Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Difference Between A Hemmorhoid And A Fistula

Tuesday, December 9, 2008
How Many Gallons Of Gas Does A Saturn Ion Hold
Abbiamo bisogno di fonti alternative di energia. Ma le centrali eoliche deturpano i paesaggi! E che se ne fa di tutte le ville in Toscana?
Abbiamo bisogno di nuovi gassificatori. Ma, per carità, lontano dalla mia spiaggia: Not In My Backyard! Perched
preoccuparsi? Facciamo tutto in Albania!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Scheme For Fix Deposit Of Bajaj Allianz
Why time passes
stares us and then we break?
why you stay with me?
why you go away?
why life
and boats on the water that will have wings?
why airplanes fly
much higher than the birds?
why the stars are they hanging up there?
why the sky is it so high?
then why?
And another day goes
turns and turns and does not stop
and another day goes by in this small life
I would not die of boredom
Watch the wind takes it all, there
even more beautiful
and smiles and children with small
why even the clouds
not want to stay here?
if I were them I would walk fast
I would not save
Perché il tempo che passed
it fissa e poi con insistenza it Spezza? Perched
non resti con me? Perché vai
you do?
Perché la vita e che Vanno the barche
sull'acqua, hanno the food? Perché gli aerei
spiccano il volo molto più
in alto che gli uccelli?
Perché le stelle
sono sospese lassù?
Perché il cielo è così alto?
Perché allora?
E un altro giorno se ne va
gira e gira e non si ferma
e un altro giorno se ne va,
in questa piccola vita
vorrei non morire di afflizione.
Guarda il vento porta via tutto,
anche quel che c'è di più bello
e i sorrisi e i bambini
con le barchette di carta
Perché perfino
le nuvole non vogliono restare qui?
Se fossi in loro, camminerei svelto
non farei economie.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Anthem Outlet Shuttle Phoenix
Due uomini urlano concitatamente, una donna cerca di trattenere il suo fidanzato dall'alzare le mani. Dei vasi rotti e della terra sul pavimento della Coop.
La situazione precipita. La fiorista Coop non sa bene che fare, muovendo passi incerti verso l'uno e verso l'altro.
E mentre la direzione adotta non chiari provvedimenti di emergenza gridandoli all'altoparlante, ecco la strategia di difesa della neutrale Confederazione svizzera.
Le cassiere non battono più alla cassa, le mamme si bloccano e i bambini che piangono si azzittiscono dentro i carrelli. Tutti quanti si dispongono in cerchio intorno ai litiganti a osservare la scena, passanti curiosi sbirciano dalla porta scorrevole all'uscita, cautamente, senza entrare.
Tutto si congela ma non si tratta di un flash mob.
Two human beings and the Swiss fighting instincts of survival, those typical of lemurs and other small rodents, take over. All property, look no act or speak, studying the situation, like so many frightened rabbits. The best tactic in the face of grizzly bears and other predators, is to play dead.
