Thursday, October 9, 2008

Can Vertigo Symptoms Be Something More Serious

Majority pedestrian winning

study the pedestrian facilities is vital for those who want to improve their strategic vision. Needless to say, the majority / minority pedestrians are a recurrent theme in the manual covering the subject.

Capablanca - Allies
Lodz 1913
The location is clearly win for white, for two reasons: its majority on the pedestrian side of King is extremely mobile and the pressure on the column 'c' against the weak black pawn on c6 is very powerful. Obviously it takes a careful strategy game for the better ... and who can show us how to win that position brilliantly, if not the mythical Capablanca? 29 ... f5 Mossa forced, we must prevent at all costs push f4-f5. 3 0.Df3 Dd7 31.Rg3 TF8 32.Da3 Ta8 33.Dc3 TC8 series of moves that shows how white can giostrarsela how he wants to side of woman. 34.Dc2 RG8 fxg4 35.Rf3 + 36.hxg4 DF7 37.Re3 Mossa waiting. Push now with 37.f5? allows the black to win rather easy to maneuver thanks to the forced 37 ... gxf5 38.gxf5 DH5 39.Re3 + DG3 DG5 + 40.Rd3 + 41.Rd2 TH6. Now follow a series of preparatory moves fairly simple to understand. 37 ... Qe7 TF8 38.Tf1 Dd7 39.Dg2 40.Tfc1 Tef6 41.Tf1 RH8 42.Dc2 De8 43.Dh2 TE6 45.Rf2 a5 46.f5 Qe7 44.Tf3
46 ... gxf5 47.gxf5 DG5 48.Df4 Txf5? Step thrown, the Allies were probably tired of defending a lost position. The only Alternatives DH5 49.f6 48 ... TG8 50.Tc1 position still leaves the White won. 49.Dxf5 DD2 + 50.Rf1 + TG6 51.Df8 TG8 52.Df6 + TG7 53.Tg3 1-0


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