Thursday, October 30, 2008

Small Little Red Spots On My Tounge

Scuola/ Li Chiamavano Fascisti

Leggo preoccupazione e sorpresa in molti giornali e blog italiani a proposito dell’ascesa del movimento studentesco di destra, il Blocco Studentesco. L’usuale accostamento al Ventennio, the label and the ever squads "are all neo-fascists." Sometimes without the "neo".

Ten years ago, Berlusconi began to call their political opponents "communists", that label no longer removed. Over the past two years, even most of the left has learned the same play. I remember in municipal elections last April, more than one family member asked me if I could never vote "Alemanno as a fascist."

Perhaps we need a clarification. I was born in '84 and like all young people under 25 grew up in the era of Berlusconi's TV. Ideological age that would be a mistake, because ne è l’esatto contrario. Sono gli anni del disinteresse, del ritorno al personalismo, della sfiducia nel futuro come conseguenza della sfiducia nella società. Sono anche anni in cui la memoria storica, nei giovani e giovanissimi, è diventata sempre più evanescente, se non assente. Sono anni semmai orwelliani, in cui non sapere, fregarsene e dire “fanno tutti schifo” non ha più lo stigma del qualunquismo, ma è pensiero se non comune, “figo”.

Certo, anche a me fa uno strano effetto scoprire che tantissime occupazioni nei licei romani le hanno fatte i ragazzi del Blocco. Alla fine dei ’90 le occupazioni di sinistra si fecero sempre più rare (e duole dirlo, velleitarie). In most schools the political apathy reigned. Today there is a return to action, but from the right.

In this video, is contained all the detachment of the Italian left the company to which reference should be made. Block shouting "we are all students", the left attacks them "fascists." In a situation where the public school is in danger, we must be allies, not adversaries. It 'obvious that the block receives the most consensus.

If there is one positive note in the generation of '90 is that the indifference hatching in itself also pragmatism. Block especially like it because it speaks of real things, such as solar panels on the roofs of schools, more exercise, more funding for school laboratories. A real trade unionism, long forgotten by the Left, that when a school employs, at best organize the workshop on Kurdistan. It 's true we all have fun with collective retrospective on Stanley Kubrick. But you can not live on the income of an '68 now 40 years away. Block
These guys also had truncheons, often do the salute and rescued Mussolini's imagination. Well, I would say a young man raised on bread and MTV, T-shirts of Che's beard or that of Marx, the Red Flag and the fist "I do not know 'the same thing, What was that? ".

If we do not want to hand over more generations of young people in the new right, I suggest you stop referring uncritically "fascists" or "danger to democracy." Started to attack the real problems. How many results take home, whether they are effective in their struggles. If we are the most effective. Non-ideological age matter the facts, the past is "without appeal". If we can be more concrete for them, their apparatus of nostalgia, choruses, and "ultraviolence" will simply be ridiculed as "stupid smoke without fire."

The problem is that the ridiculous that mark aged posts and no substance, now we are. Perhaps to understand and combat our new adversaries, should include "A Clockwork Orange." This time, during projection, without smoke the pipes or intrigue.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Background Of Student Part Time Job

Ognuno ha i suoi Tempi

It 's nice in its seventh year of the government, perhaps he also saw him

13:48 Berlusconi, bring debt below 100%
"I agree with Economy Minister Giulio Tremonti, to be truly present to us as soon as we bring the debt below 100%. Keep in mind that in other countries, the debt / GDP is around 60%, "Berlusconi said, attend the meeting of Confcommercio. The premier also stressed that the situation of Italian public debt has an impact "not only with regard to interest rates, but also with regard to the submission's image abroad and this applies also to the made in Italy and reports political "

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Yoshinoya Kuala Lumpur

Scuola/ La Romania investe sul futuro

The Rumanian government invests education.
A new law doubles the salaries of teachers, but these are located at very low (about € 200 per month). The law also provides that the salary of a school teacher is always higher than the average GDP per capita by 35%.
The goal is to climb the country charts internazionali PISA e portare almeno 3 università entro le prime 500 del mondo.

Un chiaro contrasto con quello che succede in Italia, dove PISA è soltanto una città con una torre, scritta in maiuscolo.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Hanging Rails For Punch Bags

Nella testa di un avvocato difensore

Non è la prima volta che mi pongo questa domanda. Poi leggo questo.