days ago, by tram, the same scene. Two boys drunk, scream a bit 'between them. It creates a vacuum around. The crowd on two wings, a 5-meter radius from the epicenter, you have inside the car as a cap to stem the confusion. Curious, alert. Swiss simply incredulous that peace has been violated.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Plaster Of Paris Suppliers
Class: Birds
"spend the night among the culms de 'beans, they sleep in October in the plowed fields, the first glow of dawn rising the wakes, their Testiccioli out from under the wing covering it, they shake their feathers ruffled, they call each other and nearby companions say ' ( Ghidini )
Click the images played in Valbisagno (Genoa - Italy) in November 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
What Information Can A Telescope Collect

In the second battle for the world title in 1969 our Boris, even stronger than before (remember that he got rid of the pretenders to the throne of the likes of Geller, Larsen and Kortchnoi) even able to analyze and understand the psychology of his opponent's behavior during games: "In 1966 I find it hard to understand the state of mind Petrosian's, but in 1969 I could understand his every move. Everyone knows that among many other players make a move a few steps around the table: when Petrosian was afraid of me, for example, walking up and down with proud and haughty air, like Napoleon, but when instead walked quietly, I knew that at that time was very dangerous: it was like a tiger who was crouching, ready to attack. For me it was important information. "(" The word to world champions "by Yakov Estrin, Prisma, Rome 1993, pag.145). It is not a walk because our Tigran has always been a rock but the score 0:30 at half past ten leaves no doubt. And 'at the height of success, his play "universal" praised by all. They come like pearls its stunning victory over Larsen in Belgrade in 1970 and, in the same year in Siegen, the one against Fischer . Already Fischer. How did it go in 1972 in the cold Iceland everybody knows that. It 's been said and repeated often misrepresent myself and also sang his paean in honor of the great Bobby in a previous "profile" dedicated to him. They sit in front of the Hero el'Antieroe for excellence, democratic, open and free America against the closed, dull, oppressive Soviet Union. 're Welcome to delight all fans squared of this world and mass media fanfare to sound more high-sounding chorus of Aida. A real global success for chess ace and the American is crowned with twelve and a half points to eight and a half as was predicted by the American Byrne! Spassky does its part and can not do better against a fury the prime of his life energy. The "Challenge of the Century", reported by Mario Monticelli in a book by the glowing red cover of Murcia, has crowned its king Beautiful, elegant, arrogant. That will not keep its promises.
Spassky, however, does not give up and in the first qualifying match for the candidacy for the world title held in San Juan is completely demolishes the American Byrne (yes, one of the fatal prophecy!) With a score of +3 = 3-0, and begins very well against the young Karpov defeated by a beautiful Sicilian. That is also the last, because Karpov after repeatedly adopts tough Caro Kann, challenged his illustrious opponent. The contest ends quickly with a dry +4 = 6-1 which does not allow.
From this moment life is normal chess with Spassky typical of that of many other great masters victory surrounded by some pretty poor performance, and I do not even want to dwell on the pathetic revenge played with Fischer in 1992 (reference, if anything, the curiosity of reader to the book "Twenty years after Fischer-Spassky" Pein, Levitt Davies and published by Prisma). Not worth it. It is worthwhile, however, emphasize the genuine and sincere personality of this standard "anti-hero", his instinctive sympathy, his intellectual curiosity, ranging from art to literature, his innate courtesy. Her open smile in person perbene. Della quale, credetemi, c’è tanto bisogno.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Olive Oil And Kidney Stones

in 1892 reached its first major success in a small but strong tournament in London, where he arrived with the first half points behind Blackburn. Lasker then played a second match against Blackbourne and his uncontested victory convinced him of the chance of becoming world champion. He then challenged Tarrasch, but the invitation was declined, because the professor had not yet won a major tournament.
Lasker went to the U.S. to challenge for the world title Steinitz, divenne Campione del Mondo di scacchi all'età di 25 anni a Montreal e fu capace di mantenere quel titolo per 27 anni, il periodo più lungo di un campione mondiale di scacchi ufficialmente riconosciuto. Comunque, ci sono alcuni dubbi su chi fosse il miglior giocatore. L'opinione generale era che Steinitz, all'età di 58 anni, perse a causa della sua avanzata età e della sua insonnia. Tarrash disse: "Secondo me il match Steinitz - Lasker ha avuto un'importanza maggiore rispetto a quel che si meritava." Il fatto che Lasker non abbia vinto un importante torneo, prima dell'incontro contro Steinitz, non gli ha permesso di proclamarsi Campione del Mondo facilmente. Tarrash, che aveva avuto il miglior risultato nei tornei, richiese un titolo separato. A new league began in 1895 and Hasting is believed that the winner would have been Lasker, Tarrasch and Steinitz. Surprisingly, the leader was Harry Nelson Pillsbury, an American player, which further complicated the issue for the award of the title, so later the five best players of Hastings (Pillsbury, Tchigorin, Lasker, Tarrasch and Steinitz) were invited to an exclusive tournament St. Petersburg, Tarrasch but unfortunately could not accept an invitation to a professional commitment. In St. Petersburg
Lasker won by two points ahead of Steinitz, who reached the second place. To further confirm the result, in the world championship in Moscow against the 1896 Lasker Steinitz won with a score of 12.5 - 4.5, the great achievement of Lasker never again left no doubt about the new holder of the title of world chess.
