altar of the goddess Caissa. Period. Even if he would do anything, and he did, to prevent the Holocaust. Then, as often happens in life, I'm a little 'sorry that kind of hatred against not only a great champion but also a great man. Always peaceful, open and decent. And its existence, like that of many other samples, not è certo stata tutta rose e fiori. Anzi, se c’è un elemento comune a tanti cervelloni della scacchiera, e se ne sarà reso conto chi mi ha seguito nei miei “profili”, è proprio il contrario. E il nostro Boris non fa eccezione. Nato il 30 gennaio 1937 a Leningrado si ritrova, da piccolo, nel bel mezzo della seconda guerra mondiale. La famiglia è costretta a fuggire a Mosca per ritornare nella città natale dopo cinque anni. La tragedia la spezza. I tre bambini, di cui egli è il secondo insieme ad un fratello più grande e ad una sorella più piccola, rimangono con la madre maestra, mentre il padre, ingegnere, si disinteressa quasi completamente di loro. Il rapporto con gli scacchi è casuale, impara le moves to five years, nine enrolled at the Leningrad Palace of Pioneers, where he begins to play in a systematic way. And most importantly, have the fortune of an instructor who understands how Vladimir Zac and indulges his talent. Boris is a mix of emotion and coldness and after a defeat could be angry and even cry. His reputation began to rise after 1950 with a series of good results to achieve third place in Amsterdam in the Candidates tournament in 1956. But it can not definitively explode, as has been emphasized by the major critics, to a certain psychological immaturity, and why not enjoy the full favor of the Palace and help students who want to follow more docile and malleable. In 1963 he left his coach Tolush, too hot, replaced by Bondarevsky and the results are good! USSR Champion in the same year, won ex aequo with Smyslov, Tal and Larsen at the International Amsterdam, 1964. Keres defeated in 65 (six to four), Geller (five and a half to two and a half) and then Tal (seven to four) mainly thanks to a cuff invented by the lanky American Frank Marshall on which sooner or later we must mean something, going to challenge Petrosian in 1966. "Knackered the goal?" he asked someone affected by the strength of opponents and the hardness of the meetings. Tired, yes, but not defeated. It is prepared properly, he thinks he will use his strength being youngest, is enthusiastic and optimistic. But he has to reckon without his host because Petrosian is not been watching. Here's what confides in an interview with Yuri Averbakh when the match with Spassky is to finish "My preparation began long before the match. Spassky had not yet finished the final of the Candidates with Tal that I had already worked with my coach to prepare a detailed plan. At first I looked at my games under the microscope, then I went to Tbilisi for a close examination of my potential opponents. Once you clear that Spassky would have been better, I returned to Moscow and I immediately developed to analyze the matches ... "(more than Petrosian the boundaries of the theory of "Prism, Rome 1998, pag.197). Spassky fought well, but loses resists 0:30 to half past eleven.
In the second battle for the world title in 1969 our Boris, even stronger than before (remember that he got rid of the pretenders to the throne of the likes of Geller, Larsen and Kortchnoi) even able to analyze and understand the psychology of his opponent's behavior during games: "In 1966 I find it hard to understand the state of mind Petrosian's, but in 1969 I could understand his every move. Everyone knows that among many other players make a move a few steps around the table: when Petrosian was afraid of me, for example, walking up and down with proud and haughty air, like Napoleon, but when instead walked quietly, I knew that at that time was very dangerous: it was like a tiger who was crouching, ready to attack. For me it was important information. "(" The word to world champions "by Yakov Estrin, Prisma, Rome 1993, pag.145). It is not a walk because our Tigran has always been a rock but the score 0:30 at half past ten leaves no doubt. And 'at the height of success, his play "universal" praised by all. They come like pearls its stunning victory over Larsen in Belgrade in 1970 and, in the same year in Siegen, the one against Fischer . Already Fischer. How did it go in 1972 in the cold Iceland everybody knows that. It 's been said and repeated often misrepresent myself and also sang his paean in honor of the great Bobby in a previous "profile" dedicated to him. They sit in front of the Hero el'Antieroe for excellence, democratic, open and free America against the closed, dull, oppressive Soviet Union. 're Welcome to delight all fans squared of this world and mass media fanfare to sound more high-sounding chorus of Aida. A real global success for chess ace and the American is crowned with twelve and a half points to eight and a half as was predicted by the American Byrne! Spassky does its part and can not do better against a fury the prime of his life energy. The "Challenge of the Century", reported by Mario Monticelli in a book by the glowing red cover of Murcia, has crowned its king Beautiful, elegant, arrogant. That will not keep its promises.
Spassky, however, does not give up and in the first qualifying match for the candidacy for the world title held in San Juan is completely demolishes the American Byrne (yes, one of the fatal prophecy!) With a score of +3 = 3-0, and begins very well against the young Karpov defeated by a beautiful Sicilian. That is also the last, because Karpov after repeatedly adopts tough Caro Kann, challenged his illustrious opponent. The contest ends quickly with a dry +4 = 6-1 which does not allow.
From this moment life is normal chess with Spassky typical of that of many other great masters victory surrounded by some pretty poor performance, and I do not even want to dwell on the pathetic revenge played with Fischer in 1992 (reference, if anything, the curiosity of reader to the book "Twenty years after Fischer-Spassky" Pein, Levitt Davies and published by Prisma). Not worth it. It is worthwhile, however, emphasize the genuine and sincere personality of this standard "anti-hero", his instinctive sympathy, his intellectual curiosity, ranging from art to literature, his innate courtesy. Her open smile in person perbene. Della quale, credetemi, c’è tanto bisogno.
Fabio Lotti


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