Thursday, November 13, 2008

What Size Rusty Pirhanna

Annuario Istat/ Realtà e Speranza

To browse the yearbook ISTAT 2008 , You can find all the reasons that make Italy a country strange to the European level.
For example, it is clear that an old country (1-over 65 and a half for each under15), where 25% of the population have only primary school (! - Yes, even the media - and to 70% among over 65) is a country with a strong authoritarian drift, and low-democratic consciousness. In addition, just under one third (32.5%) had finished high school, while only 10% are university graduates.
While this may partially explain the Berlusconi, other data show the difficulty of doing politics in a country highly heterogeneous.
religious marriages in the South are 80% of the total, while North (53%) and the Centre (59%) are now close to becoming a majority secular society, since the trend is downward. That says a lot about the relationship between politics and church, but also should suggest that the PD, which in CentroNord is best left to the right of the courtship of Catholics.
elements of hope: the 90% are under 18 enrolled in high school. 71% of girls continues with the university (the boys, only 61%) and among 25-year old now 24% of the girls are graduates, while among males the figure fell to 17%. Data more than twice the total population.
Well, maybe when all these old ignorant that plague our country will be in the grave, we will also us a people more alert, less ready to be fooled by demagogues. And maybe with more women in positions of power and prestige.


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