Lasker has always demanded a large sum for his presence in the match, as he witnessed the poverty stricken conditions of Steinitz and other players, so he wanted the best conditions for future chess players. Also proposed that each player would hold the copyright on the disputed lots. However, despite his efforts, he died in poverty.
In early 1920, began grueling negotiations between Lasker and José Raúl Capablanca to arrange the meeting valid for the world title. In the end, got a $ 11,000 engagement of the fifty-Lasker agreed to play in Havana on a maximum of 24 matches, the tournament began March 15, 1921 but took only 14 games to end: April 27 Lasker lost the title of world champion, abandoned the match after four defeats and 10 draws, complaining of health problems.
Lasker did not want to make chess his main business, even during the best years he continued his studies in mathematics and philosophy, discussed with Albert Einstein's theory of relavitivà. After the World Cup Lasker returned to work in the academy and playing bridge at the international level. In 1933, because of the fascist regime was forced to leave Germany without money, so that in 1934, age 65, he returned in the scenario and again proved a good chess game. Eventually he moved permanently to New York, where he died on 11 January 1941 for a kidney disease at the age of 72 years.
Freemilk Movie Stream

He started in politics in the United Christian Democrats of Rocco Buttiglione, the second when raccontanto by the former Minister Mastella was to convince him to move nell'UDEUR, regional secretary of the party nominating . Villari, after it has become a regional councilor, then passed with rutelliani and proposed himself as the head of Margherita in Campania but was defeated by Ciriaco De Mita, which, however, impressed by his rival, the proposed unsuccessfully as a candidate for mayor of Naples.
Riccardo Villari was elected to the House after the elections of 2001 in single-member constituency of Pomigliano D'Arco, confirmed his seat even after five years in the district with lists of the Olive Campania 1. Moves to the Senate in 2008, candidates with the Democratic Party in the Campania region.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
My Refridgerater Is Making Moaning Noises
Tra una festa per Obbbama e una bega interna, una lotta sulla RAI e il solito nulla cosmico, forse gli intelligentissimi vertici del PD, nel tepore del loro loft, potrebbero imparare un paio di cose dai loro colleghi americani. Certo, non è divertente come tradurre uno slogan in "se po' ffà".
Per chi per anni ha creduto nel partito leggero e virtuale, la vittoria dei Democratici dev’essere un brusco risveglio. Gli USA sono simili all’Italia per il fatto che in entrambi i Paesi, la sinistra è una minoranza strutturale. La crisi dell’economia e di Bush non sarebbe stata sufficiente a chiudere il gap di consensi. Obama non ha vinto soltanto nella sua Tosco-Emilia-Romagna, ma ha saputo conquistare anche territori ostili come Virginia, North Carolina, Indiana che sono conservatori all’incirca come i nostri Piemonte (non-Torino) e Veneto.
I Democrats sono, è vero, un partito leggero. Ma la campagna elettorale, per le primarie (vere) e le presidenziali, impone ai partiti di assumere una forte presenza sul territorio per circa due anni. La struttura degli Obamisti è stata formidabile e meticolosa, per partecipazione e strategia. Volontari dal Texas e dalla California venivano spediti regolarmente in Stati incerti come Ohio e Nevada.
Per capire questo, in realtà, bastava studiare i risultati della nostra Lega Nord, abile a farsi percepire presente working classes in the North. Now, after Obama, there is no excuse for the PD.