E mi chiedo, come è possibile che esistano delle persone che abbiano scelto di difendere assassini come mestiere di vita? Io, lo ammetto, non so nulla di diritto penale, processuale.. ma per me la funzione sociale di un avvocato difensore non è quella di cercare un modo per salvare un criminale dalle forche of justice. I always imagined the defender as a figure of warranty. Someone who shows the inconsistency of the charges, which defends the right that everyone has a fair trial. To be convicted when the allegations fail to be overwhelming.
not believe, however, that the work of the defender was to boost counter-absurd, lacking any common sense. They were thieves kill Meredith, after having raped and hidden in a duvet in the closet. They were neighbors to stab Samuel, in Cogne. They were the Albanians, to Herb, to burn the house with four people living inside.
will not be aliens, perhaps, the cause of this financial crisis?
Sullo sfondo, questo strano intreccio tra politica, media e giustizia. La Bongiorno, avvocato difensore di questo evidentemente facoltoso studente fuorisede pugliese. La Bongiorno, parlamentare italiana PdL, difensore di Giulio Andreotti nel processo di mafia. Taormina, difensore della Franzoni di Cogne. Taormina, avvocato di Previti.
Sono sicuro che di tutto questo, in Italia, se ne parlerà, a giorni alterni, al circo di Vespa.
Ma, nel frattempo, continuo a chiedermi: come bisogna essere per diventare l'avvocato di un diavolo?

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Funny Wedding Cards And Wordings On Cards

