Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Shimano Saint Bmx Cranks

Inglese setter ... King of the wind!

D ive rse are hypotheses about the origins of the setter inglese.Le features found today in the race were given to the setter by the British. from the work of research, selection and breeding which he devoted himself to the farmer in 1800 Sir Edward Laverack, you have the birth of the English Setter breed "Laverack Setter." In Italy the breed was further refined and fixed by famous and talented so that our farmers are now the best setter in the world.

Ca physical characteristics
Sturdy but not heavy elegant harmonious .
dolichocephalous long head, light and dry with well-pronounced stop.
The skull is oval between the ears, with well marked occipital protuberance.
neck well muscled and lean, slightly arched in the middle superior conjunction with the head clearly marked, attached ears down, eyes big, bright, sweet, expressive and intelligent position semilateral color dark brown as possible, the eyebrow arch is clearly separated from the forehead, eyelids tightly fitting the eyeball, the border color brown or black.
TAIL big and strong at its root is decreasing towards the tip, of medium length, slightly curved or scimitar.
The limbs are solid and with good musculature. The back is short and horizontal, kidney broad, slightly arched, strong and muscular. Hair fine silky
stretched about 5 / 6 cm, smooth on the head with the exception of the far side of the pavilion ears, and sides of the forearm, tarsus and metatarsus.
The trunk is in the rectangle.
white coat and black (blue belton), orange white (lemon belton) brown white (liver belton) tricolor (white with black markings), the ticks can be more or less numerous and smaller and larger spots, skin thin and close to the body in each region.
Character and behavior
Sweet, sensitive, intelligent and sociable.
Gait in hunting gallop (spigliato) elegant and fast, but not violent. Wearing of head and nose up, but not consistently and hard.
Fermator solid attitude al recupero e riporto.
Sempre attivo e vigoroso
Taglia: 56-62 cm al garrese il maschio; 54-60 la femmina.
Peso da 20 a 30 kg.

Le foto pubblicate sono del mio setter inglese Kim, oggi quattordicenne!


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