Because your message is credible news, not just rhetoric, you know Walter? In Italy we do not have a racial issue, then dyed black skin will not help you. Even as "having more women," if this time does not count for anything. The Italians are so disillusioned with politics that takes two things to be credible for a party to appear as new. A rejuvenation of the leadership and a clear line of action, ie no internal bickering.
The change of Obama, of course, is largest of its color. It 'also the promise of a less contentious and less political dynasty, and after twenty years of bushistas clintonistas. In America in particular meaning to talk again in purchasing power, in the form of "laugh impetus to the American dream." So, an emotional component, but strongly linked to concrete problems experienced by people every day.
In Italy, the PD has so far not promised nor a specific policy, nor the end of political dynasties. There remained only a dream of Walter inform us all best. But obviously this is not enough to anyone.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
What Size Rusty Pirhanna
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Shimano Saint Bmx Cranks

The skull is oval between the ears, with well marked occipital protuberance.
neck well muscled and lean, slightly arched in the middle superior conjunction with the head clearly marked, attached ears down, eyes big, bright, sweet, expressive and intelligent position semilateral color dark brown as possible, the eyebrow arch is clearly separated from the forehead, eyelids tightly fitting the eyeball, the border color brown or black.
TAIL big and strong at its root is decreasing towards the tip, of medium length, slightly curved or scimitar.
The limbs are solid and with good musculature. The back is short and horizontal, kidney broad, slightly arched, strong and muscular. Hair fine silky
stretched about 5 / 6 cm, smooth on the head with the exception of the far side of the pavilion ears, and sides of the forearm, tarsus and metatarsus.
The trunk is in the rectangle.
white coat and black (blue belton), orange white (lemon belton) brown white (liver belton) tricolor (white with black markings), the ticks can be more or less numerous and smaller and larger spots, skin thin and close to the body in each region.
Gait in hunting gallop (spigliato) elegant and fast, but not violent. Wearing of head and nose up, but not consistently and hard.
Fermator solid attitude al recupero e riporto.
Sempre attivo e vigoroso
Taglia: 56-62 cm al garrese il maschio; 54-60 la femmina.
Peso da 20 a 30 kg.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Firsttimeauditions Hannah
Il suo nome è in realtà "callistemon speciosus", ma a me piace chiamarlo piumetto rosso per i suoi rossi pennacchi che fioriscono alla sommità dei rami.
Pictures taken at Bargo (Valbisagno-Genoa) mt.750slm
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Beautiful Agony Vidéos
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Small Little Red Spots On My Tounge
Ten years ago, Berlusconi began to call their political opponents "communists", that label no longer removed. Over the past two years, even most of the left has learned the same play. I remember in municipal elections last April, more than one family member asked me if I could never vote "Alemanno as a fascist."
Perhaps we need a clarification. I was born in '84 and like all young people under 25 grew up in the era of Berlusconi's TV. Ideological age that would be a mistake, because ne è l’esatto contrario. Sono gli anni del disinteresse, del ritorno al personalismo, della sfiducia nel futuro come conseguenza della sfiducia nella società. Sono anche anni in cui la memoria storica, nei giovani e giovanissimi, è diventata sempre più evanescente, se non assente. Sono anni semmai orwelliani, in cui non sapere, fregarsene e dire “fanno tutti schifo” non ha più lo stigma del qualunquismo, ma è pensiero se non comune, “figo”.
Certo, anche a me fa uno strano effetto scoprire che tantissime occupazioni nei licei romani le hanno fatte i ragazzi del Blocco. Alla fine dei ’90 le occupazioni di sinistra si fecero sempre più rare (e duole dirlo, velleitarie). In most schools the political apathy reigned. Today there is a return to action, but from the right.
In this video, is contained all the detachment of the Italian left the company to which reference should be made. Block shouting "we are all students", the left attacks them "fascists." In a situation where the public school is in danger, we must be allies, not adversaries. It 'obvious that the block receives the most consensus.