The second and third offense

The first discoveries about the death of poor Mary was also the last. We could not find anything about anything that could be helpful for the investigation. She had no enemies and her boyfriend, the one that somehow had suspected it could be very remote, however, a perfect alibi. What is more to this were added two more in a fortnight apart. A real blow. They are told in succinctly, because if I dwell too much there, for sure I broke a 'ulcer.
I was in the office with Manganelli, I think on Friday of the month of ... ... .. can not remember, to interrogate a group of boys from fifteen to twenty years had been surprised to burn cars in the area of \u200b\u200bSan Prospero my city. A hobby, like throwing rocks from overpass, which was then so fashionable in our country.
"Who among you is the ringleader?". Delinquentelli I looked at each other, pointing to a type-haired brush down and stocky who rose from his chair with a wry smile.
"It seems to me that you did not understand your attitude the seriousness of the situation. You then, you'd be the head of this gang? ". The ganzetto opened his hands in assent following it with a cheeky biascicatura of cilingomma.
"Well, well see you're a tough cookie. Meanwhile, throw away the trash MISUSE stuff you have in your mouth. " His tone brooked no replies. The ringleader smiled, gave a look to its members, then took the rubber out of his mouth, put it between the thumb and index finger and threw it directly into the trash centering it in full. Then he swung jaunty hips.
"Nice shot. How nice it was to burn cars. Only the former does not cost you anything, while the second will cost you a few year or so in prison. " Qualche ragazzaccio incominciò a sbiancare, mentre il capello a spazzola sorrise ancora, anche se in maniera meno convincente.
“Tuttavia prima di sbattervi tra le sbarre mi piacerebbe conoscere il motivo di questa bravata. Tu come ti chiami?”.
“Allora Franco, perché avete bruciato quelle macchine?”.
“Ma…non saprei, per passatempo, la sera ci si annoia, la solita vita, le solite cose. E poi lo avevano già fatto a Roma e a Parigi…”
“Certo, non era bello rimanere indietro. Siena non doveva essere da meno…”.
“Insomma, commissario, per provare qualche emozione”.
“Come times have changed! "intervened Manganelli that was watching them with eyes grim. "When I was young, to get a boost of adrenaline, I was going to steal cherries. Once the farmer caught me and gave me one of those bursts of wood .... "
"Batons! Do you think it's time to tell your stunts? Here we are faced with a serious, serious .... "
'It is true, sir. But I say, guys, do not you realize? ". The words of my right arm fell on deaf ears because just then knocked insistently at the door.
"Commissioner, excuse me for interrupting you, but in the gardens Vico Alto was found a corpse. "
The news struck me like a Tyson punch to the groin. Not passed out by the will of the gods and the readiness of the reflections of Manganelli, despite the fatness, was ready to catch me. We went to the place referred to leaving the gang of thugs in the custody of Pasquini. We arrived in that area sirens wailing as he wanted to be my savior. On the other hand every now and then you had to give him satisfaction. And perhaps if the occasion deserved. To expect there was already a nice crowd of curious people surrounding a bench next to a gentleman who was on the ground. When we arrived all they turned toward us.
"Make way! Let pass the police, "cried hotly face with blackjacks. Then, turning to the three other subject that had come with us, "Keep people away, send it on. We do not want anyone around. "
"Who discovered the corpse?".
"Manganelli, I see you lively and perky, and what does you credit. Remember, however, that there are too ".
"Excuse me, sir, I'd let you take ...."
"Do not be taken. Calm and cool. So who discovered the corpse? ". An old man came forward with glasses and face utter that of a Galapagos tortoise.
"I" replied weakly, making a little 'red with emotion. "I approached this bench where he sat ... that man was sitting ... Excuse me ..."
"I Commissioner Mark Tanzini, do not worry, I understand your agitation. Talk calmly. Take all the time they want. "
"You know, I'm old and ...".
"The commissioner said he understands, Mr. ...?" Manganelli said.
"My name is Carlesi Fifth."
"Well, go ahead."
"... So I approached the bench where the gentleman seemed to be asleep folded back on itself. I sat down next to him. Then, as soon as I touched the arm, fell stretched forward. As I had a sinking heart, sir. I got a fear .... "
"I understand, I understand ...."
"The heart began to beat faster, sir, you understand me ... at this age ...."
"The commissioner has already said he understands" Manganelli intervened in a tone a bit 'altered.
"Manganelli, let it be ...."
"Let it go, but insists this ...."
"It 's an old man. A little 'understanding, on. Listen, Mr. Quinto, by chance someone has seen before she sat on this bench, or otherwise someone to talk to ... so with what was then dropped? ".
"No, I do not think."
"We think about it."
"The commissioner asked if anyone has seen before and not after you put it down," cried almost Manganelli.
"Come, now you're exaggerating."
"Commissioner, but that does not understand ...."
"I would like to see you at his age."
"Meanwhile, we gotta go."
"Me too. Thank you, Mr. Quinto. Before leaving, leaving its general ... ".
"Think you, Manganelli. The
body of the man that the documents turned out to be Luigi Ermini, seventies, living on a Sant'Angelo number 5, was lying in front of the bench with his face aimed toward the ground. The inspector turned and laid bare his face crumpled grass with a red trickle from the nose. Apparently due to the blow had fallen some small open wound. Apart from this particular no signs of violence.
"Death took him suddenly. On one hand, blessed him ... "Manganelli said
" On the other lucky you now that you come to hasty conclusions. Pick up that piece of paper that seems to wrap a candy and ... and .... "
“Che cosa le prende, commissario?”.
“E…apri la sua mano destra che…”.
“Ha paura che contenga qualcosa?”.
“Lo temo proprio”.
“Ecco fatto. Diciamo che lei è un buon veggente. Glielo dico?”.
“Nella sua mano destra ho trovato una pedina, o meglio, un pedone nero degli scacchi, commissario”.
Non riferisco i miei commenti per pudore nei vostri confronti. Dico solo che feci arrossire perfino Manganelli. Dall’esame dell’involucro i miei esperti della scientifica arrivarono alla conclusione che esso contenesse una caramella la quale, a sua volta, conteneva un estratto Faithless-Mastellari of the terrible.
"Faithless-Mastellari? But what's that? "I asked this time to our esteemed Serbelloni.
"It 'a poisonous plant that is grown mainly in the south of our country. It affects the right or left side of the heart. "
"So at will?".
"Like the best returns. Death is almost instantaneous. "
"I've never heard of."
"plants are new, modern, but terribly lethal."
And that was all in the sense that this time we can not even get a spider hole. But it did not end there. Been more or less two weeks, here's another tile head. This time I was in my office, I remember it well, but at home because it was Sunday. Among other things, I proposed to read something funny that I pulled a bit 'on the moral, but my research was being done in vain. Humorous in the sense that no work could be to a higher level of my tragic mood. Manganelli's call to further accentuate the difference.
"Boss ...".
"How many times have I told you not to call again. And then you remember that on Sunday .... "
"Excuse me, sir, but ... but ...."
"Do not tell me that in addition to your brain has enchanted the language well, although to think of it would not be a great loss. "
"I understand his mood and that is why I try in every way to be polite."
"A Mangan, if you do that your grace is worse than a vaffan ....".
"I understand, sir."
'E' was found dead. "
"And where, if I may ask?".
"the cinema".
"Even the dead have a right to their pastime."
"I see you took it well."
"Fine. If they were the two would hold even better. "
"So its not hard but a slight irony, sarcasm ... fierce."
"Tell me a good incazzatura, if the term does not effect you."
"In the way as ...".
"The dead man was found at the Luxor cinema."
"I'll be there in a minute and it will be good to have you too."
got to the cinema there was almost no one. What seemed strange to me, but shortly afterwards I realized the reason the type of films that were projected. I found Manganelli already in place.
"I'm already there, you see."
"I see you, see you. So, you know what has happened? ".
"I think so, because now I do. At the end of the first half of the film. He wants to know the title? ".
"What interests me want the title, Manganelli. Go to the point, no beating around the bush. "
"At the end of the first half of the movie ...."
"I've already said."
"... When lock lights in the room a gentleman of a certain age has launched a scream. The few regulars .... " The glanced decided.
"... I mean the ones that usually come to see this kind of film ...."
"Do not be racist. Today they are all the movies. "
"Maybe with their wives and children. "
"With their wives and children."
"I wish to see ... to see ...."
"To see what, Manganelli. Today I do the longer Serbelloni rines and put together. To see what? ".
"... To see" The Advocate Club 2 "." I was stone, the club had actually hit me, but I would not give it won.
"But I figured with what's out there now what do you want to be the ...
" The ran .... "
"... that guy ... Anyway ... De gustibus ... never mind."
"De what? ".
"Never mind Manganelli, ... Instead there are still those who discovered the corpse?". My right arm he nodded his head.
"Well, let's hear what he has to say." The "discoverer" was a strange guy from the thick glasses and ill-shaven face. Also gave off a smell that was at odds with the scent.
"It 's what she has noticed the corpse?".
"Yes, I am."
"Tell us what happened."
"had just finished the first time a film to be honest ...."
"Forget the movie that I already imagine how sia”.
“Dunque si erano accese le luci, quando io mi alzo un po’ per sgranchirmi e girandomi butto lo sguardo su una persona alle mie spalle. E incomincio a gridare”.
“E perché?”.
“Ma perché, perché…lo può vedere anche lei…”.
Vedendolo anche io riuscii a capire la ragione dell’urlo. Il disgraziato era un tal Ferdinando Falugi di sessanta anni, pensionato, abitante in via dei Pellai 3. Era seduto sulla poltrona con le braccia allargate e il viso leggermente rialzato verso l’alto. Quello che mi colpì era l’espressione terrorizzata ed i due occhi che quasi erano usciti dalle loro orbite.
“Un bella vista, non bad. Possible that the effect of the film? "Manganelli said. It was not the effect of the film but, as explained to us later than usual Serbelloni of Larussitia-horribilis, another poisonous plant, which had sent Falugi other world of the eighteen-thirty and the nineteenth, by a piece of candy whose wrapper was found at the foot of it.
"Once candy?".
"Unfortunately, again."
"But are we sure?". The Serbelloni not answer, but blushed slightly.
"I was just saying. And this time, what is the effect of this Larussa ...? ".
"Of that there."
"It affects the optic nerve and causes a nervous breakdown."
"As if you could see the devil himself?".
"More or less, or maybe more."
Rutenberg, Mastellari, larussitia ... but ... but these Latinized names derive from our politicians. Or am I wrong? ".
"not wrong".
"But why this choice was so unusual?".
"Why do these names give the very idea of \u200b\u200bthe effects that can cause the poisons."
"Porc ... the explanation is flawless."
None of the regulars, in the words of Manganelli, who were present at the screening, but failed to provide a poor indication of the person who, somehow, had approached the poor Falugi. The fact, then, that he had found a white horse in his left hand tight, except for acute diarrhea to myself, did not provide any help to the investigation.
Fabio Lotti

