Saturday, October 18, 2008

Funny Wedding Cards And Wordings On Cards

The second and third offense

The first discoveries about the death of poor Mary was also the last. We could not find anything about anything that could be helpful for the investigation. She had no enemies and her boyfriend, the one that somehow had suspected it could be very remote, however, a perfect alibi. What is more to this were added two more in a fortnight apart. A real blow. They are told in succinctly, because if I dwell too much there, for sure I broke a 'ulcer.
I was in the office with Manganelli, I think on Friday of the month of ... ... .. can not remember, to interrogate a group of boys from fifteen to twenty years had been surprised to burn cars in the area of \u200b\u200bSan Prospero my city. A hobby, like throwing rocks from overpass, which was then so fashionable in our country.
"Who among you is the ringleader?". Delinquentelli I looked at each other, pointing to a type-haired brush down and stocky who rose from his chair with a wry smile.
"It seems to me that you did not understand your attitude the seriousness of the situation. You then, you'd be the head of this gang? ". The ganzetto opened his hands in assent following it with a cheeky biascicatura of cilingomma.
"Well, well see you're a tough cookie. Meanwhile, throw away the trash MISUSE stuff you have in your mouth. " His tone brooked no replies. The ringleader smiled, gave a look to its members, then took the rubber out of his mouth, put it between the thumb and index finger and threw it directly into the trash centering it in full. Then he swung jaunty hips.
"Nice shot. How nice it was to burn cars. Only the former does not cost you anything, while the second will cost you a few year or so in prison. " Qualche ragazzaccio incominciò a sbiancare, mentre il capello a spazzola sorrise ancora, anche se in maniera meno convincente.
“Tuttavia prima di sbattervi tra le sbarre mi piacerebbe conoscere il motivo di questa bravata. Tu come ti chiami?”.
“Allora Franco, perché avete bruciato quelle macchine?”.
“Ma…non saprei, per passatempo, la sera ci si annoia, la solita vita, le solite cose. E poi lo avevano già fatto a Roma e a Parigi…”
“Certo, non era bello rimanere indietro. Siena non doveva essere da meno…”.
“Insomma, commissario, per provare qualche emozione”.
“Come times have changed! "intervened Manganelli that was watching them with eyes grim. "When I was young, to get a boost of adrenaline, I was going to steal cherries. Once the farmer caught me and gave me one of those bursts of wood .... "
"Batons! Do you think it's time to tell your stunts? Here we are faced with a serious, serious .... "
'It is true, sir. But I say, guys, do not you realize? ". The words of my right arm fell on deaf ears because just then knocked insistently at the door.
"Commissioner, excuse me for interrupting you, but in the gardens Vico Alto was found a corpse. "
The news struck me like a Tyson punch to the groin. Not passed out by the will of the gods and the readiness of the reflections of Manganelli, despite the fatness, was ready to catch me. We went to the place referred to leaving the gang of thugs in the custody of Pasquini. We arrived in that area sirens wailing as he wanted to be my savior. On the other hand every now and then you had to give him satisfaction. And perhaps if the occasion deserved. To expect there was already a nice crowd of curious people surrounding a bench next to a gentleman who was on the ground. When we arrived all they turned toward us.
"Make way! Let pass the police, "cried hotly face with blackjacks. Then, turning to the three other subject that had come with us, "Keep people away, send it on. We do not want anyone around. "
"Who discovered the corpse?".
"Manganelli, I see you lively and perky, and what does you credit. Remember, however, that there are too ".
"Excuse me, sir, I'd let you take ...."
"Do not be taken. Calm and cool. So who discovered the corpse? ". An old man came forward with glasses and face utter that of a Galapagos tortoise.
"I" replied weakly, making a little 'red with emotion. "I approached this bench where he sat ... that man was sitting ... Excuse me ..."
"I Commissioner Mark Tanzini, do not worry, I understand your agitation. Talk calmly. Take all the time they want. "
"You know, I'm old and ...".
"The commissioner said he understands, Mr. ...?" Manganelli said.
"My name is Carlesi Fifth."
"Well, go ahead."
"... So I approached the bench where the gentleman seemed to be asleep folded back on itself. I sat down next to him. Then, as soon as I touched the arm, fell stretched forward. As I had a sinking heart, sir. I got a fear .... "
"I understand, I understand ...."
"The heart began to beat faster, sir, you understand me ... at this age ...."
"The commissioner has already said he understands" Manganelli intervened in a tone a bit 'altered.
"Manganelli, let it be ...."
"Let it go, but insists this ...."
"It 's an old man. A little 'understanding, on. Listen, Mr. Quinto, by chance someone has seen before she sat on this bench, or otherwise someone to talk to ... so with what was then dropped? ".
"No, I do not think."
"We think about it."
"The commissioner asked if anyone has seen before and not after you put it down," cried almost Manganelli.
"Come, now you're exaggerating."
"Commissioner, but that does not understand ...."
"I would like to see you at his age."
"Meanwhile, we gotta go."
"Me too. Thank you, Mr. Quinto. Before leaving, leaving its general ... ".
"Think you, Manganelli. The
body of the man that the documents turned out to be Luigi Ermini, seventies, living on a Sant'Angelo number 5, was lying in front of the bench with his face aimed toward the ground. The inspector turned and laid bare his face crumpled grass with a red trickle from the nose. Apparently due to the blow had fallen some small open wound. Apart from this particular no signs of violence.
"Death took him suddenly. On one hand, blessed him ... "Manganelli said
" On the other lucky you now that you come to hasty conclusions. Pick up that piece of paper that seems to wrap a candy and ... and .... "