If there is one positive note in the generation of '90 is that the indifference hatching in itself also pragmatism. Block especially like it because it speaks of real things, such as solar panels on the roofs of schools, more exercise, more funding for school laboratories. A real trade unionism, long forgotten by the Left, that when a school employs, at best organize the workshop on Kurdistan. It 's true we all have fun with collective retrospective on Stanley Kubrick. But you can not live on the income of an '68 now 40 years away. Block
These guys also had truncheons, often do the salute and rescued Mussolini's imagination. Well, I would say a young man raised on bread and MTV, T-shirts of Che's beard or that of Marx, the Red Flag and the fist "I do not know 'the same thing, What was that? ".
If we do not want to hand over more generations of young people in the new right, I suggest you stop referring uncritically "fascists" or "danger to democracy." Started to attack the real problems. How many results take home, whether they are effective in their struggles. If we are the most effective. Non-ideological age matter the facts, the past is "without appeal". If we can be more concrete for them, their apparatus of nostalgia, choruses, and "ultraviolence" will simply be ridiculed as "stupid smoke without fire."
The problem is that the ridiculous that mark aged posts and no substance, now we are. Perhaps to understand and combat our new adversaries, should include "A Clockwork Orange." This time, during projection, without smoke the pipes or intrigue.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Background Of Student Part Time Job
13:48 Berlusconi, bring debt below 100%
"I agree with Economy Minister Giulio Tremonti, to be truly present to us as soon as we bring the debt below 100%. Keep in mind that in other countries, the debt / GDP is around 60%, "Berlusconi said, attend the meeting of Confcommercio. The premier also stressed that the situation of Italian public debt has an impact "not only with regard to interest rates, but also with regard to the submission's image abroad and this applies also to the made in Italy and reports political "
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Yoshinoya Kuala Lumpur
The Rumanian government invests education.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Hanging Rails For Punch Bags
Non è la prima volta che mi pongo questa domanda. Poi leggo questo.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Funny Wedding Cards And Wordings On Cards
I was in the office with Manganelli, I think on Friday of the month of ... ... .. can not remember, to interrogate a group of boys from fifteen to twenty years had been surprised to burn cars in the area of \u200b\u200bSan Prospero my city. A hobby, like throwing rocks from overpass, which was then so fashionable in our country.
"Who among you is the ringleader?". Delinquentelli I looked at each other, pointing to a type-haired brush down and stocky who rose from his chair with a wry smile.
"It seems to me that you did not understand your attitude the seriousness of the situation. You then, you'd be the head of this gang? ". The ganzetto opened his hands in assent following it with a cheeky biascicatura of cilingomma.
"Well, well see you're a tough cookie. Meanwhile, throw away the trash MISUSE stuff you have in your mouth. " His tone brooked no replies. The ringleader smiled, gave a look to its members, then took the rubber out of his mouth, put it between the thumb and index finger and threw it directly into the trash centering it in full. Then he swung jaunty hips.
"Nice shot. How nice it was to burn cars. Only the former does not cost you anything, while the second will cost you a few year or so in prison. " Qualche ragazzaccio incominciò a sbiancare, mentre il capello a spazzola sorrise ancora, anche se in maniera meno convincente.
“Tuttavia prima di sbattervi tra le sbarre mi piacerebbe conoscere il motivo di questa bravata. Tu come ti chiami?”.
“Allora Franco, perché avete bruciato quelle macchine?”.
“Ma…non saprei, per passatempo, la sera ci si annoia, la solita vita, le solite cose. E poi lo avevano già fatto a Roma e a Parigi…”
“Certo, non era bello rimanere indietro. Siena non doveva essere da meno…”.
“Insomma, commissario, per provare qualche emozione”.