How Can I Stop My Hemmorhoids

Mushrooms: Wonders of the Woods ...

    In  autunno il bosco cambia abito: si spoglia del verde intenso ed indossa una moltitudine di colori, dal giallo pallido al rosso sgargiante, ricopre il suolo di un folto tappeto di foglie che siamo soliti definire "morte".

       In reality in, degrading, contributes to enrich the soil organic matter essential for the birth and development of new life, so their death is not in vain ... In this season the wood it rests ... indeed! It 's the time when, secretly and silently in the undergrowth occur prodigious forms: mushrooms!
The public today, with respect to the United fungi, I hope it is the hint of a topic to which I devote myself in particular.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Canon Mp145 Service Error 5010

Genoa - inland: Bargagli

The Highway 45 can be considered one of the major arteries of the hinterland of Genoa: the hill of salt Scoffera crosses Torriglia, Gorreto, Brass and result in flat to Bobbio in Piacenza. Along the first leg of his itinerary meet Bargagli and its surroundings. The name of the country comes from the mountain behind him: Cross Bragalla, mt.864slm. The oldest evidence of Bargo is situated in the words of the Bishop of Genoa Raperto in 916, when speaking with his cousins \u200b\u200bJohn and Michael said: "que posite sunt in finibus Bargalina. The country began its journey with the roads used by civilian travelers and merchants, it is testimony to the "Salt Road" towards Fontanabuona and Emilia. In the early '600, was part of Bargagli Podesteria Bisagno, and its lands began training more suited to the dictates of civil administrators who are assigned to communities inland from the Great Republic of Genoa. Bargo is the municipal authority invested in 1825, this given us back the documents. At the same time and to follow over the years, the rural area abound Bargaglina good pasture, agro-pastoral activity is carried out and products are wheat, potatoes, peas, chestnuts, corn, vegetables in general, grapes and other fruits. At that time operated the "market", as currently witnessed by the homonymous village. A mention should also follow the activities of different craftsmen: silk weavers, weavers, innkeepers, smiths, Barilari, carpenters, masons, shoemakers, etc.. It should also mention the quarries for the extraction of lime stone and slate. To date, the town of Bargo is composed of the following urban groups: Val Lentro find La Presa, Viganego, Terrusso and Cisiano. Then Traso and Maxey located at short distance from the viewpoint of St. Albert. The crops are now reduced to kitchen gardens for family use, beautiful nature, maybe a little neglected but still beautiful, the silence and the landscape are a valuable component of this ancient community.

Some numbers: Altitude 450m above sea level, over 2600 people, 16Kmq surface, distance from the center of Genoa: 20 km

Protein For Footballers

Incredibili Storie dalla Svizzera/ (Questo Paese teneramente ingenuo e irreale)

Scrivere semiseriamente una lettera di protesta ai Transports Public Genevois, perché la linea 11 arriva sempre qualche minuto in anticipo.
La mattina dopo, ricevere una telefonata di chiarimenti e scuse, con promesse di un'inchiesta interna per punire gli autisti colpevoli.

