Wednesday, October 8, 2008

How To Remove Red Wine From Wool

Anatoly Karpov

For heading
the king of chess, published an interesting article by Fabio Lotti on Karpov, already appeared in the magazine Chess Italy. I remember that these articles are published following an agreement with the publisher, so it is prohibited the distribution or sale.

Trinets, Czechoslovakia, 1967. The organizers of an international chess tournament at the station waiting for the train from Moscow. The Soviet Federation, all-powerful body, but often suffers from bureaucratic mistake, has promised to send two representatives of the USSR, in response to Czechoslovakia. On the train down two guys a little more than fifteen that head to the place agreed for the appointment. The smaller of the two, a beardless boy of slender build but face cold and stiff, is politely: "Hello we are sent by the Soviet Federation to participate in your youth tournament." Organizers pale and one of them mutters, "Why, there must be a misunderstanding: ours is not a youth tournament, but an important international event, with several very strong teachers." And now who tells him that the Russians have sent two poor souls to the slaughter? The giovanottello not flustered and replied, "Do not worry, I will try to win the same tournament, not to create problems for anyone" (J. Estrin, "The word to the world champions, "Prism, Rome 1993, p.. 171). And the promise is kept. Karpov, the frail child, goes in first and behind him, ex aequo, his friend Kupreickick. It 's Start a great adventure. At first I hated, I confess. A naturally hate sports, or rather a kind of resentful irritation to get pirated, so I thought, the throne "abandoned" by Fischer. I had the distinct feeling of a theft perpetrated to the detriment of Western chess, where the legendary Bobby (now a bit 'less mythical) had restored dignity and splendor. A hard impact, very bad. It looks, then, helped to increase this instinctive, extremely superficial and incorrect assessment: everything neat, precise, aseptic, with a face like a first class in which it was difficult to see even a few vague tremor of human emotion. The "ice in Moscow" was the nickname coined (and then it seemed to me, fits perfectly) to express his prim and inscrutable personality. Our champion was born in Zlatoust in the Urals May 23, 1951 and as a child, four years, begins to make the acquaintance of King and Queens under the caring guidance of his father. It 's done, the fate is accomplished. The guy is promising, the great Botvinnik took him under his wing and makes it grow. At fifteen he became Master. Then traccheggia a bit 'but in 1970 he graduated Grandmaster. He began his successful career: first at the tournament in Moscow in 1971 and then to Hastings, in San Antonio, in Leningrad and in Madrid in subsequent years. The 1974 is a special year for the tournament to begin the meetings of candidates for the world title held by the American Robert Fischer. Karpov is not for little guys as they face a walk Polugaevskij, Spassky and Korchnoj. Especially with the terrible struggle Victor is particularly fierce. Who qualifies for the first five games won, or who is ahead in points after twenty-four games. The beginning is overwhelming. Karpov can distance the opponent to three points, then collapsed, losing two matches when there are only three matches to finish. With a superhuman effort it takes and manages to keep the advantage. Become a challenger to Fischer, the American who stunned the chess world for his strength, for his extraordinary skill. Many give the loser as Boris Ivkov that it considers not yet mature, but there are those who trust in him as the world champion three years in office has refrained from playing competitive so that Taimanov states that Fischer can not be the same player at one time. " Then you know how it ended: the impossible demands of the American, his renunciation of the title that left a bitter taste in many of his admirers, and that sort of mood to Karpov that I explained at the beginning. Anatole, however, to Despite everything and everyone becomes to twenty-three years the new world champion and honors following the title with an impressive series of victories in the strongest international tournaments, so as to silence even the most fractious and fierce critics. What they do not stop, however, to needle time to time for the game done (so they said) of narrow passages, slow maneuvers, a kind of tic toc of the board that moves the mouth to yawn. Meanwhile Korchnoj is fuming, if the finger is linked to the defeat, the fault of the bureaucrats of the Federation who have done everything that Fischer was the challenger Karpov. He wants a rematch in every way and every way "Karpov chase by sea and land and will pin before the board, "said the four winds. The selection of candidates is out Petrossian, Polugaevskij and Spassky. Bagujo Then the match ended in the