“Come times have changed! "intervened Manganelli that was watching them with eyes grim. "When I was young, to get a boost of adrenaline, I was going to steal cherries. Once the farmer caught me and gave me one of those bursts of wood .... "
"Batons! Do you think it's time to tell your stunts? Here we are faced with a serious, serious .... "
'It is true, sir. But I say, guys, do not you realize? ". The words of my right arm fell on deaf ears because just then knocked insistently at the door.
"Commissioner, excuse me for interrupting you, but in the gardens Vico Alto was found a corpse. "
The news struck me like a Tyson punch to the groin. Not passed out by the will of the gods and the readiness of the reflections of Manganelli, despite the fatness, was ready to catch me. We went to the place referred to leaving the gang of thugs in the custody of Pasquini. We arrived in that area sirens wailing as he wanted to be my savior. On the other hand every now and then you had to give him satisfaction. And perhaps if the occasion deserved. To expect there was already a nice crowd of curious people surrounding a bench next to a gentleman who was on the ground. When we arrived all they turned toward us.
"Make way! Let pass the police, "cried hotly face with blackjacks. Then, turning to the three other subject that had come with us, "Keep people away, send it on. We do not want anyone around. "
"Who discovered the corpse?".
"Manganelli, I see you lively and perky, and what does you credit. Remember, however, that there are too ".
"Excuse me, sir, I'd let you take ...."
"Do not be taken. Calm and cool. So who discovered the corpse? ". An old man came forward with glasses and face utter that of a Galapagos tortoise.
"I" replied weakly, making a little 'red with emotion. "I approached this bench where he sat ... that man was sitting ... Excuse me ..."
"I Commissioner Mark Tanzini, do not worry, I understand your agitation. Talk calmly. Take all the time they want. "
"You know, I'm old and ...".
"The commissioner said he understands, Mr. ...?" Manganelli said.
"My name is Carlesi Fifth."
"Well, go ahead."
"... So I approached the bench where the gentleman seemed to be asleep folded back on itself. I sat down next to him. Then, as soon as I touched the arm, fell stretched forward. As I had a sinking heart, sir. I got a fear .... "
"I understand, I understand ...."
"The heart began to beat faster, sir, you understand me ... at this age ...."
"The commissioner has already said he understands" Manganelli intervened in a tone a bit 'altered.
"Manganelli, let it be ...."
"Let it go, but insists this ...."
"It 's an old man. A little 'understanding, on. Listen, Mr. Quinto, by chance someone has seen before she sat on this bench, or otherwise someone to talk to ... so with what was then dropped? ".
"No, I do not think."
"We think about it."
"The commissioner asked if anyone has seen before and not after you put it down," cried almost Manganelli.
"Come, now you're exaggerating."
"Commissioner, but that does not understand ...."
"I would like to see you at his age."
"Meanwhile, we gotta go."
"Me too. Thank you, Mr. Quinto. Before leaving, leaving its general ... ".
"Think you, Manganelli. The
body of the man that the documents turned out to be Luigi Ermini, seventies, living on a Sant'Angelo number 5, was lying in front of the bench with his face aimed toward the ground. The inspector turned and laid bare his face crumpled grass with a red trickle from the nose. Apparently due to the blow had fallen some small open wound. Apart from this particular no signs of violence.
"Death took him suddenly. On one hand, blessed him ... "Manganelli said
" On the other lucky you now that you come to hasty conclusions. Pick up that piece of paper that seems to wrap a candy and ... and .... "
“Che cosa le prende, commissario?”.
“E…apri la sua mano destra che…”.
“Ha paura che contenga qualcosa?”.
“Lo temo proprio”.
“Ecco fatto. Diciamo che lei è un buon veggente. Glielo dico?”.
“Nella sua mano destra ho trovato una pedina, o meglio, un pedone nero degli scacchi, commissario”.
Non riferisco i miei commenti per pudore nei vostri confronti. Dico solo che feci arrossire perfino Manganelli. Dall’esame dell’involucro i miei esperti della scientifica arrivarono alla conclusione che esso contenesse una caramella la quale, a sua volta, conteneva un estratto Faithless-Mastellari of the terrible.