“Che cosa le prende, commissario?”.
“E…apri la sua mano destra che…”.
“Ha paura che contenga qualcosa?”.
“Lo temo proprio”.
“Ecco fatto. Diciamo che lei è un buon veggente. Glielo dico?”.
“Nella sua mano destra ho trovato una pedina, o meglio, un pedone nero degli scacchi, commissario”.
Non riferisco i miei commenti per pudore nei vostri confronti. Dico solo che feci arrossire perfino Manganelli. Dall’esame dell’involucro i miei esperti della scientifica arrivarono alla conclusione che esso contenesse una caramella la quale, a sua volta, conteneva un estratto Faithless-Mastellari of the terrible.
"Faithless-Mastellari? But what's that? "I asked this time to our esteemed Serbelloni.
"It 'a poisonous plant that is grown mainly in the south of our country. It affects the right or left side of the heart. "
"So at will?".
"Like the best returns. Death is almost instantaneous. "
"I've never heard of."
"plants are new, modern, but terribly lethal."
And that was all in the sense that this time we can not even get a spider hole. But it did not end there. Been more or less two weeks, here's another tile head. This time I was in my office, I remember it well, but at home because it was Sunday. Among other things, I proposed to read something funny that I pulled a bit 'on the moral, but my research was being done in vain. Humorous in the sense that no work could be to a higher level of my tragic mood. Manganelli's call to further accentuate the difference.
"Boss ...".
"How many times have I told you not to call again. And then you remember that on Sunday .... "
"Excuse me, sir, but ... but ...."
"Do not tell me that in addition to your brain has enchanted the language well, although to think of it would not be a great loss. "
"I understand his mood and that is why I try in every way to be polite."
"A Mangan, if you do that your grace is worse than a vaffan ....".
"I understand, sir."
'E' was found dead. "
"And where, if I may ask?".
"the cinema".
"Even the dead have a right to their pastime."
"I see you took it well."
"Fine. If they were the two would hold even better. "
"So its not hard but a slight irony, sarcasm ... fierce."
"Tell me a good incazzatura, if the term does not effect you."
"In the way as ...".
"The dead man was found at the Luxor cinema."
"I'll be there in a minute and it will be good to have you too."
got to the cinema there was almost no one. What seemed strange to me, but shortly afterwards I realized the reason the type of films that were projected. I found Manganelli already in place.
"I'm already there, you see."
"I see you, see you. So, you know what has happened? ".
"I think so, because now I do. At the end of the first half of the film. He wants to know the title? ".
"What interests me want the title, Manganelli. Go to the point, no beating around the bush. "
"At the end of the first half of the movie ...."
"I've already said."
"... When lock lights in the room a gentleman of a certain age has launched a scream. The few regulars .... " The glanced decided.
"... I mean the ones that usually come to see this kind of film ...."
"Do not be racist. Today they are all the movies. "
"Maybe with their wives and children. "
"With their wives and children."
"I wish to see ... to see ...."
"To see what, Manganelli. Today I do the longer Serbelloni rines and put together. To see what? ".
"... To see" The Advocate Club 2 "." I was stone, the club had actually hit me, but I would not give it won.
"But I figured with what's out there now what do you want to be the ...
" The ran .... "
"... that guy ... Anyway ... De gustibus ... never mind."
"De what? ".
"Never mind Manganelli, ... Instead there are still those who discovered the corpse?". My right arm he nodded his head.
"Well, let's hear what he has to say." The "discoverer" was a strange guy from the thick glasses and ill-shaven face. Also gave off a smell that was at odds with the scent.
"It 's what she has noticed the corpse?".
"Yes, I am."
"Tell us what happened."
"had just finished the first time a film to be honest ...."
"Forget the movie that I already imagine how sia”.
“Dunque si erano accese le luci, quando io mi alzo un po’ per sgranchirmi e girandomi butto lo sguardo su una persona alle mie spalle. E incomincio a gridare”.
“E perché?”.
“Ma perché, perché…lo può vedere anche lei…”.
Vedendolo anche io riuscii a capire la ragione dell’urlo. Il disgraziato era un tal Ferdinando Falugi di sessanta anni, pensionato, abitante in via dei Pellai 3. Era seduto sulla poltrona con le braccia allargate e il viso leggermente rialzato verso l’alto. Quello che mi colpì era l’espressione terrorizzata ed i due occhi che quasi erano usciti dalle loro orbite.
“Un bella vista, non bad. Possible that the effect of the film? "Manganelli said. It was not the effect of the film but, as explained to us later than usual Serbelloni of Larussitia-horribilis, another poisonous plant, which had sent Falugi other world of the eighteen-thirty and the nineteenth, by a piece of candy whose wrapper was found at the foot of it.
"Once candy?".
"Unfortunately, again."
"But are we sure?". The Serbelloni not answer, but blushed slightly.
"I was just saying. And this time, what is the effect of this Larussa ...? ".
"Of that there."
"It affects the optic nerve and causes a nervous breakdown."
"As if you could see the devil himself?".
"More or less, or maybe more."
Rutenberg, Mastellari, larussitia ... but ... but these Latinized names derive from our politicians. Or am I wrong? ".
"not wrong".
"But why this choice was so unusual?".
"Why do these names give the very idea of \u200b\u200bthe effects that can cause the poisons."
"Porc ... the explanation is flawless."
None of the regulars, in the words of Manganelli, who were present at the screening, but failed to provide a poor indication of the person who, somehow, had approached the poor Falugi. The fact, then, that he had found a white horse in his left hand tight, except for acute diarrhea to myself, did not provide any help to the investigation.
Fabio Lotti


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