Watery Cervical Mucus Before Menstruation

Saviano/ Perché vorrei che l'Italia finisse a Cassino

La ragione è in questo video .

La frase più bella: "Casal di Principe non è solo camorra, è anche la Madonna".

Friday, October 10, 2008

Mount And Blade How To Have More Than 100

A puzzle for the weekend

Usually you are used to solve tactical problems, but there are positions that are worth analyzing their solutions based on positional character positions. Try to solve the puzzle below. To read the answer just highlight the space between the parentheses. Move the black.
[ Black must prevent the thrust of White's c pawn. Karpov played 17 ... so TC4!? yielding a pedestrian to clear the central block houses. Note that after 18.Dxa7 DC6 19.Da3 TC8 the white bishop is free of active play. ]

My Jacket Is Too Big For Me

cabbage butterfly (Pieris brassicae)

(Pieris brassicae) Cabbage is the common name used to describe various species of white butterflies whose caterpillars feed on leaves of plants, in particular, are fond of those of the cabbage. This plant secretes a substance that attracts these butterflies. The cabbage butterfly deposits the eggs on the leaves, so that the larvae find food to eat. The foliage of plants infested by the larvae is toxic to animals. Across Europe and North America there are a dozen species of cabbage. the most damaging is the European species Pieris rapae. The butterfly with a wingspan of about 3 cm is white and pale yellow, the wings of the female have two black spots. Among the European species, Pieris brassicae is extremely common in gardens, fields and gardens of the Italian peninsula.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Can Vertigo Symptoms Be Something More Serious

Majority pedestrian winning

study the pedestrian facilities is vital for those who want to improve their strategic vision. Needless to say, the majority / minority pedestrians are a recurrent theme in the manual covering the subject.

Capablanca - Allies
Lodz 1913
The location is clearly win for white, for two reasons: its majority on the pedestrian side of King is extremely mobile and the pressure on the column 'c' against the weak black pawn on c6 is very powerful. Obviously it takes a careful strategy game for the better ... and who can show us how to win that position brilliantly, if not the mythical Capablanca? 29 ... f5 Mossa forced, we must prevent at all costs push f4-f5. 3 0.Df3 Dd7 31.Rg3 TF8 32.Da3 Ta8 33.Dc3 TC8 series of moves that shows how white can giostrarsela how he wants to side of woman. 34.Dc2 RG8 fxg4 35.Rf3 + 36.hxg4 DF7 37.Re3 Mossa waiting. Push now with 37.f5? allows the black to win rather easy to maneuver thanks to the forced 37 ... gxf5 38.gxf5 DH5 39.Re3 + DG3 DG5 + 40.Rd3 + 41.Rd2 TH6. Now follow a series of preparatory moves fairly simple to understand. 37 ... Qe7 TF8 38.Tf1 Dd7 39.Dg2 40.Tfc1 Tef6 41.Tf1 RH8 42.Dc2 De8 43.Dh2 TE6 45.Rf2 a5 46.f5 Qe7 44.Tf3
46 ... gxf5 47.gxf5 DG5 48.Df4 Txf5? Step thrown, the Allies were probably tired of defending a lost position. The only Alternatives DH5 49.f6 48 ... TG8 50.Tc1 position still leaves the White won. 49.Dxf5 DD2 + 50.Rf1 + TG6 51.Df8 TG8 52.Df6 + TG7 53.Tg3 1-0