"Faithless-Mastellari? But what's that? "I asked this time to our esteemed Serbelloni.
"It 'a poisonous plant that is grown mainly in the south of our country. It affects the right or left side of the heart. "
"So at will?".
"Like the best returns. Death is almost instantaneous. "
"I've never heard of."
"plants are new, modern, but terribly lethal."
And that was all in the sense that this time we can not even get a spider hole. But it did not end there. Been more or less two weeks, here's another tile head. This time I was in my office, I remember it well, but at home because it was Sunday. Among other things, I proposed to read something funny that I pulled a bit 'on the moral, but my research was being done in vain. Humorous in the sense that no work could be to a higher level of my tragic mood. Manganelli's call to further accentuate the difference.
"Boss ...".
"How many times have I told you not to call again. And then you remember that on Sunday .... "
"Excuse me, sir, but ... but ...."
"Do not tell me that in addition to your brain has enchanted the language well, although to think of it would not be a great loss. "
"I understand his mood and that is why I try in every way to be polite."
"A Mangan, if you do that your grace is worse than a vaffan ....".
"I understand, sir."
'E' was found dead. "
"And where, if I may ask?".
"the cinema".
"Even the dead have a right to their pastime."
"I see you took it well."
"Fine. If they were the two would hold even better. "
"So its not hard but a slight irony, sarcasm ... fierce."
"Tell me a good incazzatura, if the term does not effect you."
"In the way as ...".
"The dead man was found at the Luxor cinema."
"I'll be there in a minute and it will be good to have you too."
got to the cinema there was almost no one. What seemed strange to me, but shortly afterwards I realized the reason the type of films that were projected. I found Manganelli already in place.
"I'm already there, you see."
"I see you, see you. So, you know what has happened? ".
"I think so, because now I do. At the end of the first half of the film. He wants to know the title? ".
"What interests me want the title, Manganelli. Go to the point, no beating around the bush. "
"At the end of the first half of the movie ...."
"I've already said."
"... When lock lights in the room a gentleman of a certain age has launched a scream. The few regulars .... " The glanced decided.
"... I mean the ones that usually come to see this kind of film ...."
"Do not be racist. Today they are all the movies. "
"Maybe with their wives and children. "
"With their wives and children."
"I wish to see ... to see ...."
"To see what, Manganelli. Today I do the longer Serbelloni rines and put together. To see what? ".
"... To see" The Advocate Club 2 "." I was stone, the club had actually hit me, but I would not give it won.
"But I figured with what's out there now what do you want to be the ...
" The ran .... "
"... that guy ... Anyway ... De gustibus ... never mind."
"De what? ".
"Never mind Manganelli, ... Instead there are still those who discovered the corpse?". My right arm he nodded his head.
"Well, let's hear what he has to say." The "discoverer" was a strange guy from the thick glasses and ill-shaven face. Also gave off a smell that was at odds with the scent.
"It 's what she has noticed the corpse?".
"Yes, I am."
"Tell us what happened."
"had just finished the first time a film to be honest ...."
"Forget the movie that I already imagine how sia”.
“Dunque si erano accese le luci, quando io mi alzo un po’ per sgranchirmi e girandomi butto lo sguardo su una persona alle mie spalle. E incomincio a gridare”.
“E perché?”.
“Ma perché, perché…lo può vedere anche lei…”.
Vedendolo anche io riuscii a capire la ragione dell’urlo. Il disgraziato era un tal Ferdinando Falugi di sessanta anni, pensionato, abitante in via dei Pellai 3. Era seduto sulla poltrona con le braccia allargate e il viso leggermente rialzato verso l’alto. Quello che mi colpì era l’espressione terrorizzata ed i due occhi che quasi erano usciti dalle loro orbite.
