Thursday, October 30, 2008

Small Little Red Spots On My Tounge

Scuola/ Li Chiamavano Fascisti

Leggo preoccupazione e sorpresa in molti giornali e blog italiani a proposito dell’ascesa del movimento studentesco di destra, il Blocco Studentesco. L’usuale accostamento al Ventennio, the label and the ever squads "are all neo-fascists." Sometimes without the "neo".

Ten years ago, Berlusconi began to call their political opponents "communists", that label no longer removed. Over the past two years, even most of the left has learned the same play. I remember in municipal elections last April, more than one family member asked me if I could never vote "Alemanno as a fascist."

Perhaps we need a clarification. I was born in '84 and like all young people under 25 grew up in the era of Berlusconi's TV. Ideological age that would be a mistake, because ne è l’esatto contrario. Sono gli anni del disinteresse, del ritorno al personalismo, della sfiducia nel futuro come conseguenza della sfiducia nella società. Sono anche anni in cui la memoria storica, nei giovani e giovanissimi, è diventata sempre più evanescente, se non assente. Sono anni semmai orwelliani, in cui non sapere, fregarsene e dire “fanno tutti schifo” non ha più lo stigma del qualunquismo, ma è pensiero se non comune, “figo”.

Certo, anche a me fa uno strano effetto scoprire che tantissime occupazioni nei licei romani le hanno fatte i ragazzi del Blocco. Alla fine dei ’90 le occupazioni di sinistra si fecero sempre più rare (e duole dirlo, velleitarie). In most schools the political apathy reigned. Today there is a return to action, but from the right.

In this video, is contained all the detachment of the Italian left the company to which reference should be made. Block shouting "we are all students", the left attacks them "fascists." In a situation where the public school is in danger, we must be allies, not adversaries. It 'obvious that the block receives the most consensus.

If there is one positive note in the generation of '90 is that the indifference hatching in itself also pragmatism. Block especially like it because it speaks of real things, such as solar panels on the roofs of schools, more exercise, more funding for school laboratories. A real trade unionism, long forgotten by the Left, that when a school employs, at best organize the workshop on Kurdistan. It 's true we all have fun with collective retrospective on Stanley Kubrick. But you can not live on the income of an '68 now 40 years away. Block
These guys also had truncheons, often do the salute and rescued Mussolini's imagination. Well, I would say a young man raised on bread and MTV, T-shirts of Che's beard or that of Marx, the Red Flag and the fist "I do not know 'the same thing, What was that? ".

If we do not want to hand over more generations of young people in the new right, I suggest you stop referring uncritically "fascists" or "danger to democracy." Started to attack the real problems. How many results take home, whether they are effective in their struggles. If we are the most effective. Non-ideological age matter the facts, the past is "without appeal". If we can be more concrete for them, their apparatus of nostalgia, choruses, and "ultraviolence" will simply be ridiculed as "stupid smoke without fire."

The problem is that the ridiculous that mark aged posts and no substance, now we are. Perhaps to understand and combat our new adversaries, should include "A Clockwork Orange." This time, during projection, without smoke the pipes or intrigue.


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