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Kali And Cherish Strokejob

Nobel Laureate Stiglitz lectures on the Financial Crisis / Summary

Université de Genève, October 6th 2008
According to Mr Stiglitz, today’s key problems are three: liquidity shortage, financial structure and the macroeconomic context.
Finance has historically three functions: mobilize savings, allocate capital and manage risk. Thus, increasing productivity in the real economy. As theory says, private rewards (wages) are set in conformity with the social returns. Today’s mess suggests ironically that the return we get from bankers is not exactly as great as their wages.
But coming to the original functions of finance, let’s make an overall assessment.
What about savings? US households’ savings have fallen to zero. If the Ricardian equivalence is correct, hard times are looming ahead. And public debt, which is already rising, is not including all the unfunded liabilities that the US will face in the future, such as terror-war veterans’ subsidies.
Financial institutions did not manage, but created risk. Innovation had the shape of mainly circumventing legislation. Think of all the subprime packaging, splitting and unpackaging of risk. Moreover, they resisted “good” innovation. Wall Street, he recalls, was opposed to inflation-indexed bonds the Clinton administration had proposed back in the ‘90s. Same with GDP-based bonds for Argentina’s default, which would have allowed the country to pay less interest when in recession and more when growing.
Also, capital allocation was far from good. Too much capital was devoted to the housing market, which ended in failure. And we cannot forget the role Western banks played as regards the financial crisis in Asia and South America.
Mr Stiglitz defines finance as “modern alchemy”. It is an opaque world with “no information”, rather than “asymmetric information”. It turns out that banks don’t even know their own balance sheets, let alone their counterpart’s.
The reason why the crisis spreads to the real sector has to do with the mechanism of “leverage”. The higher the leverage, the higher the expected return. Banks raise their assets by lending, but deposits are sticky. Firms borrow hoping they get a return from investment. They expect to repay when investment yields its fruits. But this is an amplifying circle, which brings us further from stability.
Banks lent too many mortgages because they were expecting prices to go up and up. They expected people to be able to pay back thanks to ever-rising prices. Unluckily, economics also tell us that no such free meal exists. The mechanism was intrinsically unstable: real wages have stagnated since 2000 (dot bubble bust) in the US. With housing prices rising and stable incomes, it was maybe surprising that the game could go on for so long.
Then, securitization played a role in this crisis. Risks were correlated across banks, which makes it difficult for portfolio diversification to hold as a defense against reversals. Add to this, a range of dubious predicting models, some of them excluding past variables before World War II (and the Great Depression..?). Others, like Merton and Scholes’s, two Nobel laureates whose derivative model for hedge funds famously lost 4.6 bn $ in 1998.
But the main problem with securitization is that it brings a new source of asymmetric information. The risk originator does not bear the risk anymore, so we get a “hot potato” with risk going around from hand to hand. In this respect, rating agencies are among those to blame. Furthermore, this new development of risk management was not followed by a wave of new strict legislation, unlike insurance companies.
But let’s come to the core issue: why did people want to buy houses for so long? We need to go back to 2001, when the dot bubble went bust and the war on terror began. Financing the war required a huge fiscal stimulus, but this was mainly flowing from the US to abroad (ie, contracts to reconstruct Iraq, keep the army going, etc) with few spillovers for the US domestic economy. Nevertheless, the domestic economy needed to recover, and the FED poured a huge amount of liquidity into the economy. Ex post, this was shortsighted. Also, this echoes the South American debt crises of the ‘70’s. There, expansionary policies to boost consumption relied on heavy indebtment but all ended in implosion. “Borrow borrow borrow…boom”.
When he speaks about the rescue plans, Mr Stiglitz is gloomy. He compares them to “curing a hemorrhage with blood transfusions only”. The Paulson plan does not address the mortgage-side problems, it only provides for the buyout of bank bonds. But what will happen when house prices will fall under the threshold level and people will be forced out of their homes by mortgage contract? On the other hand, even if the plan succeeds, recession will be inevitable.
In the meanwhile, the US exported their downturn to Europe, not necessarily through financial linkages but also simply because the dollar was weak for a long time, thus depressing European exports. Mr Stiglitz calls for European governments to stand united, as decision-making fragmentation is a major problem in times of panic. Europe should grant for deposit insurance and suspend the Stability Pact in order to stimulate the economy.
In conclusion, Mr Stiglitz leaves the audience with a glimmer of hope. At the question “do we have the knowledge to Avoid a Great Depression, "Was the answer yes.

How To Remove Red Wine From Wool

Anatoly Karpov

For heading
the king of chess, published an interesting article by Fabio Lotti on Karpov, already appeared in the magazine Chess Italy. I remember that these articles are published following an agreement with the publisher, so it is prohibited the distribution or sale.

