Sunday, October 5, 2008

How To Unblock Websense

Obama can awaken from the coma the Left

Less than 30 days at the American election that, without exaggeration, will decide the fate of the world at least for another generation.
If Obama wins, we expect a transformation of the concept of the Left, much more radical than Clinton's Third Way (1993).

has been nearly 30 years by the Reagan economic policies. In the '90s, left and right around the world have believed that what was a mere theory economic paradigm was the description of reality. Accomplice to the end of the Cold War (and history, according to Fukuyama) that allowed for 11 years, the Pax Americana, the complicity of the unpredictable development of information that led to a dramatic leap in productivity of the U.S., the '90s were a decade of optimism and growth. Capitalism was not an Anglo, but the model.

The significance of these one-off effects began to wane with time and in its first 10 years in 2000 appeared the obvious symptoms of the other side of the coin.
inequality has reached historic records, weakening our democracy. The uncontrolled globalization (ie, without an industrial policy, but the maximum financial) led to the stagnation of real wages in the West. And the result we see it. The loss of so many middle-class prosperity, comes frustration, mistrust in the future, fear and intolerance. With the Right who rides these anxieties in its socio-economic policies and perpetuates the vicious circle.

the Americans should be given the rare gift of pragmatism. We Europeans, however, we screwed in self, with the Sinister unable to imagine an alternative future, if not a thought right sweetened with saccharin. And if in the culmination of a historical crisis, where ballo non sono soltanto i benefit dell’alta finanza ma milioni di posti di lavoro, gli Americani sceglieranno Obama, sceglieranno per tutti noi un futuro diverso.

Attenendoci al suo manifesto di governo, il senatore dell’Illinois opera una gigantesca frattura con il pensiero Clintoniano. In territorio nazionale, rompe due tabù di quarantennale durata: alzare le tasse per i ricchi e un sistema sanitario universale. Alla faccia di Veltroni (che, forse non parlando inglese, non ha capito niente del nuovo laboratorio politico dei Democrats), Obama intende fare l’interesse della classe media e non dell’alta borghesia. Uno studio del Tax Policy Center pubblicato questa settimana sull’Economist mostra how the tax plans will help obamiani 80% of the poorest individuals at the expense of the richest 20%.

rebalance the economy by shifting the focus from finance to industry, re-analysis of the dynamics of free trade in key protectionist sounding far more radical plans of a German SPD, a British Labour Party or PD Italian. All this stems from 10 years of reflection on the economic history of the West after the war. I remember that from our 30 years of economic development, cultural and social fields have occurred against a background of active industrial policy, international immobility of capital, labor achievements.

Not all of these ingredients are now replicated, both from an economic point of view (it's hard to imagine a return to fixed exchange rates of Bretton Woods) and social (immigration was not there in the 50-60). But the political vision of the American left marks the resumption of the historical role of social consciousness: to ensure equality, encourage the middle class, create a more just society while respecting the social and civil rights.

Anyone who believes in these ideals can only hope that a.) Obama wins Nov. 4, b.) keep his election promises. If these two conditions are met, we can be fairly confident that la Sinistra europea uscirà dal suo coma esistenziale.


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