“Un bella vista, non bad. Possible that the effect of the film? "Manganelli said. It was not the effect of the film but, as explained to us later than usual Serbelloni of Larussitia-horribilis, another poisonous plant, which had sent Falugi other world of the eighteen-thirty and the nineteenth, by a piece of candy whose wrapper was found at the foot of it.
"Once candy?".
"Unfortunately, again."
"But are we sure?". The Serbelloni not answer, but blushed slightly.
"I was just saying. And this time, what is the effect of this Larussa ...? ".
"Of that there."
"It affects the optic nerve and causes a nervous breakdown."
"As if you could see the devil himself?".
"More or less, or maybe more."
Rutenberg, Mastellari, larussitia ... but ... but these Latinized names derive from our politicians. Or am I wrong? ".
"not wrong".
"But why this choice was so unusual?".
"Why do these names give the very idea of \u200b\u200bthe effects that can cause the poisons."
"Porc ... the explanation is flawless."
None of the regulars, in the words of Manganelli, who were present at the screening, but failed to provide a poor indication of the person who, somehow, had approached the poor Falugi. The fact, then, that he had found a white horse in his left hand tight, except for acute diarrhea to myself, did not provide any help to the investigation.
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Friday, October 17, 2008
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The Highway 45 can be considered one of the major arteries of the hinterland of Genoa: the hill of salt Scoffera crosses Torriglia, Gorreto, Brass and result in flat to Bobbio in Piacenza. Along the first leg of his itinerary meet Bargagli and its surroundings. The name of the country comes from the mountain behind him: Cross Bragalla, mt.864slm. The oldest evidence of Bargo is situated in the words of the Bishop of Genoa Raperto in 916, when speaking with his cousins \u200b\u200bJohn and Michael said: "que posite sunt in finibus Bargalina. The country began its journey with the roads used by civilian travelers and merchants, it is testimony to the "Salt Road" towards Fontanabuona and Emilia. In the early '600, was part of Bargagli Podesteria Bisagno, and its lands began training more suited to the dictates of civil administrators who are assigned to communities inland from the Great Republic of Genoa. Bargo is the municipal authority invested in 1825, this given us back the documents. At the same time and to follow over the years, the rural area abound Bargaglina good pasture, agro-pastoral activity is carried out and products are wheat, potatoes, peas, chestnuts, corn, vegetables in general, grapes and other fruits. At that time operated the "market", as currently witnessed by the homonymous village. A mention should also follow the activities of different craftsmen: silk weavers, weavers, innkeepers, smiths, Barilari, carpenters, masons, shoemakers, etc.. It should also mention the quarries for the extraction of lime stone and slate. To date, the town of Bargo is composed of the following urban groups: Val Lentro find La Presa, Viganego, Terrusso and Cisiano. Then Traso and Maxey located at short distance from the viewpoint of St. Albert. The crops are now reduced to kitchen gardens for family use, beautiful nature, maybe a little neglected but still beautiful, the silence and the landscape are a valuable component of this ancient community.
Some numbers: Altitude 450m above sea level, over 2600 people, 16Kmq surface, distance from the center of Genoa: 20 km
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La ragione è in questo video .
La frase più bella: "Casal di Principe non è solo camorra, è anche la Madonna".
Friday, October 10, 2008
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(Pieris brassicae) Cabbage is the common name used to describe various species of white butterflies whose caterpillars feed on leaves of plants, in particular, are fond of those of the cabbage. This plant secretes a substance that attracts these butterflies. The cabbage butterfly deposits the eggs on the leaves, so that the larvae find food to eat. The foliage of plants infested by the larvae is toxic to animals. Across Europe and North America there are a dozen species of cabbage. the most damaging is the European species Pieris rapae. The butterfly with a wingspan of about 3 cm is white and pale yellow, the wings of the female have two black spots. Among the European species, Pieris brassicae is extremely common in gardens, fields and gardens of the Italian peninsula.