Saturday, October 18, 2008

How Can I Stop My Hemmorhoids

Mushrooms: Wonders of the Woods ...

    In  autunno il bosco cambia abito: si spoglia del verde intenso ed indossa una moltitudine di colori, dal giallo pallido al rosso sgargiante, ricopre il suolo di un folto tappeto di foglie che siamo soliti definire "morte".

       In reality in, degrading, contributes to enrich the soil organic matter essential for the birth and development of new life, so their death is not in vain ... In this season the wood it rests ... indeed! It 's the time when, secretly and silently in the undergrowth occur prodigious forms: mushrooms!
The public today, with respect to the United fungi, I hope it is the hint of a topic to which I devote myself in particular.


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