Philippines in 1978 +6 = 21-5 in favor of Karpov after a hard struggle which does not spare shots scene as the appearance in the gaming room of a parapsychologist who have a negative impact on the game challenger. From 1979 to 1981 Karpov won seven tournaments XV category. So much for good measure. Korchnoj still rejected in 1981 in Merano, this time more easily with an eloquent +6 = 10-3. But the rising star is coming Kasparov, the "Cyclone" Kasparov with all the freshness and boldness of a romantic warrior. In Candidates Tournament Beljavskij easily removed, Korchnoj and the old Smyslov. Now in front of him that remains is Karpov. In Moscow at seventeenth day of September 10, 1981 starts the first game. "This match, to the stature of the contenders, is comparable to the most important events of this century, the challenges of 1927 Alekhine-Capablanca and Fischer-Spassky, 1977," said the referee Gligoric. The comparison is not balanced but few are those which provide a kind of harvest by the challenger. How can withstand the hits deadly gray Programming of Fantasy? Yet after just nine matches Karpov leads +4 = 5. It seems to have found a way to harness its frenetic opponent fails to work properly with its black Tarrasch in opening Donna. Anzi, con questo sistema difensivo prende botte da orbi. Tutto facile? Niente affatto: dopo ventisei incontri +4=22, dopo quarantasei +5=40-1. Kasparov è in rimonta. Il 15 febbraio la situazione è +5=40-3. Il match si trasforma in una telenovela, o meglio in una maratona dove non si vede l’arrivo. Per diventare Re degli scacchi occorre totalizzare sei vittorie. I contendenti sono in apnea e hanno l’occhio in trasferta dell’ubriaco. Si prevede un crollo improvviso di Karpov che pare quello più suonato. E qui l’evento inatteso. Il Presidente della Fide Campomanes ferma il match. Polemiche a non finire. Il gesto viene visto come il tentativo di voler salvare il campione del mondo stretto all’angolo. Si prepara un nuovo incontro su ventiquattro partite per il novembre 1985 da effettuarsi ancora a Mosca. Il tifo si divide, ma non certo in parti uguali. La maggioranza degli scacchisti, almeno quella occidentale, va in brodo di giuggiole per Kasparov e fa le linguacce quando si parla del "ghiacciolo di Mosca". Karpov perde di stretta misura +3=16-5 e di nuovo è costretto alla resa nel terzo incontro del 1986 svoltosi tra Londra e Leningrado: +4=15-5, per un soffio! L’anno successivo è ancora lo sfidante ufficiale dopo aver battuto Sokolov +4=7. Questa volta è completa parità +4=16-4 ma, secondo i nuovi accordi, il titolo resta a Kasparov che già lo detiene. In questi quattro incontri su 120 partite il risultato è +16=87-17, a difference of one point. Incredible! But there's more. As a challenger defeated Karpov in law was admitted to the quarterfinals later. Get rid of Hjartarson, Jussupov (the toughest), and Timman, for the fifth consecutive time the two formidable K are facing each other, first in New York and then in Lyon with the eye but also some rapacious ( I guess) looking a bit 'annoyed and depressed than those who found themselves facing the same face. Once again, Karpov lost the measuring points with eleven and a half to twelve and a half against Kasparov. That is, God willing, their last meeting. In 1993, Kasparov, of course, at odds with the Fide decided to organize its World Karpov finds himself once again without moving leaf world champion. From there began a slow, dignified decline. But Karpov is really like? A model student, graduated in Economics at the University of Leningrad, avid reader and avid stamp collector. The first impression of him is positive, "To whom it met for the first time is immediately likeable, especially for its lively and penetrating eyes, which betray their great intelligence. Then his manner, courteous and a bit 'embarrassed helps to win much sympathy, "said Capece Adolivio who knew him for the first time in the Olympic Games in Skopje in 1977 shortly after the match Fischer-Spassky (A. Capece" The più belle vittorie del campione mondiale di scacchi Anatolij Karpov", Feltrinelli, Milano 1975). Il giudizio personale, così come quello di tanti amanti della ninfa Caissa nei confronti del Nostro è ora diverso, la prima negativa impressione ha lasciato il posto ad una valutazione più ponderata e riflessiva, sia nei riguardi della persona che del suo gioco. Oggi, di fronte ai piani di battaglia in cui regna assoluto il Rischio e l’Avventura, tutti tesi a imitare l’inimitabile, a realizzare impossibili tatticismi e combinazioni, si sente il bisogno di ritornare ad una strategia meno violenta, più studiata, più sensibile e razionale, a quelle mosse imprevedibili, falsamente grigie ed incolori che sprigionavano la loro tremendous energy after a long journey. Karpov to play the big short, mysterious and magnificent as the response of the old Sibille.
Fabio Lotti


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