Trinets, Czechoslovakia, 1967. The organizers of an international chess tournament at the station waiting for the train from Moscow. The Soviet Federation, all-powerful body, but often suffers from bureaucratic mistake, has promised to send two representatives of the USSR, in response to Czechoslovakia. On the train down two guys a little more than fifteen that head to the place agreed for the appointment. The smaller of the two, a beardless boy of slender build but face cold and stiff, is politely: "Hello we are sent by the Soviet Federation to participate in your youth tournament." Organizers pale and one of them mutters, "Why, there must be a misunderstanding: ours is not a youth tournament, but an important international event, with several very strong teachers." And now who tells him that the Russians have sent two poor souls to the slaughter? The giovanottello not flustered and replied, "Do not worry, I will try to win the same tournament, not to create problems for anyone" (J. Estrin, "The word to the world champions, "Prism, Rome 1993, p.. 171). And the promise is kept. Karpov, the frail child, goes in first and behind him, ex aequo, his friend Kupreickick. It 's Start a great adventure. At first I hated, I confess. A naturally hate sports, or rather a kind of resentful irritation to get pirated, so I thought, the throne "abandoned" by Fischer. I had the distinct feeling of a theft perpetrated to the detriment of Western chess, where the legendary Bobby (now a bit 'less mythical) had restored dignity and splendor. A hard impact, very bad. It looks, then, helped to increase this instinctive, extremely superficial and incorrect assessment: everything neat, precise, aseptic, with a face like a first class in which it was difficult to see even a few vague tremor of human emotion. The "ice in Moscow" was the nickname coined (and then it seemed to me, fits perfectly) to express his prim and inscrutable personality. Our champion was born in Zlatoust in the Urals May 23, 1951 and as a child, four years, begins to make the acquaintance of King and Queens under the caring guidance of his father. It 's done, the fate is accomplished. The guy is promising, the great Botvinnik took him under his wing and makes it grow. At fifteen he became Master. Then traccheggia a bit 'but in 1970 he graduated Grandmaster. He began his successful career: first at the tournament in Moscow in 1971 and then to Hastings, in San Antonio, in Leningrad and in Madrid in subsequent years. The 1974 is a special year for the tournament to begin the meetings of candidates for the world title held by the American Robert Fischer. Karpov is not for little guys as they face a walk Polugaevskij, Spassky and Korchnoj. Especially with the terrible struggle Victor is particularly fierce. Who qualifies for the first five games won, or who is ahead in points after twenty-four games. The beginning is overwhelming. Karpov can distance the opponent to three points, then collapsed, losing two matches when there are only three matches to finish. With a superhuman effort it takes and manages to keep the advantage. Become a challenger to Fischer, the American who stunned the chess world for his strength, for his extraordinary skill. Many give the loser as Boris Ivkov that it considers not yet mature, but there are those who trust in him as the world champion three years in office has refrained from playing competitive so that Taimanov states that Fischer can not be the same player at one time. " Then you know how it ended: the impossible demands of the American, his renunciation of the title that left a bitter taste in many of his admirers, and that sort of mood to Karpov that I explained at the beginning. Anatole, however, to Despite everything and everyone becomes to twenty-three years the new world champion and honors following the title with an impressive series of victories in the strongest international tournaments, so as to silence even the most fractious and fierce critics. What they do not stop, however, to needle time to time for the game done (so they said) of narrow passages, slow maneuvers, a kind of tic toc of the board that moves the mouth to yawn. Meanwhile Korchnoj is fuming, if the finger is linked to the defeat, the fault of the bureaucrats of the Federation who have done everything that Fischer was the challenger Karpov. He wants a rematch in every way and every way "Karpov chase by sea and land and will pin before the board, "said the four winds. The selection of candidates is out Petrossian, Polugaevskij and Spassky. Bagujo Then the match ended in the Philippines in 1978 +6 = 21-5 in favor of Karpov after a hard struggle which does not spare shots scene as the appearance in the gaming room of a parapsychologist who have a negative impact on the game challenger. From 1979 to 1981 Karpov won seven tournaments XV category. So much for good measure. Korchnoj still rejected in 1981 in Merano, this time more easily with an eloquent +6 = 10-3. But the rising star is coming Kasparov, the "Cyclone" Kasparov with all the freshness and boldness of a romantic warrior. In Candidates Tournament Beljavskij easily removed, Korchnoj and the old Smyslov. Now in front of him that remains is Karpov. In Moscow at seventeenth day of September 10, 1981 starts the first game. "This match, to the stature of the contenders, is comparable to the most important events of this century, the challenges of 1927 Alekhine-Capablanca and Fischer-Spassky, 1977," said the referee Gligoric. The comparison is not balanced but few are those which provide a kind of harvest by the challenger. How can withstand the hits deadly gray Programming of Fantasy? Yet after just nine matches Karpov leads +4 = 5. It seems to have found a way to harness its frenetic opponent fails to work properly with its black Tarrasch in opening Donna. Anzi, con questo sistema difensivo prende botte da orbi. Tutto facile? Niente affatto: dopo ventisei incontri +4=22, dopo quarantasei +5=40-1. Kasparov è in rimonta. Il 15 febbraio la situazione è +5=40-3. Il match si trasforma in una telenovela, o meglio in una maratona dove non si vede l’arrivo. Per diventare Re degli scacchi occorre totalizzare sei vittorie. I contendenti sono in apnea e hanno l’occhio in trasferta dell’ubriaco. Si prevede un crollo improvviso di Karpov che pare quello più suonato. E qui l’evento inatteso. Il Presidente della Fide Campomanes ferma il match. Polemiche a non finire. Il gesto viene visto come il tentativo di voler salvare il campione del mondo stretto all’angolo. Si prepara un nuovo incontro su ventiquattro partite per il novembre 1985 da effettuarsi ancora a Mosca. Il tifo si divide, ma non certo in parti uguali. La maggioranza degli scacchisti, almeno quella occidentale, va in brodo di giuggiole per Kasparov e fa le linguacce quando si parla del "ghiacciolo di Mosca". Karpov perde di stretta misura +3=16-5 e di nuovo è costretto alla resa nel terzo incontro del 1986 svoltosi tra Londra e Leningrado: +4=15-5, per un soffio! L’anno successivo è ancora lo sfidante ufficiale dopo aver battuto Sokolov +4=7. Questa volta è completa parità +4=16-4 ma, secondo i nuovi accordi, il titolo resta a Kasparov che già lo detiene. In questi quattro incontri su 120 partite il risultato è +16=87-17, a difference of one point. Incredible! But there's more. As a challenger defeated Karpov in law was admitted to the quarterfinals later. Get rid of Hjartarson, Jussupov (the toughest), and Timman, for the fifth consecutive time the two formidable K are facing each other, first in New York and then in Lyon with the eye but also some rapacious ( I guess) looking a bit 'annoyed and depressed than those who found themselves facing the same face. Once again, Karpov lost the measuring points with eleven and a half to twelve and a half against Kasparov. That is, God willing, their last meeting. In 1993, Kasparov, of course, at odds with the Fide decided to organize its World Karpov finds himself once again without moving leaf world champion. From there began a slow, dignified decline. But Karpov is really like? A model student, graduated in Economics at the University of Leningrad, avid reader and avid stamp collector. The first impression of him is positive, "To whom it met for the first time is immediately likeable, especially for its lively and penetrating eyes, which betray their great intelligence. Then his manner, courteous and a bit 'embarrassed helps to win much sympathy, "said Capece Adolivio who knew him for the first time in the Olympic Games in Skopje in 1977 shortly after the match Fischer-Spassky (A. Capece" The più belle vittorie del campione mondiale di scacchi Anatolij Karpov", Feltrinelli, Milano 1975). Il giudizio personale, così come quello di tanti amanti della ninfa Caissa nei confronti del Nostro è ora diverso, la prima negativa impressione ha lasciato il posto ad una valutazione più ponderata e riflessiva, sia nei riguardi della persona che del suo gioco. Oggi, di fronte ai piani di battaglia in cui regna assoluto il Rischio e l’Avventura, tutti tesi a imitare l’inimitabile, a realizzare impossibili tatticismi e combinazioni, si sente il bisogno di ritornare ad una strategia meno violenta, più studiata, più sensibile e razionale, a quelle mosse imprevedibili, falsamente grigie ed incolori che sprigionavano la loro tremendous energy after a long journey. Karpov to play the big short, mysterious and magnificent as the response of the old Sibille.
Fabio Lotti

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

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Sunday, October 5, 2008

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Obama can awaken from the coma the Left

Less than 30 days at the American election that, without exaggeration, will decide the fate of the world at least for another generation.
If Obama wins, we expect a transformation of the concept of the Left, much more radical than Clinton's Third Way (1993).

has been nearly 30 years by the Reagan economic policies. In the '90s, left and right around the world have believed that what was a mere theory economic paradigm was the description of reality. Accomplice to the end of the Cold War (and history, according to Fukuyama) that allowed for 11 years, the Pax Americana, the complicity of the unpredictable development of information that led to a dramatic leap in productivity of the U.S., the '90s were a decade of optimism and growth. Capitalism was not an Anglo, but the model.

The significance of these one-off effects began to wane with time and in its first 10 years in 2000 appeared the obvious symptoms of the other side of the coin.
inequality has reached historic records, weakening our democracy. The uncontrolled globalization (ie, without an industrial policy, but the maximum financial) led to the stagnation of real wages in the West. And the result we see it. The loss of so many middle-class prosperity, comes frustration, mistrust in the future, fear and intolerance. With the Right who rides these anxieties in its socio-economic policies and perpetuates the vicious circle.

the Americans should be given the rare gift of pragmatism. We Europeans, however, we screwed in self, with the Sinister unable to imagine an alternative future, if not a thought right sweetened with saccharin. And if in the culmination of a historical crisis, where ballo non sono soltanto i benefit dell’alta finanza ma milioni di posti di lavoro, gli Americani sceglieranno Obama, sceglieranno per tutti noi un futuro diverso.

Attenendoci al suo manifesto di governo, il senatore dell’Illinois opera una gigantesca frattura con il pensiero Clintoniano. In territorio nazionale, rompe due tabù di quarantennale durata: alzare le tasse per i ricchi e un sistema sanitario universale. Alla faccia di Veltroni (che, forse non parlando inglese, non ha capito niente del nuovo laboratorio politico dei Democrats), Obama intende fare l’interesse della classe media e non dell’alta borghesia. Uno studio del Tax Policy Center pubblicato questa settimana sull’Economist mostra how the tax plans will help obamiani 80% of the poorest individuals at the expense of the richest 20%.

rebalance the economy by shifting the focus from finance to industry, re-analysis of the dynamics of free trade in key protectionist sounding far more radical plans of a German SPD, a British Labour Party or PD Italian. All this stems from 10 years of reflection on the economic history of the West after the war. I remember that from our 30 years of economic development, cultural and social fields have occurred against a background of active industrial policy, international immobility of capital, labor achievements.

Not all of these ingredients are now replicated, both from an economic point of view (it's hard to imagine a return to fixed exchange rates of Bretton Woods) and social (immigration was not there in the 50-60). But the political vision of the American left marks the resumption of the historical role of social consciousness: to ensure equality, encourage the middle class, create a more just society while respecting the social and civil rights.

Anyone who believes in these ideals can only hope that a.) Obama wins Nov. 4, b.) keep his election promises. If these two conditions are met, we can be fairly confident that la Sinistra europea uscirà dal suo coma esistenziale.